How do you control Lp(a) "naturally"?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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How do you control Lp(a) "naturally"?

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:22 am

Hello Owen,

I have been taking your product Cardio C for about 6 months or so. I have LP(a) and I heard about your product because I am interested in natural remedies for LP (a) I am trying to make certain that I am doing everything I can to bring down the number on my blood lab report. My questions are: Can you give me any additional insights as to how I can do this? Currently, I am taking one scooper full two times a day, before meals. My numbers went down when I added Niacin to my supplementation, but my liver numbers started to go up, and I really do not want to take the niacin if it affects me liver. However, when I stopped taking the niacin, my LP(a) went up several points.

Are there additional testimonials about Cardio C? Do you know of anything that will help me to bring down the numbers?

Also, is it possible to permanently disengage the gene? I am vegan, on a whole foods plant based diet, and I have practiced natural methods, which I would like to continue.

Thank you so much,


First question, how is and who is testing your Lp(a) and what are your numbers? (Many years back, the FDA allowed labs to "calculate" (rather than measure) Lp(a). In my opinion, these calculations are worthless.) The VAP tests from Atherotech are not only accurate, but they collect a great deal more information on Lp(a) than is currently reported, but your doctor can request all the information (that used to be in the VAP report).

I think reporting Lp(a) hurt Atherotech's business because regular doctors didn't know what it meant or how to treat it. For example, the smaller the Lp(a) particle, the more "atherogenic" it is, etc.

Second question, How much vitamin C have been taking and are taking. The two scoops you mention are 5 grams. While you may not require additional lysine or proline, some people may require twice as much (or more) vitamin C to keep the arteries strong so Lp(a) isn't required.

According to Linus Pauling/Matthias Rath, vitamin C is key.

If you have genetically (unusually) high Lp(a) then taking "Lp(a) binding inhibitors", vitamin C/lysine and proline are important to keep you arteries clear.

We wish this was being studied, but it isn't. From anecdotal reports and various research findings, it looks like vitamin C and lysine work about the same as B3 (niacin) to reduce Lp(a) blood levels about 30%. Proline is the factor that seems to bring Lp(a) down to the zero range.

I will post this at our forum anonymously. I await your answers about the Lp(a) testing you have, your previous and present vitamin C intake, and medications (especially statins, as they are known to INCREASE Lp(a))
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: How do you control Lp(a) "naturally"?

Post by blade » Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:02 am

I hate reading. I like answers
How do you control Lp(a) "naturally"? Take vitamin C/lysine and proline, niacin and aspirin
what more can you do to lower LpA?

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: How do you control Lp(a) "naturally"?

Post by eDOC » Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:43 pm

blade wrote:I hate reading. I like answers
How do you control Lp(a) "naturally"? Take vitamin C/lysine and proline, niacin and aspirin
what more can you do to lower LpA?

Natural... Lowering Stress lowers Lp(a).

Best Regards.
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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