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Will Pauling Therapy Products Help Cardio-Myopathy

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:22 pm
by ofonorow
I have cardio myopathy and my husband has a problem with bruising on the skin.

Can you tell me which Vitamin C I should be taking, I like the powder and wanted it with Lysine. My heart is so weak that it only pumps out 30% of the blood from it. Please help me with which one I should purchase. I thought I should have the proline as well? Not sure which as your selection is confusing.


Our products are not intended for myopathy (which in my opinion is more often than not caused by statin cholesterol-lowering drugs.) But people have reported all sorts of unexpected benefits after increasing their vitamin C intake.

Some of the primary supplements to combat myopathy are Coenzyme Q10, carnitine, and perhaps magnesium, etc. (I would also take Allergy Research/Nutricology's Free Amino Acids to cover another base. All muscles need protein, which means they really need amino acids, which is what proteins we eat are digested to. Some of us lack enzymes to digest protein, so taking the pure amino acids eliminate a step. Anyway, I have learned to trust the Allergy Research/Nutricology brand. I was having skeletal muscle pain after pancreas surgery (and just before). This pain has been eliminated completely on only one of the Free Amino Acids pill per day.)

The Tower product that has some of the ingredients you need is Ascorsine-9 - so that would be your best bet. I would still supplement more COQ10, perhaps up to and exceeding 600 mg CoQ10 daily. (Take CoQ10 with meals (fats) as there must be bile in the gut to absorb CoQ10).

A new development is a "better" ubiquinone (CoQ10) called quibiquinol. Supposedly this is the active form, and a few people can't break down ubiquionone. If you wanted to be safe, you might take half the dosage of CoQ10 as ubiquinol.

Any and all of the products have the basic vitamin C and lysine - and here is a way to start and figure out how much you can tolerate: