Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 20, 2019 10:13 am

Page 109, Liver Rescue -

"medical research and science have not yet discovered this process of mineral salts helping to drive glucose into or cells"

Vegetables are still critical. Leafy greens.... are needed in the diet, in part to provide mineral salts -- the right kind of sodium, which plays a role in binding to natural sugars. Medical research and science have not yet discovered this process of mineral salts helping to drive glucose into or cells more efficiently , with the least possible resistance, and yet it's vital, It explains why people love green smoothies so much and why snacking on celery or leafy greens alongside fruit is an ideal choice for regulating blood sugar.

Melon on its own is a fantastic choice. Diabetics are often told to stay away from melon when the reality is that all melons, including watermelons, make an incredible food for diabetics because they hold natural sodium combined with natural sugar.

Page 284

Truth is that the liver's not hungry for fat calories. It's hungry for the right kind of sugar calories. It uses sugar to fuel itself to be able to produce bile to break down fat.

Your liver's most important requirements are oxygen, then water, then sugar, then mineral salts. Glucose --sugar--is the liver's fuel, along with precious vitamins minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients that are delivered to the liver with the sugars from fruits and vegetables. The liver will only use nutrients that are surrounded by natural glucose and fructose. if some's on a diet with no sugar, no carbohydrates, no sweet potato, no squash, no fruit whatsoever, the liver will slowly starve and the person will age rapidly. That's because the liver requires sugar to identify and hold to the nutrients it needs to restore itself; it won't take them if they not attached to food --sugar--.. if the liver sees a nutrient come in that is not bonded to sugar, it won't draw in the nutrient; it will just let it roll by in the blood stream until it exists the organ. Natural sugar also keeps the liver cool ...'
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by Lunes Payling » Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:38 am

Medical Medium Book #1 Lyme

Unfortunately, all these "discoveries" were wrong.
This is what you won't hear anywhere else: Lyme disease is not caused by ticks.
And Lyme disease is not caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria

As for Borrelia burgdorferi, it's a normal part of our environment that's carried by every human being and animal on this planet --including entirely healthy ones. Truth is, this bacteria poses no health risk . . . and has zero connection to Lyme disease. If someone with Lyme disease tests positive for Borrelia burgdorferi, it's meaningless

Nonetheless, virtually all the efforts of medical communities for the past decades to devise methods of diagnosing and treating Lyme disease have been based upon the false premise that its caused by ticks and bacteria.

Similarly, medical communities' acceptance of false assumptions in the 1970s and 1980s has resulted in untold misery for patients who not only aren't helped, but in many cases are gravely harmed by well-meaning doctors acting on tragically inaccurate information.

Something else medical communities don't know is that there are multiple reasons that people experience symptoms associated with Lyme disease.

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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:01 am

Medical Medium
How to Finally Heal
Gut Health
pg 250.

A lot of people are championing sodium bicarbonate -- aka baking soda -- as a treatment. They believe the the culprit behind gut problems is Candida, based on the longtime trend of Candida diagnoses. They figure that sodium bicarbonate, which is heavily alkaline, will somehow stop Candida... which they believe thrives in an acidic environment.

Nearly ever link in this chain of reasoning is wrong.

Sodium bicarbonate is ineffective against Candida anyway. More broadly, sodium bicarbonate does nothing to help your gut. On the contrary, its abrasive and will only create an imbalance
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:32 am

Medical Medium
How to Finally Heal
Gut Health
Restoring Gut Flora and Maximizing B12 Production
pg 245-249

Good bacteria in your gut produce most of your body's supply of B12. But this doesn't happen just anywhere in your gut. The ileum, the final section of your small intestine, is the main center of this B12 absorption and production. It's also where methylation occurs.

Virtually everyone in the U.S. is dealing with a B12 deficiency and/or a methylation issue.

First, when methylation goes wrong, it can prevent true bio-absorption of critical micro-nutrients and trace minerals. Second, a methylation issue can interrupt the conversion process of a non-active, bulky vitamins and other nutrients into smaller, bioactive versions that can be absorbed by the body. Third, a heightened level of the amino acid homocysteine caused by a toxic liver or an elevated pathogen load in the body that creates a lot of toxic by-product, can interfere with methylation preventing proper conversion and absorption of nutrients.

