advice needed -- racing heart beat

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advice needed -- racing heart beat

Post by lks373 » Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:12 pm

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Re: advice needed

Post by pamojja » Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:25 am

Inform yourself of the high number needed to treat by cholesterol lowering drugs. Not worth it at all. You always properly informed can refuse such ineffective medication with known side-effects.

I did experience perfect remission from a walking-disabilty from PAD with cheapest Chinese ascorbic acid powder. I do avoid cupsules or pills for that, since the come with not so healthy binders and fillers. Ascorbic acid is just working a little better than sodium ascorbate. I took in average 25 g/d for the last 15 years. I would take double that amount, if sodium ascrobate would be available only.

From an other post:

pamojja wrote:
pamojja wrote:The following was advised by Linus Pauling just to maintain good health, already with heart attack much, much more is likely needed:

Here the original text of 1986, when mach new research wasn't available jet.

How to Live Longer and Feel Better

  • Take vitamin C every day, 6 grams to 18 g (6000 to 18,000 milligrams), or more. Do not miss a single day.
  • Take vitamin E every day, 400 IU, 800 IU, or 1600 IU.
  • Take one or two Super-B tablets every day, to provide good amounts of the B-vitamins.
  • Take 25,000 IU vitamin A tablet every day.
  • Take a mineral supplement every day, such as one tablet of the Bronson vitamin-mineral formula, which provides 100 mg of calcium, 18 mg of iron, 0.15 mg of iodine, 1 mg of copper, 25 mg of magnesium, 3 mg of manganese, 15 mg of zinc, 0.015 mg of molybdenum, 0.015 mg of chromium, and 0.015 mg of selenium.
  • Keep your intake of ordinary sugar (sucrose, raw sugar, brown sugar, honey) to 50 pounds per year, which is half the present U.S. average. Do not add sugar to tea or coffee. Do not eat high-sugar foods. Avoid sweet desserts. Do not drink soft drink.
  • Except for avoiding sugar, eat what you like - but not too much of any one food. Eggs and meat are good foods. Also you should eat some vegetables and fruits. Do not eat so much food as to become obese.
  • Drink plenty of water every day.
  • Keep active; take some exercise. Do not at any time exert yourself physically to an extent far beyond what you are accustomed to.
  • Drink alcoholic beverages only in moderation.
  • Do not smoke cigarettes.
  • Avoid stress. Work at a job that you like. Be happy with your family.

Vitamin D3 nor K2 or CoQ10 wasn't easily available at that time. Don't forget those, inform yourself of Omega-3 fish oil too. A too high calcium in serum lab-test would usually be the first indication, for vitamin D3 having increased calcium too much. In my case it took 2 years of high dose vitamin D3, untill my serum calcium went from below normal to nomal and stayed there.

If available, for example Mg-malate early during the day, or Mg-glycinate in the evening are considered better absorbed forms of magnesium by some.
Last edited by pamojja on Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:32 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: advice needed

Post by pamojja » Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:30 am

lks373 wrote:Will the protocol reduce the high levels of cholesterol?

High cholesterol usually is a healing reaction of the body, against insults to the endothelial lining of the vasculature, by delivering badly needed repair molecules there, in particular the lipid-solubles vitamins D3, K2s, A, Es or CoQ10. If you take too little of those - which are individually needed differently - I doubt the little sodium ascorbate will budge your numbers significantly. All those healing LDLs in vain.

LDL has subfractions. More small, dense and oxidized - or more fluffy, large and harmless. If your triglicerides are close to 50 mg/dl, your LDL will be mostly harmless. If triglycerides are close to 150 mg/dl, your LDL will be of the oxidized more dangerous type. For bringing tryglyceride down usually no medication work, other than excellent blood-glucose control. And for that most would need to reduce their carbohytrate intake from diet, and increase healthy fats instead. Additional fish-oil might contribute to lower triglycerides too.

