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Fillers in tablets inquiry

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:30 pm
by Blanko
If I am taking a lot of ascorbic acid tablets daily an extended basis, is there a possibility the fillers may cause any issues?

Also, is ascorbic acid OK to take without anything else, or does it need food or something else to bind to to make ascorbate for better use by the body?

Re: Fillers in tablets inquiry

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:55 am
by pamojja
Fillers and binders can cause problems in excess and certain individuals, just as any supplement not at its right dose. The best way to know if something goes wrong or get bettr, is documenting one's supplement intake. And try to find correlations to one's regular lab-tests.

Ascorbic acid is best absorbed on an empty stomach, ie. before meals. However, all essential and conditionally essential nutrients work best in right proportions to each other, and one's individual needs. So yes, after the ascorbate before the meal, do take a healthy meal (if possible organic, especially meats, not industrially processed with further additives, do change with the variety of different vegetables and fruits..)