Woman bought, but never started Pauling Therapy. Questions about kidney stones

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Woman bought, but never started Pauling Therapy. Questions about kidney stones

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:47 am


I have purchased quite a lot of your product Cardio-C and have a couple of questions.

1. I'm concerned about the fact that Ascorbic acid can cause kidney stones. If I mix a little baking soda into the mixture to change the PH will that decrease the effect of the product? I had heard that baking soda could change the PH but I don't know if that really solves the problem about kidney stones. Is this true?

2. And if yes...how much baking soda?

3. I would like to know if there is any information on small dense particles LDL( the bad kind ) and your product. Positive or negative? Not just plain LDL, As my particle numbers are very high. I went to the forum but really could not find anything. And I would be taking your product to address this issue as well as calcium plaque.

4. Also, anything on Apo (a) which I think some say cannot change. Not sure.

If you could answer my questions, ( I have 10 canisters of your product in my freezer that I bought a couple of years ago. ( I heard your product will last 8-10 years in the freezer so I'm hoping that is correct ). If not please let me know.

I wasn't able to use it because of other health issues I was going through at the time and now I want to start your product as I'm able to now...but want to make sure that there is studies or information or something I can read to give me some confidence that this could really help.

Thank you!

1. I'm concerned about the fact that Ascorbic acid can cause kidney stones.

From my knowledge, vitamin C does not cause kidney stones (otherwise animals that make their own copious amounts of vitamin C) should be riddled with stones. Studies have found that low vitamin B6 levels are correlated with stones, and others believe that increasing magnesium intake will control stone formation.

A large Harvard study found no correlation between vitamin C intake and kidney stones.

Pauling analyzed the issue in his book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER. He found that there are different types of stones that form at different urine pH levels. For many stones, ascorbic acid is protective.
For other kinds of stones, yes, increasing the pH (e.g. by adding some baking soda) should be protective, but I'd consider adding magnesium instead.

If I mix a little baking soda into the mixture to change the PH will that decrease the effect of the product? I had heard that baking soda could change the PH but I don't know if that really solves the problem about kidney stones. Is this true?
2. And if yes...how much baking soda?

Again, about 50% of stones form in acidic urine and 50% in alkaline urine. Strive for neutral early morning urine pH.

I would use pH strips and try to keep my urine neutral (around 7.2 pH)

According to Linus Pauling, regulating your urine pH to neutral protects from all stones.

Anthony William, Medical Medium claims the following causes kidney stones..

True cause: A stagnant, sluggish, toxic liver coupled with a high-fst, high-protein diet.

Foods to heal kidney stones include oranges, lemons and limes, cherries, grapes, asparagus and artichoke.

3. I would like to know if there is any information on small dense particles LDL( the bad kind ) and your product. Positive or negative? Not just plain LDL, As my particle numbers are very high. I went to the forum but really could not find anything. And I would be taking your product to address this issue as well as calcium plaque.
4. Also, anything on Apo (a) which I think some say cannot change. Not sure

. Apo(a) is the little "a" part of Lp(a), what Pauling warned is the major risk factor. LDL + apo(a) = Lp(a)

We have some anecdotal evidence that adding proline is what controls Lp(a), to the point that it can go to zero in about one year. It is the small dense Lp(a) that is atherogenic. Ordinary LDL is not "sticky" and to my knowledge poses little risk.

If you could answer my questions, ( I have 10 canisters of your product in my freezer that I bought a couple of years ago. ( I heard your product will last 8-10 years in the freezer so I'm hoping that is correct ). If not please let me know.

It should, you let us know. I would expect the powder to be pristine.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Woman bought, but never started Pauling Therapy. Questions about kidney stones

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:35 pm

Just 3 more quick questions.

1. How many doses ( Scoops ) do you think I would need per day as for an example my ( LDL p small dense particle number is 2000 and should be under 1000). I have a ways to go. I've never been able to get it down lower.

2. Have you heard of your product lowering the particle numbers? ( this would be different then the Apo (a).)

3. As for calcium plaque, which i don't know if i have or not but want to be pro active....any information on that with your cardio-C ? Is there any information on that?

Thanks so much!

From you email, it sounds like you require a therapeutic dosage of at least 2 servings per day, 3 would be better for a month or two, if you can tolerate the vitamin C.

We don't focus on "particle numbers" unless the particles are Lp(a). Ordinary LDL does not cause heart disease (Thank you Linus Pauling)

In our experience, vitamin K can reverse calcified plaques as measured by Fast CT scans. Here is a post to start learning

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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