Pediatrician Advises Against Giving Sick Child Vitamin C

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Scott and Dee

Pediatrician Advises Against Giving Sick Child Vitamin C

Post by Scott and Dee » Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:06 pm

I have a little girl who is almost 17 months. She has been continually hit with some sort of viral infection varying from bronchitis to the croupe over the last 3 months. Now she caught the 3 day measles. I have inquired to your pediatrician about giving her additional vitamin c along with her liquid infant vitamin that we give her.

She (doctor) said not to give it to her (our child). That we did not need to overdose.

I asked a pharmacy technician and he flat said he didn't really know if we could or not.

I just want to be diligent in doing everything that I can to take care of Trinity. Is it safe to give her vitamin c on top of her infant vitamin, and if so, how much and what brand is best?

Thank you for your time and help.


Scott & Dee
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Pediatricians Are Not Taught About Ascorbemia

Post by ofonorow » Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:20 pm

Scott and Dee,

Your pediatrician is a product of what she has been taught, which is a primary reason we formed the Foundation, to help disseminate accurate scientific information about vitamin C.

With many thanks to Drs. Klenner, MD, Cathcart MD, Linus Pauling, etc., we know that her advice is misguided and constitutes a grave error. It is highly unfortunate that (almost any) information about vitamin C is missing from medical education.

The only vitamin C danger is your child not getting enough.

Dr. Klenner's recommendation was 1000 mg per year of age, but much more is needed fighting illness. Dr. Cathcart explains that as the ascorbate (vitamin C) is depleted from tissues fighting the infection (ascorbemia), a localized acute scurvy presents itself.

Read and print out a copy for your pediatrician.

Cathcart likens disease to free radical "fires", and vitamin C - the primary antioxdiant -as water to put out these fires. The hotter the fire, the more vitamin C is required.

There is no known toxic dose of vitamin C, much less a lethal dose. It is impossible to kill an animal with vitamin C.

On the other hand, we humans have a genetic defect that prevents us from making an enzyme that would allow our livers to produce vitamin C out of glucose. (99.99% of the other species have this enzyme and do not require ascorbic acid as a vitamin. The young in these species make their own vitamin C, and more when they are under stress. Your child must rely on you, her parents, to provide this vitamin in amounts needed during stresses.)

Try adding pure ascorbic acid powder to her water (doesn't work well with milk unless it is very small amounts.) Orange juice would be okay too, but hopefully a brand of OJ without added sugar.

I would think 500 mgs every hour to begin, until diarrhea, and then perhaps 500 mg every 4 hours until all signs of the infections have passed.

If the child gets diarrhea, then you can back off the administration with a smaller dose, but every four hours is appropriate.

If it makes you feel any better, thanks entirely to Linus Pauling, my 15 year-old son has been living on "mega dose" vitamin C from before he was conceived! He has missed one day of school in his life, and if there is a healthier human on the planet earth, I'd love to meet that person. Perfect health is a thing of beauty, especially in a loved one.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by rizwanuk » Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:58 am

I have been giving vitamin C to kids for years now, the way I do it is to calculate the vitamin C amount based on Childs weigh on the basis of 10kgs for 75 kg adult in normal health and 15gms for 75 KG adult in sickness. So an infant with a weight of 15 kg gets a dose of 3gms if he is sick.

I am not saying this dose cannot be exceeded, it can be as vitamin C is non toxic. What i am saying is that in usual cold/flu etc this amount works fine.

I advise people to take pure ascorbic acid crystals mix them with small quantity of any unsweetened juice and feed the child with a spoon.

The daily dose should be given in a minimum of four divided doses preferably more.

Lab Rat

Got Milk?

Post by Lab Rat » Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:28 pm

I am sorry to hear about your little one. It seems that many young children have a sensitivity or an allergy to milk. This sensitivity may encourage various infections. Is your little girl taking milk? If so, you might think about taking her off and see what happens. Also, you might research other food sensitivities or allergies.

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Re: Got Milk?

Post by ascorbicjoe » Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:51 pm

Lab Rat wrote:I am sorry to hear about your little one. It seems that many young children have a sensitivity or an allergy to milk. This sensitivity may encourage various infections. Is your little girl taking milk? If so, you might think about taking her off and see what happens. Also, you might research other food sensitivities or allergies.

I would be certain not to use fluoridated water if you switch to formula. Fluoride is a known enzyme inhibitor. I regret not knowing this when my children were young.

Read "The Fluoride Deception" by Christopher Bryson. It provides an excellent primer in the history of fluoride and our current world of corporate science. The same crap science is what generates the current poor knowledge of ascorbic acid and leads the EU to want to ban Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is needed, I feel, in this order... Air, Water, Food, Carbs, Protein, V-C and then everything else. However, without it many of he above would be unecessary, since we would be dead.

I found a 1994 ( I think) study which showed that in rats ascorbic acid could reverse the sexual side effects caused by fluoride compounds. VC is just great stuff!

Good luck.

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