You produce all the vitamin B12 you need when the ileum has abundant beneficial bacteria of a specific kind.

A top source of elevated microorganisms is sprouts Alfalfa, broccoli clover, fenusgreek, lentil, mustard, sunflower, kale, and other seeds like them, when sprouted, are living micro-gardens. In this tiny, nascent form of life, they're teeming with beneficial bacteria that will help your thrive.

Again, these beneficial bacteria are different from soil-borne organisms and "probiotics." Elevated microrooganis are always found above ground, on the leaves and skins of fruits and vegetables.

A raw, unwashed piece of kale straight from an organic garden - or a handful of sprouts from a couter-top garden, or a fresh, pesticide-free apple plucked from a tree - outshines every single soil-based or lab-created probiotic and fermented food available. .. only have to eat just one - in your life -

You can't buy these bioactive microorganisms in probiotic supplement form at the store, or get them from fermented foods and drinks.

Cultured probiotics sitting on the shelves of the health food store or fermented foods that claim to have beneficial bacteria aren't the answers here. Most, if not all, of these microorganisms will die in your stomach before they descend and reach the small intestine. And factory-produced probiotics never reach the last part of the small intestine the ileum - which is the region that needs them most.

Note that prebiotics have recently become popular. What the term really translates to is eating certain fruits and vegetables that feed the productive bacteria in the gut. Truth is, every fruit and vegetables that you can eat raw feeds that good bacteria.

The other thing you can do is take a quality store-bought probiotic or soil-borne probiotics. It's best that you additional take in good bacteria from living produce, though, because nothing can compare. Ingesting the elevated microorganisms on a fresh vegetable leaf or fruit skin is like going for 9,000 horsepower, whereas store-bought probiotics have the power of one miniature donkey.

Rejuvenating gut flora with raw, organic, unwashed produce is how you truly restore gut health.
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:20 am

Life-Changing FOODS (another incredible masterpiece)
Page 186
Cat's Claw

While inflammation has been pinpointed as a part of persistent illness, what has yet to be discovered by medical research is the real story about why this inflammation is present in the first place.

Various strains and varieties of the Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, HHV-6 and other herpetic viruses, along with bacteria and parasites, are behind a great many people' suffering. To get rid of this widespread inflammation a...

Enter cat's claw, .... Cat's claw is one of the most powerful resources for reversing the epidemic of chronic and mystery illness in the 21st century.

Cat's claw can aid in alleviating almost any symptom, from neurological to digestive.

While cat's claw has gotten some attention for its healing properties, it is as yet unknown to science that the herb contains bioactive pharma-compounds that supersede synthetic pharmaceuticals.

The world would be a different place if cat's claw took the place of antibiotics.

Cat's claw is unique, though, in that pathogens such as bacteria cannot become resistant to it, as they sometimes can to antibiotics.

Cat's claw is also incredible at fighting viruses. Eventually medical research will discover a group of antiviral adaptogens, and scientists will realize that cat's claw is at the top of that list.

Cat's claw is also remarkable for its ability to rid the body of the infamous strep, which is frequently misdiagnosed as yeast or Candida. Millions of women go on antibiotics and antifungals that only end up making problems worse, because the Streptococcus bactera that causes urinary tract infections is so often antibiotic-resisteant. Cat's claw lowers strep without issue, making it the ultimate UTI-alleviating herb and a fundamental tool of our time.
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Thu Sep 26, 2019 9:43 am

Medical Medium,
Fruit's Ancient Roots
pg. 294

Scurvy, a disease that research has pegged as a vitamin C deficiency but is also a deficiency in other critical nutrients found in fruit (as yet undiscovered by science) ...

What do we know?? We know that if your vitamin C is okay, you can still exhibit scurvy symptoms if either vitamin B6 or copper is deficient. This is known, but not by many. (I know from reading Roger J. William's Nutrition Against Disease.) Is that what this means, or are their yet undiscovered causes of scurvy?

