My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by guitarplayer007 » Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:13 am

From 20 mg of Simvastatin to 5mg of Crestor....I'm so pissed with this cholesterol debate.... I read all these bad things about how lowing your cholesterol is actually bad. Dr. Rath tells you to stop taking statins............ I'm losing my fing mind. My LAD has a calcium score of 750
Then I've seen the studies on plant based diets reversing CVD in large studies. I watched videos on the Blue zones where people have virtually none of the chronic disease people on western diets have and they are basically plant based. this is very annoying . I'm 57 and don't want to have a heart attack, been taking 17000mg of vitamin C for the last 10 weeks. Dr. Rath states that it can take 6 months to stop Calcium progression, then hopefully you get some reversal.


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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by Johnwen » Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:43 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by hvc » Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:05 pm

Is that the case for red yeast rice as well?

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by Lunes Payling » Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:44 am

A statin is a statin - so yes to "red yeast rice."

With respect to Johnwen, a glaring exception, the people on this planet who know the least about the true nature of cardiovascular disease are cardiologists!

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by Alafairsmom » Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:21 am

Amen to that, Owen. I asked mine what his plan was to treat the underlying causes, and he said there are a lot of causes and most of them are out of control, so let's reroute the vasculature, put you on statins, and hope for the best. I suggested Let's not and say we did. Or, as Captain Barrasso said, I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request; means no!

I'm pulling for Team Pauling, and am decreasing inflammation and weight to the best of my ability. I appreciate your dedication to this forum and all it stands for. Keep up.tge great work.

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by ofonorow » Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:44 am

You first posted in March. Status? How is it going? Are you still on any drugs?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by Alafairsmom » Sat Aug 12, 2017 8:45 pm

I'm not sure if you were posting to me, Owen, but if you were, still on PT, not noticing any relief. I am only taking two prescriptions: Imdur (isosorbide mononitrite, long acting nitrate) and nitro sublingual. As I posted elsewhere, I had an MI early June. I follow Richard K Bernstein's diet but use no diet drinks or artificially sweetened foods including sugar free jello. No sugar, no sugar substitutes, no sweeteners. I still have angina several times every day, with minimal exertion. I let my cardiologist put me on a very low dose of metoprolol in the hospital, 12.5 mg twice a day. I had developed dysrhythmia on 50 mg twice a day several months ago and weaned off it so I was reluctant. Same as before I developed dysrhythmia almost at the same point, 2 weeks after starting it. He didn't believe me, but when I went in he did a portable telemetry reading and said, huh. That's a lot of PVCs. Yeah. It felt like an animal trying to fight its way out of my chest, and finally subsided 4 days after my last dose of metoprolol. Sheesh. I would not take the statins offered, and refuse Repatha. My Lp-a is <10. In the hospital I refused an angiogram because I'd have ended up with stents or a stroke or another MI, or dead.... My ejection fraction had not changed post MI. Still hanging in there, and am taking everything recommended in PMWAL. I did take serrapeptase and natto kinase for a month then had to cut back because I had severe diarrhea after taking it. Like within about 15-20 minutes. So, if you asked, thanks. If you didn't, TMI, sorry. I haven't been on the site lately.

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:18 am

I was, sorry to hear your aren't improving, and it is very surprising given what must be low blood sugar and doing everything right. I hope johnwen comments about the drugs. (At first glance, I assume the nitrates are to dilate you arteries providing more blood flow?)

Perhaps a safer alternative would be 3 grams of the amino acid arginine. Creates the NO molecule, which will also helps dilate the arteries.

