Abnormal EKG - starting PT, Doc says it won't work

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Abnormal EKG - starting PT, Doc says it won't work

Post by ofonorow » Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:26 pm

I recently had an abnormal EKG that prompted a stress test, calcium score and a perfusion test. The doc says I am at moderate risk for coronary artery disease. I am 56 yrs old and am experiencing no symptoms. I refused his recommendation that I take a baby aspirin once a day. I knew right away I would order the cardio C because I had read about it up to a year ago. The doc could not contain himself when I told him what I was going to take. He said it won't work. I asked him if he knew everything? He replied No. I said you have not reasearched vit C so you can't know if it works.

I encouraged him to visit the website and he reluctantly replied he would. So I have ordered the cardio C but I have one question. The reading on your website leads me to believe that the plaque in my arteries will dissolve and become reduced in size depending on how much I take and for how long. Is that an accurate statement? Will it actually reverse the blockages and clean the arteries?
Thanks, Thomas

Thank you for this report. Interesting conversation with your doctor (and you would think they would be more than curious.)

I think you were wise regarding the aspirin (although high dose vitamin C can mitigate most of the side effects of aspirin.)

What were the results of the stress test and calcium score and perfusion test? How much vitamin C were you taking before this? It would also be helpful to know your total cholesterol and Lp(a) fraction.

In answer to your questions, yes, the Pauling-effect, if you will, is dosage dependent. It was Linus Pauling who first made the claim that vitamin C and lysine can reverse atherosclerosis. We have had the report time and time again.

As far as dosage, I have seen as little as 2500 mg of vitamin C and 2500 mg of lysine clear a 75% blockage in the carotid artery in one month (verified by surgery). I also believe that barring a mouth full of dental infections, usually 6000 mg of lysine and 10-12,000 mg of vitamin C is enough to eliminate symptoms and reverse the disease process in most people.

M.D. johnwen began relapsing, discovered that he was not taking enough vitamin C, and developed a formula/table (somewhat based on age and body weight) that helps calculate the minimum amount of vitamin C required to "treat" CVD. http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7593

If you have calcification - it will take longer, perhaps up to a year for the arteries to return to "normal." In this case, a high calcium score, you should add vitamin K to the protocol - e.g. LEF.ORG Super-K (1 per day).
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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