A few pages earlier pg. 287
Iron Supplements

Even though iron in the right amounts is good for you, viruses love to feed on this metal. Almost all cases of anemia are caused by a low-grade viral infection. You should therefore avoid iron supplements that are not plant-based.

I've had a low-grade anemia since at least 2010. Now I'll see whether the new diet, and perhaps some Cat's Claw, can be used to treat it :-)

If not, perhaps the iron-ascorbate idea?
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 01, 2019 1:53 pm

Medical Medium
Life-Changing Foods
pg 30.

...the water that's inside fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and wild foods possesses incredible healing qualities. Here's a distinction science has yet to discover though: These plant foods actually contain two different types of water. Each type is structured differently, with different information stored within and a separate system for delivering its healing benefits to you. The water doesn't all serve the same purpose, and it doesn't all go to the same place when it enters the body.

The first type of water that's inside all fresh Holy Four foods is hdrobioactive water. This is the water that holds life-giving nutrients to support your physical health. It's also the water that hydrates your cells better than any drink of plain water can. Hydrobioactive water --living water -- is the reason people instinctively add a squeeze of lemon or cucumber slices to water, or reach for a coconut water or fresh juice or smoothie after a workout; because, like the name suggested, this water will replenish your body, feed you bloodstream, and keep you going.

Then there's undiscovered cofactor water. This other form of living water contains information to help restore your soul and spirit, and to support your emotions. Inside of a fresh piece of produce, hydrobioactive water and cofactor water are side by side held apart on a delicate cellular level, almost the way a honeycomb has walls dividing each of its tiny compartments.

The takeaway is that cofactor water is just as important as hydrobioactive water, because it contains trace minerals, mineral salts, enzymes, and petrochemicals that specifically feed you spiritually and emotionally.

Gerald Pollack's monumental The Fourth Phase of Water is an amazing read and illustrates the backward's nature of earth-based sciences (in contrast) https://www.amazon.com/Fourth-Phase-Water-Beyond-Liquid/dp/0962689548/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=3527357232&hvbmt=bb&hvdev=c&hvqmt=p&keywords=gerald+pollack&qid=1569959737&sr=8-1
Thus we know the other state that water can be in, naturally, and probably in living things, but the idea of yet another state is brand new.
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 08, 2019 3:03 pm

From Liver Rescue
pg 74

In Ireland, there's a famous healing well. People have gone there for hundreds of years to get water - - a highly active, living water in its most powerful form. It's extremely grounding water with a charge that neutralizes. If you were to dump trash into the well, the water is so potent that at first, the well would actually neutralize it. The more garbage and toxic chemicals you threw in, though , the more that neutralization ability would weaken -- until if finally died. While there would still be water in the well, it would be dead in ways we couldn't even measure or decipher, because we couldn't measure or decipher its healing mystery in the first place.

That deadening is what we're trying to keep the river of your blood from doing, and that means supporting the healing, grounding, neutralizing wonders of your liver. Discovering how to save it from becoming poisoned means learning how to save yourself from dirty, polluted blood. Its' one of your greatest lines of defense in life.
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:28 am

Medical Medium
Celery Juice

Celery juice helps address any kind of adrenal dysfunction by restoring damaged adrenal tissue and weakened adrenal glands, whether they've been affected by disease or by a state of constant, chronic- fight-or-flight. Medical research and science are unaware of just how much our adrenals do for us and the dozens of diverse, complex blends of hormones they produce that support everything we do in life.

We have two adrenals, a right and a left. Each of our two adrenals produces different varieties of hormones. Usually, they aren't the same strength -- one has become weaker than the other from overwork, so it produces less adrenaline, forcing the other to then overwork and eventually weaken as well. Components of celery juice have the ability to enter the adrenals and saturate adrenal tissues, strengthening every aspect of the adrenal cells -- healing, pampering, and coddling them. I should probably give sodium cluster salts the nickname "sodium glandular salts" because of how powerful they are for restoring the adrenals. Sodium cluster salts are a miracle for the adrenal glands. .... Sill, their variety of sodium does not serve as a medicinal; those salts (sea salt/mountain rock salt) do not offer what celery juices sodium cluster salts do. Trace minerals are bonded to celery juice's cluster salts in a way we don't see with any other variety of food or salt. Cluster salts reestablish and ignite life in adrenal cells, also allowing the glands to rapidly produce new cells that are healthy and strong.

