Here's the result of my VAP test

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by scottbushey » Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:52 am

The last labs I had drawn was back in Dec 2009:

Chol 285
Trigly 215
HDL 34
LDL 208
Ratio 8.4

~My CRP was 3.20

Vap test result:

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by scottbushey » Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:54 am

How do I attach a PDF image file?

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by scottbushey » Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:08 am

Tot LDL 180
LDL-R (Real LDL) 157
Lp(a) 7
IDL 16
Toptal HDL 28
HDL2 7
HDL3 21
Total VLDL 43
VLDL 1+222.8
VLDL3 20
Total Chol 251

~Secondary and emerging risk factors
Trigly 291
Non HDL CHol 223
Remn Lipoprotoeins 36
LP(a) 7
LDL density (pattern) B
LDL subclass LDL4=43.0, LDL3=83.0, LDL2 = 6.8, LDL1 = 24.2

~Vap derived Apolipoproteins
Apo B100 151
Apo A1 114
Apo B A1 ratio 1.32

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by ofonorow » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:16 am

Per private message, if you email report then I can post it. Did they give a breakdown of Lp(a)?

In any case, Lp(a) = 7 is a pretty good number (less than 10 if memory serves) and according to Pauling, this number is not particularly dangerous and would indicate that your risk of rapidly forming plaque is fairly low. (I would still like to see the Lp(a) breakdown.)

So your cholesterol, somewhat lower than Dec, is still higher than your earlier blood work, (except trig - much higher, which usually indicates excess carbs) In my case, my cholesterol on high C (15 - 18 g) was a consistent 180 mg/dl for many years - as predicted by Pauling's book based on the Ginter work, that is, until I began adding lysine/proline, around 1996. Then it dropped to 160 mg/dl (total) and this is where it is today (confirmed during my hospital stay.) My guess is that 20 mg/dl was Lp(a) (normally lumped in with LDL) - but is no longer being produced.

So the question is, again, why is your total cholesterol so high? (I am still of the opinion that it may be a sign of your body dealing with toxicity, per Levy and others. If this is true, with a fairly low Lp(a), then I would not want to artificially lower cholesterol which may be performing a valuable detoxification function. I would however, consider increasing vitamin C intake, if getting rid of possible toxins is not an option.). I will have to review your posts for your current vitamin C intake, but are you at bowel tolerance? Are you taking a liposomal form? Here is what I found from an earlier post:

No, the lab is not 'Q'.

My take on the Pauling therapy is that Cholesterol is not the issue per se. Cholesterol is actually our friend! Cholesterol, when high is the result of inflammation. This inflammation is caused by a number of things but mainly because of a sub clinical scurvy or a lack of Vitamin C. Cholesterol sticking to the inflamed artery is the body's response to correct the deficit-much like skinning your knee. It's not a food issue or diet issue; If I remember correctly, Pauling mentioned that we should eat whatever we enjoy sans the sugar. If we take in enough Vitamin C w/ Lysine, i.e. The Pauling Therapy, the inflammation should cease and the residual cholesterol should not be able to stick to the arterial walls. In fact, if the Inflammation stays, the lysine approach should counteract the cholesterols ability to attach to the inflamed artery.

Here's what I take everyday:
Tower formula 1 scoop 5 times a day. In addition to that, in between the hours I take Tower, I supplement 1000 mg Vitamin C capsules so as to get at least 1000 mg hourly. I follow the dynamic flow principle throughout the day. My last dosing is around 8-9 pm.
1 Multi Vitamin-Whole Foods Brand
2 Omega 3/DHA Fish Oil caps ... h_Oil.aspx
1 Tab 400 Mag Oxide2 100 mg CoQ10 caps NSI Brand
1 Vitamin D1 5000 IU
Acetabutolol 200 mg BID
Norvasc 5 mg daily
Protonix 20 mg bid
*I was told to take a low dose ASA; I have this on hold.

I would be willing to send off a specimen.....

Which Tower formula - HT or A9? A-9 for example, 1 serving = 2 scoops, so 5 scoops would 7500 mg vitamin C. Plus 1000 hourly?? 16 (-5) waking hours, I compute a healthy 11,000 + 7,500 = 18500 mg daily. Do we know if this is your bowel tolerance??

Have we talked about the protonix ?!! Did I miss that? (Stomach acid is required to absorb vitamin C via the stomach lining ( before it has a chance to break down later in the gut) and there are many other nutrients which require stomach acid for proper absorption. (If you aren't getting lung infections, I suppose that means that you still have some stomach acid)

So in summary, before seeing your actual report. Your Lp(a) is apparently under control. Your high total cholesterol indicates to me that you require even more vitamin C, and I would consider a liposomal form. One reason is that liposomes are absorbed differently (do not require stomach acid) and if one packet of Lypo-C is worth at least 5 g ordinary C, then you can get the equivalent of 5 to 10 additional grams.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by Johnwen » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:59 am


LDL < 130 md/dL
HDL ? 40 mg/dL
VLDL < 30 mg/dL
Total Cholesterol < 200 mg/dL
Non- HDL < 160 mg/dL
Triglycerides < 150mg/dL
LDL-R < 100mg/dL
Lp(a) < 10 mg/dL
IDL < 20 mg/dL
HDL2 > 10 mg/dL( Males)
HDL2 > 15mg dL ( Females)
VLDL1+2 < 20 mg/dL
HDL3 > 30 mg/dL( Males)
HDL3 > 25mg/dL ( Females)
VLDL3 < 10/mg/dL
Remnant Lipoproteins < 30 mg/dL
LDL Density (Pattern) : A
Apo B < 109 mg/dL
Apo A1 (Females) > 145mg/dL
ApoA1 (Males) > 118mg/dL
Apo B/ Apo A1 Ratio (Females) < 0.75
Apo B/ Apo A1 Ratio (Males) < 0.92
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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by scottbushey » Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:07 am