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Re: advice needed

Post by lks373 » Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:50 am

Thank you, I appreciate your advice :)

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Re: advice needed - rapid heart beat

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:34 am

From what you are telling us, the issue is something other than "conventional" cardio-vascular disease. There are indications of a vitamin C deficiency, and it is always wise to take the right amount of vitamin C and lysine. There is a condition caused by liver problems that can lead to a rapid heart beat as the heart tries to pull blood through the portal vein (but that is supposed to lead to high blood pressure.)

More thoughts below.

lks373 wrote:Hi, I'm hoping for some advice, I am a 50 yr old female. I weigh 67 kg and I am from Australia I have recently had a result of very high cholesterol of 7.9, my blood pressure is normal, always been on the lower side,

High cholesterol is a direct result of too little vitamin C, or said another way, the "right" amount of vitamin C normalizes cholesterol (to 180 mg/dl in the units I am familiar with). High cholesterol indicates that yes, you should be taking more vitamin C. How much had you been taking?

For a week or two I have had episodes of increased heart rate, around 90 bpm. I know this is normal for some but for me is higher than normal. I normally have resting heart rate of about 65 so it's quite noticeable and makes me anxious till it settles usually within an hour or two. I am not sure if this just from anxiety.

Given the low blood pressure, it seems unlikely that your arteries are narrowing (blood pressure rises exponentially as arteries narrow and is used as a guess-estimate of how narrow the arteries are.)

Question, were you vaccinated for the COVID virus?

A few days ago, I had a treadmill stress test with no problems, the Doctor said the result was excellent.

Another strong indicator that you aren't suffering common cardiovascular disease which is what the Pauling therapy was designed to treat.

He would now like me to have a ct scan to check the levels of calcium in my blood to see if I just have high cholesterol or if it's affecting my arteries and from there decide how aggressively he should treat. I do not want cholesterol medication. Since learning of my high levels I have been taking vit c and lysine. I've been taking 6g vit c and 3 lysine for approx 2 weeks.

They do seem to be looking for a medicine they can give you. It is not a bad idea to know how calcified your arteries are. We think we have learned that calcification happen on the "outside" of the arteries, and doesn't narrow the artery or affect the flow.

If you had a high calcium score, we also think we know how to fix it - by adding vitamin K to your supplement protocol.

However, since your blood pressure is consistently low, I would be VERY surprised if your arteries are calcified.

I need advice on whether I should have this ct scan. I ask because I have been taking about 4 vit d tablets each day for the past 12 months and only just found I should have been taking K2 along with it. I am concerned that the vit d alone would increase calcium levels in my blood. Please correct me if I have it wrong!! if correct would the protocol reduce that calcium? I would prefer to get closer to normal levels then test so I'm not pressured into taking medication.

Yes, there is always risk in taking any medical test, and given your profile, if you are already adding vitamin K, then there really is no reason to take the test at this time.

I have questions on brands of ascorbic acid and lysine and proline. I'm aware of the poorer quality of Chinese vit c but I'm not sure if anything from Australia is suitable. Postage and exchange rates make it harder to afford from elsewhere.
I have always taken Melrose brand sodium ascorbate and this week ascorbic acid but only when needed not daily.

Can I take any brand of lysine and proline that I can get in Australia or are there inferior products I should avoid?

We don't investigate every brand, but if they have been in business for a while, their product is probably okay. And the vitamin C is probably from China ( more than 90% of the world supply is manufactured in China. There are excellent ISO certified factories, and all of Dr. Cathcart's work, for example, was using China-based vitamin C.) There is a slight risk, but I wouldn't worry about the vitamin C unless there is a reason.

I remember a product that we have used recently to verify that products have vitamin C. Seems to work well.

Ascorbic Acid Test Strips

I normally take 2 magnesium citrate each day - each tablet has 346mg elemental magnesium from trimagnesium citrate and 2025mg from trimagnesium citrate. Any advice on better type or amount would be greatly appreciated.
I take no other medications

Excellent. Might be why your blood pressure is so good.