Celery juice balances the adrenal glands so that the weaker one can catch up to the stronger one -- and allows the two glands to communicate with each other, a facet of their function that medical research and science have not yet discovered. Celery juice's very powerful electrolytes are what create this inter-gland communication...
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:41 am

A major theme in the new Medical Medium "gift of advanced medical science," -- consistent across all five text books -- is that we humans are blaming Lyme symptoms on several bacteria that are common, but innocuous. The source reveals that these bacteria are not related to the symptoms which are viral in origin.


Medical Medium
Celery Juice
Lyme Disease
pg 33

Celery juice destroys bacteria such as Borrelia, Bartonella, and Babesia. If you believe that you have a bacterial infection, then celery juice is the right tool.

That said, you may be interested to know that Lyme disease is a chronic viral infection. While you might have been diagnosed with a bacterial infection, the symptoms of Lyme are viral. Even if bacteria such as Borrelia are present, they're not causing what makes Lyme patients suffer. The symptoms of Lyme are neurological, and bacteria don't create neurological symptoms because they don't produce neurotoxins. Only viruses feeding on toxic heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and copper - as well as gluten, eggs, dairy, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides that are inside our livers and other parts of our bodies = create the neurotoxins that cause Lyme disease


Specifically, only viruses from the herpetic family are at work here: EBV and its over 60 undiscovered mutations and strains; all the varieties of shingles, including unknown strains that don't cause any visible rash or pustules; and multiple mutations of HHV-6, HHV-7, and the undiscovered HHV-10 through HHV-16. These viruses release neurotoxins that inflame the entire nervous system, causing the neurological symptoms of Lyme disease. This is why many with Lyme also eventually receive diagnoses of other chronic conditions such as MD, Rheumatoid arthirtis (RA), Hasimoto's thyroiditis, fibromyalgia, and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). These and more are EBV-caused. So is Lyme. They all come from the same source.

Doctors don't realize this. ... They don't know it's the undiscovered cause of all of it.

. . .

What you need to know is the truth: that the myriad neurological symptoms that Lyme sufferes experience are caused by chronic low-grade viral infections, with viruses feeding of the the foods they like and releasing neurotoxins.

. . .

If you're still attached to the past and the old ways of thinking about Lyme, then as I said, celery juice is still your go-to, because it eradicates Borrelia, Bartonella, Babesia, and any new bacteria that medical research and science try to pin on Lyme disease in their confusion.

As you read in the "autoimmune" introductions, celery juice is a potent antiviral.
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:49 pm

Medical Medium
Liver Rescue
Mystery Hunger
Glucose Obstacles
pg 90

We are fooled into thinking that we get more glucose into our bodies than we do.

As much sugar.... none of it is going to help out your liver, not even the high-quality glucose coming.. because the pork fat blocks its absorption. These are missed opportunities for the liver to get a boost from the sources of glucose in our snacks and meals. If it's here or there or only happening for a short time, it's no big deal. If it's year after year and decade after decade, it becomes a very big deal. The ....liver needs to sort, separate, organize and catalog all of the elements it needs for your survival get interrupted by the repeated fat-sugar combination.

It's not solely eating fat and sugar at the same time that can be an issue. Eating fats continually throughout the day can also get in the way of glucose absorption, because many fats stay in the bloodstream for awhile. Even if you have, say, a chicken Caesar salad at noon and then wait until two o'clock to eat an apple, the salad's leftover fats will still be in your blood-stream..

