Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

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Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by ofonorow » Fri May 02, 2014 10:24 am

Dear Owen,
In December 2013 I was found to have high blood pressure ( some systolic readings above 200 but, over a week, mostly between
160 and 190 ) and high cholesterol ( total 9.2, HDL 2.24, LDL 6.09, ratio 3.62 ). My doctor put me on Amlodipine, 5mg. a day.But
I was keen to try to cure my atherosclerosis and have now been taking Cardio C three times a day for a month, gradually increasing
the amount and it's now about 12gm. a day. I feel much better, having more energy, and can now go up steep hills without having
to stop quite often. I am aged 74, slim and generally fit and do yoga. Today I saw my doctor for a review and was disappointed that
the cholesterol is not significantly down ( total 7.7 ) and the blood pressure, at 148 systolic, is still far higher than she would like.
And, to cap it all, being able to go easily up steep hills is neither here nor there as my condition is symptomless.
I have read your book Practicing Medicine Without A License and find it very convincing, but all the case histories seem to be about
'miracle cures' to very severely ill people; is Cardio C not for me, or maybe I'm too impatient: would you not expect results in a
month? I have two more tubs and intend to persevere.
Yours, Janet.

What is the problem/issue? I am not familiar with your units, but the total of 9.2 dropped to 7.7. Usually takes a while as the cholesterol that dissolves off the arteries has to be expelled. What is your Lp(a) cholesterol? (The really important number).

You are correct that if you do not have severe pain, it is hard to judge benefit, but you said you feel better, have more energy and can climb steeper hills. So the numbers scare you, but even the BP is down some. There are other nutrients, esp vitamin E and CoQ10 that could be important for you.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by Johnwen » Fri May 02, 2014 4:43 pm

First of all a 17% reduction in total cholesterol in one month is a BIG DROP!!!
An is outstanding considering she's talking amlodipine! A person with such high numbers as hers needs to be on a different CCB!
Amlodipine is a FIASMA and not the best route to try to correct high numbers but her doc is probably shooting for statins anyway!
Math Lesson!
To convert MMOL/L To MG/DL you multiply all but triglcerides by 38.67.
Example 9.2 = 9.2X38.67=355.764 or 356
For TRI's use 88.57
Ratio is HDL divided into TOTAL Cholesterol.

So her numbers are:
Total 356Mg/dL Then NOW 297 17% Reduction!!!
HDL 87 Mg/dL
LDL 235 Mg/Dl
Ratio is 4.09 Not 3.62???? Ideal Ratio Is 3.5!!!
So I agree with OWEN STAY THE COURSE But I will add have her doc pick another CCB for her. Nifidipine?????
Since she didn't give TRI's My guess is about 290Mg/dL or 3.28MMOL/L
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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by ofonorow » Tue May 06, 2014 7:04 am

Dear Owen,
Thank you and Dr. John Wench for your replies. I'd like to clarify the timings: my cholesterol was found to be high 4th Dec. '13. I started taking Amlodipine 10th Jan. and on 12th March it had gone down the 17% that Dr. Wench worked out. I began taking Cardio C. at the beginning of April, since when my cholesterol has not gone down and I understand from your mail why that may be.
So the drop was over 3 months, 2 of them on Amlodipine. I feel I should ask my doctor to change the CCB to something more effective but I just wanted to check that the above doesn't alter his advice. With many thanks for your time, Janet.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by Johnwen » Tue May 06, 2014 9:40 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by janet » Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:47 pm

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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by Johnwen » Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:10 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by exitium » Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:07 am

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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by janet » Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:47 am

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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by jimmylesante » Thu Jun 19, 2014 2:02 pm

Hi Janet
For your age i think you are in fantastic shape and had a great drop in total cholesterol.
Personally i'd drop the wheatgerm and flax and triple up on the oily fish. I'd also saturate with Magnesium, whether it be magnesium chloride,epsom salt baths etc. I'd also take Niacin. However Johnwen and Owen are far more experienced than i.
Try Holland and Barrett- they have a good 50%off cod liver omega oil and others.
Failing that perhaps lay off the cream teas and stop watching those RM's yomping past your house ;)

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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by davids1 » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:02 pm

Hi Janet,

For what it might be worth to you, [and in case it has not crossed your mind], as "grist for your mill," if it were me, I would definitely be ingesting a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid every day.

Just my viewpoint and "two cents worth,"

JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by janet » Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:20 pm

Cholesterol & Blood Pressure still high after over 7 months on Cardio C.
My blood pressure varies hugely, the latest three readings (at one sitting) being:
157/92 154/91 140/89. The only 'good' reading was 117/75 in May. I understand it should be below 120/80.
My cholesterol, having been coming down steadily till June (total 7.2, HDL 2.28, LDL 4.49)
is now: total 9.3, HDL 2.49, LDL 6.27, marginally higher than a year ago. Does this mean that
Cardio C is not right for me?
I also use an earthing sheet on my bed, take Diatomaceous Earth, Ubiquinol (Q10) and full
spectrum fish oil. Also the B.P. lowering drugs suggested by Jonwen and prescribed by my
doctor: Adalat(nifedipine) 30mg & Enalapril Maleate 2.5mg. We had an unusually sunny summer
but I had to keep my face out of the sunlight as my skin was very sensitive, going red and dry and
scaley; could this be a side effect of Enalapril Maleate? My doctor doesn't think it likely. She would like to up the dosage or
change to another drug to lower my B.P. further. Any suggestions would be very welcome.
With many thanks to all of you who have responded in the past, Janet Wellingham.

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Re: Cholesterol and BP still high after 1 month

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:32 am

Not trying to get in the way of a another response by johnwen, but you seem concerned about two problems. Continued high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol.

First, elevated cholesterol is a symptom. It is a "tool" you body uses to help rid itself of the underlying toxins or disease that is afflicting you. When you overcome that - say if it is heart disease - your cholesterol will lower "naturally." More vitamin C usually speeds this process. (However, some people have massive dental work emitting a flood of toxins, and the body will create more cholesterol in response in an effort to attach to the toxin and rid the body of it.)

Johnwen is an expert on high blood pressure and the drugs used to combat it, but here is what I think I know. A small narrowing of the artery can have an exponential effect increasing blood pressure. (So it is measured to give an indication of arterial narrowing). High blood pressure is a natural response to eminent stress, as the arteries can contract, constricting blood flow and raising blood pressure. So a better reading might be away from the doctors office! Another way that blood pressure can rise is if the arteries become calcified and harden. The ability the artery to expand or dilate is reduced, making any potential clot that much more dangerous. The way I have seen people with "hard" or "stiff" arteries deal with this condition successfully is by taking vitamin K, esp. K2. (And note many heart drugs counteract vitamin K - leading to rapid calcification of soft tissues.) So if you aren't already taking a good vitamin K (e.g. Super-K from LEF.ORG) you might start and let us know what happens. We know it can work within a year (decalcification) but would like to know if it can be done in less time.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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