On Cardio-C, worried about cholesterol numbers

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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On Cardio-C, worried about cholesterol numbers

Post by ofonorow » Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:56 am

Hello there,
I wanted to update you and hopefully figure things out. I have been on 1 scoop of cardio C for 8 months now. I had labs done last June or July? and then started on your recommended therapy. I was alarmed to see almost all my numbers worsened. My good cholesterol is still really good but it came down. I am so dissapointed and a bit nervous to say the least. I take 1 scoop everyday along with Vit K, Vit. D3, Selenium, Magnesium, Iodine drops (3) I also take progesterone and Armor thyroid. After my new labs came back I added niacin and good quality fish oil. I have been taking that for about 4 days.
Here is a break down how things changed

    6/14 4/15
    Total Cholesterol 285 292
    LDL-C 160 181
    HDL-C 123 101
    Triglycerides 93 63
    NON-HDL-C 162 190
    ApoB 124 149
    Lp(a) 145 158
    ApoA-1 279.9 180
    hs-CRP 2.2 4.2
    MPO 202 334
Diabetes test were all good
Lipid ratios are all optimal even with high cholesterol
Liver, etc test all optimal
Thyroid in range

Based on these numbers what do you think. I'm sure you are going to say I need to up dosage of Cardio C but how can even one dose not help somewhat? I didn't add this to the message boards as I didn't want to discourage any readers but I would love some feedback. I am almost out of my order and need to reorder but waiting to hear from you.

Thank you in advance for your help

First, no one should ever hesitate to post "bad numbers" or experience. This forum is virtually the only way we learn (together) about what happens on Pauling's therapy 8) Second, I would give up quite a bit right now to have your cholesterol numbers! (But that is another topic.)

First, I doubt these are all measured values - look for "Calc" on the report and let us know which of these are calculated (rather than actually measured.)

I suspect the Lp(a) is Calculated, and please provide the Lp(a) units and range on the report. Thanks!

And yes, from Pauling/Ginter, your total numbers (if mesaured) indicate that you require more vitamin C, but if no evidence of heart disease, then it could be regular vitamin C in addition to your "preventive" dosage of Cardio-C.

If that Lp(a), on the other hand, is measured and the units are ml/dl - then you need to be taking at least one more serving of Cardio-C (Lp(a) Binding Inhibitors.)

I look forward to your post with the Lp(a) answers.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: On Cardio-C, worried about cholesterol numbers

Post by ofonorow » Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:53 am

Result from Boston Heart

Lp(a) 158 High Risk

Range >50 mg/dl

Thank you for getting back to me

Range is strange. (Usually > 20 mg/dl is considered high?) Still like to know if Calc or measured. If that number is real you should be on at least 2 jars of a Pauling therapy formula.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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