Typically the fat from pork products takes about 12 to 16 hours to disperse after eating, other animal products fats take 3 to 6 hours, and plant fats take 1 to 3 hours. This is the unknown reason -- unknown even to the experts who design diets -- why high-fat high-protein diets are starting to incorporate more plant fats. What doctors observe is that the patients experience better health results when some of their protein sources come from avocados, nuts, seed and coconut. They don't realize it's because these plant fats disappear after an hour or three, allowing more vital sugars ... to get to the liver.
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 15, 2019 11:15 am

Medical Medium
Celery Juice

Eye health is compromised by toxins that medical research and science aren't aware are interfering. Toxic heavy metals are some of the most antagonistic troublemakers for the eyes. Traces of mercury can easily enter into someone's eye from metal amalgam dental fillings alone.


Degenerative eye diseases of all kinds have mercury involved, even if medical research and science are decades from realizing this. Heavy metals are behind the mysterious blindness that's considered genetic; cell inside our eyes that are responsible for vision get saturated with corrosive aluminum byproduct that's a result of interactions with mercury.

Celery juice is one of the most powerful foods for vision and restoration of the eyes. In this area, it equals and even surpasses the wild blueberry, which is the only other food on Planet Earth that has the power to protect your eyes to this degree.... With celery juice, one reason why its' healing people is that it helps remove toxic copper from the body.
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:37 pm

Medical Medium
Celery Juice

The cause here is a long-term vitamin C deficiency from an overburdened toxic liver that's loaded down with .. [toxins] .. Celery juice helps prevent growth of cataracts by unburdening the liver while providing potent, usable vitamin C.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Most everyone with retinopathy, diabetic or not, is largely on a high-fat diet.

A weakened liver means severe nutrient deficiencies throughout the body, since the liver is the stoarge bin and delivery system for vitamins and other nutrients, and that's what led to retinopathy. Celery juice cleanses and slowly restores the liver, which can minimize and even reduce retionopathy.

Eye Floaters

Celery juice helps with eye floaters by reducing inflammation that occurs on the optic never - which is what's responsible for this mystery symptoms that confuses medical research and science. White flashes, or black spots that occur without noticeable damage to the retina, pupil, or any other part of the eye are the results of neurotoxins from the Epstein-Barr virus, combined with heavy metals such as mercury, inflaming the optic nerve. The powerful flavonoids and vitamin C that travel with celery juice's sodium cluster salts aid specific nerves in and around the brain, including the optic nerve. They disperse neurotoxins that have been sitting on the nerve, and they even protect the nerve from viral invasion while feeding nerve cells, allowing the optic nerve to rejuvenate.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 17, 2019 6:42 am

Medical Medium
Celery Juice

Celery juice also helps diminish and dissolve kidney stones, which are produced from high-protein, high-fat diets. Kidneys tones can be protein-based or calcium-based or even some of both. Celery juice creates pits and divots on the stones, which is what allows them to break down and dissolve. It can also be a great kidney stone preventative. While it's not a complete assurance that you wont develop kidney stones if you're still eating a high-fat diet, it can help counteract some of the effects of the protein and fat overload.
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Re: Where do all his factoids come from? (THE LIST}

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:50 am

Medical Medium
Liver Rescue
Mystery High Blood Pressure
pg 114

In the case of mystery hypertension, it's a high-fat, high-salt, high-vinegar diet that you need to avoid.

Many people are on a high-fat diet, many without realizing that the majority of their calories come from fat, and have no idea that for years, the excess fat they've been consuming has been making their blood thicker and pastier while also congesting and dehydrating the liver, with fat cells accumulating inside and around the organ.

Further, people don't realize that vinegar can actually contribute to a sluggish and stagnant liver almost as much as alcohol.

There there are the people who eat what truly is a healthy diet. They eat lower fat, and the fats they do eat are high quality. They don't eat much salt or vinegar or drink much alcohol. They exercise. How to explain mystery hypertension in them?... A sluggish, stagnant liver have another source: toxins.

It's not one or the other, "lifestyle" or toxins. Someone can have a little bit of everything going on:... Most people in the U.S. alone are chronically dehydrated, which thickens the blood, contributing to the heart's strain bringing it up from the liver.
Owen R. Fonorow
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