Can supplements raise BP?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Can supplements raise BP?

Post by BaronZemo » Wed Nov 20, 2019 9:03 am

I have noticed lately my blood pressure has been going up a lot. the doctor has had me on three meds to control it. I noticed when I went cold turkey on all supplements that my BP went down, but I will have to do this again to confirm that this is actually the case. Is there any way that taking a lot of supplements can raise bp, do to an increased load on kidneys (where kidney reacts by increasing bp?)

One of the reasons I added more supplements was that after many years of being on the Pauling protocol, my overall cholesterol score was at 250 (pre Pauling it was 290), and my bad cholesterol was at around 200 and good cholesterol was at 30. I then added Krill oil and my score dropped to 227 and bad cholesterol to 150 and good went up to 40 a drop/increase of 25%. The doc "suggested" that I go on a statin since my ratio of cholesterol to blood pressure suggest a high chance of a having a stroke heart attack. I have since added soy lecithin to further reduce bad cholesterol. So when I have my next blood test I will see if that works as well.

So this brings up the point which is that does the Pauling routine consistently lower the numbers? My aunt had normal cholesterol levels(she was not on pauling but was taking bp med) and then a couple years later had blockage and a pacemaker put in. So even though Pauling may not affect the numbers, does it still lower the chances of a heart attack/stroke? On that note, I have not found much scientific trials/evidence that C and lysine improve cholesterol lower numbers. So because of that I am hedging my bet and lowering these numbers ...naturally if possible.

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Re: Can supplements raise BP?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:07 am

I will move this to the Heart Health/Pauling Therapy forum.

Blood pressure is most related to the width of the inside of your arteries. There is an exponential increase when arteries start to narrow, which is a reason why doctors measure your blood pressure - so they can try and predict whether your arteries are narrowing. And, bp changes irregularly, and can be high at the doctors office, say if your arteries are constricting from stress, but not at other times. Cortisol plays a role, when cortisol levels are low, kidney function declines and blood pressure drops. So your adrenal function can affect your blood pressure.

I assume you have a home device to measure "unstressed" blood pressure?

Did you take your doctor's recommendation and are you taking a statin cholesterol-lowering drug?

Generally "supplements" are ensuring that you obtain nutrients that should be in your foods (or in the case of vitamin C - what your body ought to be making by itself) so if you go off supplements, you have to hope your foods contain everything that you need. If you are taking something outside of food, that is another matter entirely.

As far as lowering cholesterol, there is actually a mammoth amount of "real" science by E. Ginter regarding vitamin C intake and blood cholesterol levels, as summarized by Linus Pauling in HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER in the section that reveals our "normal" total cholesterol is 180 mg/dl. If your total cholesterol is higher, then you know that taking more vitamin C can lower it.

Here is another paper you might have missed that is worth reading:
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Can supplements raise BP?

Post by BaronZemo » Wed Nov 20, 2019 1:26 pm

I assume you have a home device to measure "unstressed" blood pressure?

yes all readings are taken at home

Did you take your doctor's recommendation and are you taking a statin cholesterol-lowering drug?

No I have not taken it. I got the soy lecithin to lower bad cholesterol

As far as lowering cholesterol, there is actually a mammoth amount of "real" science by E. Ginter regarding vitamin C intake and blood cholesterol levels, as summarized by Linus Pauling in HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER in the section that reveals our "normal" total cholesterol is 180 mg/dl. If your total cholesterol is higher, then you know that taking more vitamin C can lower it.

Wel in my case it has been marginal, and I have topped out, taking more would be overkill

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Re: Can supplements raise BP?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:08 am

I'm curious, what makes you believe the "soy lecithen" would lower cholesterol?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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