You say you are doing everything in PMWAL. Does that include vitamin K and Coenzyme Q10? And vitamin E? Magnesium? (I would now add Pantethine at 2-3 grams with 500 mg carnitine to the list)

If the measured Lp(a) is that low, there may be some other structural reason for your "angina" - (rather than the usual blockages in coronary arteries which restrict blood flow in the heart's own circulatory system.) Personal anecdote. Before the series of medical adventures that led to the removal of part of my pancreas, I had severe chest pains in the hospital. So I was taken to cardiology and given a Thalium stress test which I passed with flying colors. Later during the pancreas surgery, they removed my gall bladder, because it was in poor shape and full of gall stones. No doubt the pain I had interpreted as "chest pain" near the heart was caused by the gall bladder. Johnwen would have infinitely more perspective of what may really be going on in your case. The nutrition is to cover all bases.

Added, and thinking outside the box. You say you follow Bernstein's diet. He likes blood sugar around 80 mg/dl. I trust him, but what if that works for him, a Type I diabetic, but is not the correct blood sugar for the average individual? What if your heart is getting sufficient blood, but not enough glucose to power it? What if your low blood sugar is creating an energy deficit? If this were the case, from what we are learning about vitamin B5 (pantethine/coenzyme A) then converting your metabolism to burn fats, which it can more efficiently than it can burn carbs/glucose, adding vitamin B5 may be the answer in your case. Its either raise blood sugars, or utilize fats for energy which requires b5.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by Alafairsmom » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:33 pm

I follow Bernstein but my blood sugars just don't go that low. Last A1c was June, 5.4. Too high for him but I'm OK with it. I tend to have 100-110 BS in am mid 80's otherwise. I take vitamin K2, Omega 3, E, magnesium, CoQ10, everything that you mentioned, including TMG. I could add pantethine, but Johnwen has mentioned in the past that he likes nitro. I find it very helpful, especially when I take it at the very first onset of pain. I take 60 mg in the am and 60 in the PM. The angina is from a heavy calcium plaque burden. Totaling around 1400 I think, and I have several known blockages. I do take argenine, too. And tart cherry in capsule form, as the extract has too many carbs per serving. I originally had an A1c of 11.8 on diagnosis, tried the diabetic medical treatment which made me very sick and my blood sugars were out of control. I switched to Atkins and in a week and a half my glucose stabilized and I was off metformin and glyburide. I was expecting the same turn around with PT, but it's not so speedy. I still think it is my best and only chance of surviving this CAD. I take 2 K2 daily, one in the am and one in the PM, with something fatty. Cheese or an almond milk with a splash of heavy whipping cream. I welcome advice, except as I have said in the past, the Esselstyn type...if it worked as Zarfas and Ken say, they would be doing it and would have been cured months ago and not needing this site. It's not a godsend for diabetics, especially the absolutely no fats or oils of Esselstyn. That would mean no Omega3, CoQ10, E or other oils. That's my rant about vegan, no oil. If others can use it successfully great, but it will not work for me and my Type 2. Many plants spike my blood sugar, and I've stopped fruit as well to comply with Bernstein. I appreciate your response, Owen. I'm not disappointed in PT, just know that the calcium burden and blockages are severely impeding progress.

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by francisunderwood » Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:22 pm

Alafairsmom, what is your height and weight? And is it type 1 or 2?

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by Johnwen » Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:19 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by Alafairsmom » Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:33 pm

Hi Johnwen, the Imdur is 60 mg TWICE a day. The cardiologist didn't mention Prinzmetal and was not receptive to Norvasc, just said I really should not have PVCs on the metoprolol since it is supposed to prevent dysrhythmias. I did ask about Norvasc (DAW) as you suggested it before. BP is usually 110's/60's, in the morning can be quite low 80's/50's, until I carefully get up and about, and hydrate. I'm typically asymptomatic with the hypotension, until it's diastolic mid 40's, then I sometimes have spots before my eyes, and I sit tight until the pressure increases, then get up slowly after monitoring my BP. Thus, hypertension is not an issue except when having angina, especially if I let it get away from me. Thanks.

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by Johnwen » Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:28 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by francisunderwood » Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:22 pm

What is your height/weight?

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Re: My Cardiologist wants to switch my statin

Post by guitarplayer007 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:43 am

5'4 157. I have muscle. When I was on plant based I got down to 145.

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