Blood Test Results

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Blood Test Results

Post by Runner63 » Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:03 pm

I have not spoken to Owen in about 5 years. I have been taking the Heart Tech product for 4 years. Here is the situation.

October of 2015 I had triple by-pass. Left descending was 80% and left circumflex 90% blocked. Burning behind my sternum. Family history of elevated LDL and low HDL and my uncle had the same happen at age 57 he had 4 stents and he was the healthiest guy on the planet, never smoked or drank, fruits and vegetable, fitness nut). I have been running since high school, eat pretty well and exercise often. 5'-9", 168, fit and 67. Had the nuclear stress test and echo 4 months ago and perfect results. Heart has no damage at all, just the plumbing issue.

Was on 1 jar of Heart Tech a month but increased to 2 jars about 8 months ago. I feel great. So now to the blood test results:

LDL Particle Number 2,028 (low <1000, Moderate 1000-1299, Borderline high 1300-1599, High 1600-2000, Very high over 2000)
LDL-C is 167 (Optimal <100, above optimal 100+-129, Borderline 130-159,high, 160-189, very high >189)
HDL-C 44. First time ever over 40.
Triglycerides 134 (range 0-149)
Total cholesterol 238 (range 100-199)
HDL-P (Total) 30.2 (recommended 30.5 and up)
Small LDL-P 1,333 (recommended under 527)
LDL size 20.0 (recommended over 20.5)

My doctor is a long-time friend and a very good physician but wants me on 5mg Crestor. I was put on atorvastatin but stopped after 2 weeks and that was just after surgery. I would appreciate any comments and input. I wonder how doctors expect us to have healthy arteries suppressing cholesterol production which suppresses collagen production? Again, my recent nuclear stress test showed great blood flow and no issues. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Blood Test Results

Post by pamojja » Thu Sep 19, 2019 1:35 pm

Your triglycerides and Small LDL-P numbers speak of a high carb-diet.

The Secrets in Your Triglycerides

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Re: Blood Test Results

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:00 am

Which we are learning pamojja- (at least I am :-) ) from the Medical Miracle - is not necessarily a bad thing, so long as the carbs are healthy fruits and veges, not processed carbs.

My doctor is a long-time friend and a very good physician but wants me on 5mg Crestor

Well, I'm not your friend, but still, I don't want to kill you quicker. So what is the symptom that led him to make such a recommendation? And why Crestor, of all statins, the most dangerous?

I see your total cholesterol is 238, slightly elevated, and that tells me (thank you Linus Pauling/E. Ginter) that your vitamin C intake IS too low. That you should add some vitamin C, preferably as ascorbic acid, but any additional vitamin C, until your total cholesterol reaches 180 mg/d. (I overshot, my total is now around 130 mg/dl, so I am trying to reduce my own vitamin C...)

Otherwise you remind me of me - my experience with the Thallium Stress test and the cardio guy telling me to make an appointment - in 10 years.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Blood Test Results

Post by Runner63 » Fri Sep 20, 2019 1:49 pm

Owen, thank you for your comments and also those from pamojja before you about carbs. You helped me years ago with my wife as she had serious heart issues from a life of diabetes. Lost her in 2010 and cigarettes were the cause. That was probably not good for me either breathing the air as I have never smoked.

I indulge with some carbs but that is not often. I recently lost 12 pounds working outside and want to get to about 165. My blood numbers usually are great at that weight so 5 more pounds to go. I will be more serious with the "good carbs" moving forward. These numbers I posted were recent and the reason for the Crestor Rx. When I tried atorvastatin just after surgery 4 years ago I didn't tolerate it very well and stopped. But I also started with the Tower product and continue today. I will order the additional "C" as for the Vitamin C Foundation site (Worlds Finest product) to supplement the HeartTech product. Thanks again!!!

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Blood Test Results

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:24 am

I remember you. You would do us both a service by reading Anthony William's MEdical Medium and letting me know your verdict: Advanced science or Pulitizer prize winning science fiction? I finally got to the section How To Finally Heal and I finally understand what the rationale behind the celery juice craze. If this is all correct, people following the MM path should not require nearly as much vitamin C as people following other, higher fat diets
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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