High Fruit Intake?

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High Fruit Intake?

Post by Blanko » Sat Feb 04, 2023 2:39 pm

Thoughts on humans thriving best on a diet of mainly fruit? That's what this woman living in the jungle purports:


Does make a lot of sense because how else would we get our necessary vitamin C intake?

No wonder so many are deficient in vitamin C. I know any old diet supplemented with ascorbic acid is better than any old diet not supplemented with ascorbic acid, but I'd like to know if any of you tried eating large quantities of fruit daily, and what results you had.

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Re: High Fruit Intake?

Post by Blanko » Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:50 pm

Came back from the grocery store. In this cold, northern area, the fruit in the winter is not good quality. Humans probably are meant to eat all different things depending on where they live. Colder places are harsher and require different lifestyles and diet. Possibly ideal to live in a mild place with access to abundant high quality fruit, but people have thrived in cold climates as well.

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Re: High Fruit Intake?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:21 pm

Thanks for the post.

The message in the great book LIFE CHANGING FOODS by Anthony William is that a diet full of a variety of fruits has amazing benefits.

Off the top of my head, the most important nutrient for running and healing the body is glucose, and fruits have "bonded" glucose already attached to various vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

And no nutrient is absorbed unless glucose (by extension insulin) is present.

For those worried about too much sugar in fruits, something like 100 lbs of fruit would have to be eaten to obtain 1 lb of glucose.

And yes vitamin C is an important part of what is obtained eating fruits (and some vegetables) but there are countless combinations of nutrients with amazing properties.

In the first Medical Medium book they propose a thought experiment. If you were stranded on a desert island, and could only eat protein (or only eat far) you might survive, but wouldn't do well over the course of a year. However, if you ate only papaya or avocado, you would thrive for that year.
Owen R. Fonorow
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