Broccoli Can Stimulate Brain Regeneration, New? Research Suggests

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Broccoli Can Stimulate Brain Regeneration, New? Research Suggests

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:18 am

One learns from reading the Brain Saver Medical Medium books by Anthony William that a) the idea that brain cells regenerate is apparently true, and b) the Medical Medium knowledge has been publicly available for more than 30 years, and often "used" without crediting the Medical Medium.

I rarely imbibe because my physics teacher in high school (a long time ago) told us that we have billions, but a finite number of brain cells which do not regenerate, and alcohol kills brain cells. Even though he was at least half wrong, I'm glad he told us that.

It is interesting from the science in this article that a sulfur compound in broccoli, and other coniferous vegetables, has been shown to regenerate brain cells in laboratory animals.

Also, it is an astounding feature of this biomolecule that it has been identified to have potential value in preventing and/or treating about 200 different health conditions. This means that the side benefits of consuming it are orders of magnitude higher than one would anticipate if one were simply looking to consume it for one specific concern. That's the amazing thing about healing with whole foods: their health benefits are too vast to bottle-neck into simply one or two applications.

So why doesn't eating a lot of broccoli cure all brain conditions? We learn from Brain Saver that providing the right nutrients to the brain is a big part of the puzzle, but only a part. Impediments, such as heavy metals, even apparently the size of atoms, can get in the way of neuron regeneration. (The Medical Medium provides the Heavy Metal Detox smoothie protocol which "they" claim to be the only way (with our current technology) to extract heavy metals (e.g. mercury, aluminum, etc.) from inside brain cells, and expel them safely from the body.)

Other impediments come from other toxins, e.g. pesticides, and toxic chemicals that have made it though the blood-brain barrier. We also learn that the brain tissue can harden and form callouses, interfering with the "electricity" that is out thoughts. And we learn the viruses rarely infest the brain directly - when they do it is a serious life threatening condition, encephalitis or meningitis. Rather, when viruses take a "poop" they release neurotoxins, and these virus produced toxins reach nerves, and can sometimes reach the brain.

The architecture of the brain is said to be that of an electrical grid of neurons, and gial cells where memories are stored.

We are told that the brain actually generates heat, like our modern technology, and needs to be cooled. Water and glucose are primary ways the brain heat is dissipated/cooled. The most important nutrient, after water and glucose, is vitamin B12.

So far I have not read the etiology of Parkinson's but my wife is following the Parkinson's protocol.

You also read about the chicken Mike from the 1940s who lived a "long time" after having its head cut off - and the reason why :-)

Another teaser, spontaneous human combustion is apparently real, and Brain Saver provides an explanation.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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