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Now that we know the Medical Medium is fallible ...

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:53 am
by ofonorow
Per the discussion we know to make a distinction between Anthony William, when he ad libs and is not connected to his source, and the "infallible" information in the Medical Medium books, which are transcribed while connected to source.

We also know that the recommendations have to cover millions if not billions, so they must be general. And we acknowledge the great writing which is readable by lay people and medical professionals alike. And we can infer that the information being shared is to counter deliberate evil that has cropped up in what the latest books now call "classified medical science."

Given the above, I do have questions for Anthony's source:

1. In books devoted to "engineered" pathogens, usually viruses, why isn't the word vaccine used even once? (Reading between the lines, other than mercury amalgams, one infers that viruses and much of the toxic heavy metals discussed, causing cancers and other chronic illness, were introduced via vaccines.) Why not tell us?

2. In the last book, it is mentioned that we don't have to supplement vitamin K, because it is "in our foods in ample supply." Yet, that advice, while interesting, ignores the pharmaceutical drugs that block vitamin K, causing rapid calcification of soft tissue? Shouldn't this advice be qualified, or is the source's science fallible re: more recent drugs?

3. Is there a place for errata to correct errors Anthony makes on podcasts when ad libing?
4. TBC...