Inositol Hex Vitaglo 1000 mg tid (Dr. Mercola recommendation) 2-3 daily
CoQ10 2 caps in the am NSI CoQ10 -- 100 mg - 120 capsules 2 daily
MVI Whole foods; 1 daily
Omega 3 Xtend-life ... h_Oil.aspx 2 daily
Flax seed oil 2000 mg 300 caps Vitacosty $9.00 2 caps daily NSI Organic Flaxseed Oil -- 2000 mg - 300 Softgels 2 daily
Gluthione 500 mg 1 cap 2 x day iherb Healthy Origins, Setria, L-Glutathione Reduced, 500 mg, 150 Capsules 2-3 daily
Vit C caps 1000 mg Vitacost NSI Vitamin C -- 1,000 mg - 250 Capsules 6 daily in divided doses
Gugull Vitacost 1 cap bid Natrol Gugulipid 500 mg 2.5% Z+E Guggulsterones -- 100 Capsules 2-3- daily
Donbachs Symplex C $133.00 x 60 days. 7 Caps daily ... -p/621.htm 8 daily
Tower Ascorsine 9 1 Jar monthly $65.00 1 scoop 4 x day
Vitamin D3 5000 IU; 1 daily
Livon Labs Lypospheric Vit C ... LGC30.html 1 packets daily
Kyolic Formula 100 Aged Garlic Extract Hi-Potency; ... ract-Hi-Po
Chelated Magnesium; Country Life Chelated Magnesium -- 250 mg; 2 a day ... 80-Tablets

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by Johnwen » Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:58 am

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by scottbushey » Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:08 am

None! I'm totally decaffeinated.

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by scottbushey » Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:14 am

I'm taking Lyposomal under Donbach and Livon labs. To be honest, I cant take 3 packs of Livon labs and a bottle of Donbachs monthly- that will run me about $250.00 monthly, not counting what I'm putting out already in the rest of my supplements. I'm actually taking one packet Livon in the am, and about 10 tabs of Donbachs during the day mixed in with about 15k of reg ascorbic acid. My bowel tolerance has actually decreased some. It was around 20k. Now it's about 10-15k.

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by Johnwen » Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:02 am

Everything I checked on your results points to a common denominator to get the rest of your numbers in line. Are you ready NIACIN!!!
I would start with 500 Mg. What I do is right b4 going to bed is take the pill and hit the bed. That way I sleep thru the flush.
Here's a link you'll see your type B pattern LDL is easily treated with Niacin and it's got some good info that might help at work!
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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by scottbushey » Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:05 pm

Thanks for your reply. Question: I am presently taking: Enzymatic Therapy HexaNiacin Inositol Hexaniacinate (flush-free) 60 Ultracaps

I was under the impression that this is Niacin without the flush............

**HexaNiacin provides niacin, an essential vitamin. Unlike other forms of niacin, which may cause side effects such as temporary flushing, itching and skin reddening. HexaNiacin is a superior, non-flushing form of niacin that has bee widely used in Europe for over 30 years.

I'm taking two 590mg caps daily. ... 1.110.9603

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by Johnwen » Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:15 pm

That's a good choice 1G+ is a good dose. How long have you been on it?
My own personal experience is 1G a day regular niacin (Cheaper!) which is two pills B4 bed took about 3 months to start raising my HDL. Took 8 Months to get from 32 to 41 LDL dropped 132 to 113 in the same peroid. I was locked at 32 HDL and 132 LDL for 4 years prior to starting the niacin. They say after you take niacin for awhile the flush goes away. I couldn't really say because I'm sleeping then.
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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by scottbushey » Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:54 pm

I've been on it for over 3 months......I'm thinking about doubling the dosage. I'm an anomaly. I'm thinking about contacting Tower, Donbach and Livon labs and asking them to provide me with high dose lypospheric VC gratis as an experimental case. I believe I would start with a bottle of Donbachs formula monthly, 4 jars of Ascorsine 9 and 4 boxes of Livon labs and see if that would do the trick. Finanacially, I can'y afford that.

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:27 am

I've been on it for over 3 months......I'm thinking about doubling the dosage

Then why not double it with ordinary niacin, as suggested by Johnwen? (Each form can have different physiological and metabolic properties.)

Your case is a challenge. (The issue seems to be that your cholesterol used to be much lower, but has become elevated after the high-dose Pauling therapy, (although I am confused by your latest post re: extra vitamin C intake. What is your calculation how much vitamin C you are taking daily?)

I do not believe we have discussed the protonix - are you prone to upper respiratory infections? (See: Why Stomach Acid is Good for You by Jonathan Wright and Lane Lenard) There is a chance that chronic low stomach acid is impairing your ability to utilize all the vitamin C you are taking (as well as B12, zinc, etc.)

Proton pump inhibitors reduce the bioavailability of dietary vitamin C.

Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Here's the result of my VAP test

Post by scottbushey » Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:30 am

The regular Niacin has no benefit over the hexaniacin I am taking; I am doubling the dosages starting today. I'm taking about 15k of ascorbic by mouth, 1 packet of Lypospheric Livon labs, 7 Donbachs Symplex C daily. Thats gotr to be somewhere practically around 20-25k daily.

As far as the Protonix, my respiratory functions are normal............Pulse oximetry runs around 99%.

Did you ever get the email w/ my Vap results?

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