I have ceased the vit d just in case I got it wrong.

There is an oracle that I have come to trust that agrees with this decision. Anthony William, the Medical Medium warns that current high recommendations for vitamin D are damaging to the liver. It is also interesting the Linus Pauling did not recommend supplemental vitamin D.

Will the protocol reduce the high levels of cholesterol?

It should, but it may require a larger amount of vitamin C, which would only be good for you.

I thank you in advance for any advice, and apologize for my ignorance, I'm still learning! I'm feeling rather anxious about it all and appreciate your guidance,
lks373 :)

In summation...

I don't believe you have the kind of heart disease that is the largest killer in the USA. (If you had the Vaxx, that might explain what is going on though). I suspect the problem may be related to the liver, and it is even possible that stopping vitamin D (please do get daily sunshine!) supplements may help with your rapid heart beat. I doubt your arteries are calcified. I think you do need more vitamin C, and both vitamin C and lysine can help with many liver conditions.

One of the better books ever written, is Liver Rescue by Anthony William.

In a nutshell, you can improve liver function by making an effort to reduce fats in the diet (and unfortunately, eating most protein means eating more fat), and by focusing on rating various fruits (which provide glucose that the liver (and brain) crave in the form best suited for the liver to use.)

And to be safe, I would add an excellent vitamin E to your protocol daily, e.g. Unique-E from A.C. Grace
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: advice needed -- racing heart beat

Post by lks373 » Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:18 pm

thank you so much for your response, it helped a lot :D I am taking 6 grams of vit c, 2 grams lysine and 500mg proline. Would you recommend more vit c to lower my cholestrol?
I will add in vit e as you suggested too.
I didn't get the covid vax but have had the virus once but took lots of vit c at the time. I'm still getting the occasional racing heart but have developed a lot of burping along with it, so my naturopath is testing for gut bacteria overgrowth. She thinks it could all be related to my gut. time will tell! :D
I will also look at the liver information you suggested, thanks so much for your time, I do appreciate it :)

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Re: advice needed -- racing heart beat

Post by Blargus » Tue Aug 15, 2023 8:36 pm

Couple things might help: I gather that lots of people have post-covid weirdness supposedly it is due to the spike protein of the virus so its a possibility--I personally have had weird health problems I am thinking it might be that. There is a protocol designed by Dr. McCullough to help with that called "base spike detox" it is three supplements but he says it takes a few months to work. I just mention it as a possibility the post covid symptoms I guess have a wide variety. I don't know if there's a way for doctors to test for the presence of the covid spike protein. ... -bromelain

Supposedly the best herb for the heart is Hawthorne, it is supposed to be very safe as well it might help in general. And garlic can lower cholesterol specifically studied is the kyolic garlic supplement. ... nd-garlic/

The aged garlic extract 'Kyolic' lowers serum cholesterol levels in humans and experimental animals

Another good heart and nutrition supplement according to Dr. D.C Jarvis in his book Folk Medicine is supposedly kelp:

Soon after Dr. Price visited me a patient who had had several heart attacks came to my office to have his ears inflated. He came on a Friday and I asked him to return on the following Monday. He said he did not know whether he could make a second visit because, in climbing the one flight of stairs to my office, he had been obliged to stop and rest three times because of pain in his heart. He said that he was obliged to remain quiet throughout each morning so that it would be possible for him to be moderately active in the afternoon and evening.
I gave him some 5-grain kelp tablets with' instructions to take one tablet either before, during, or after each meal, whichever he found most convenient.

The following Monday he walked into my office and, holding out his wrist, asked me to take his pulse. It was 72 for the minute count. I then asked why he had wanted me to take it. He said that since taking the first kelp tablet he had been completely free from heart pain. He had walked up the stairs on this second office visit without having to stop and rest. I had him continue taking one 5-grain kelp tablet at each meal, with the result that he became much more active than he had been.

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