Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:47 am

I had not heard of the Well Being Journal ( until a few days ago after being told of a wonderful article published in the July/August 2011 issue. It has now become one of my favorite journals!

The article, Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin, by Daniel Cobb, O. M. D., is probably the best article on these matters that has been written. It is a fabulous explanation that can be clearly understood by the average reader.

Dr. Cobb uses Vitamin C Foundation products in his practice, and I found this quote at the end worth its weight in gold.

In my clinic we have a saying, "Heart disease is easier to treat than low-back pain." This treatment when done correctly, works wonders. Out of all my heart disease patients, I have had only one who did not improve significantly and that one patient did not use the recommended type of vitamin C. Another patient last year completely reversed her heart disease in 2 months.

Daniel Cobb, D. O. M (Oriental Medicine) practices at the Integrative Holistic Healing Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

I also like the editor of the Journal, because he followed Dr. Cobb's article with another excellent article entitled "Vitamin C & Heart Health (Linus Pauling's Collagen Connection) by Jim English and Hyla Cass, MD. Although just a little more technical, this article too is an excellent treatment of the vitamin C connection to heart disease.

For only $4 I was able to download the PDF of this issue.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin

Post by Saw » Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:52 pm

Out of all my heart disease patients, I have had only one who did not improve significantly and that one patient did not use the recommended type of vitamin C.

And "The recommended type of vitamin C" was......
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin

Post by gofanu » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:04 pm

"Heart disease is easier to treat than low-back pain."

Low back pain = no problem
And not much different than the heart disease treatments, if you do it right.


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Re: Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:44 am

Here is Dr. Cobb's article (reprinted with his and journal's permission with attribution to I think! It has the answer to what kind of vitamin C he uses.

( I had to use an old version of Adobe Acrobat to extract that pages, and if others cannot read this PDF, let me know and I will try something else. )
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin

Post by crusinnj » Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:25 pm

Just wanted to comment that I have been on the Vitamin C Protocol as outlined by Dr Cobb (appreciate his assistance so much ... Great Person) and after two months ending this coming friday where i had a 100 percent blockage in the LAD artery i feel great. Been working out and feel nothing. Unfortunately I have to wait for testing as I happen to have the catscan -- that the lady proved she was cured after two months -- unfortunately 2 weeks after finding out about my condition and before I found Dr Cobbs information. So I have to wait for my insurance company and working out a plan with my cardiologist to test me by October (where i will have to pay for a stress test) and then follow up with a nuclear one in 6 months after that..

So Feeling so good having done this.. I did add D Ribose in conversations with Dr Cobb as i needed to get myself well and fast and D Ribose helps with the healing aspect along with the Vitamin C in the formula .. Yes I only use the Vitamin C from the Vitamin C Foundation. I'm 63 y/o and weigh 170lbs at 5'8". Also study Martial Arts and was told to stop it but in working with my Cardiologist he told me to monitor myself and pulse rate. Again.. feeling great.. At 60 y/o eating healthing and working out ... this combo according to my cardiologist enables older people to create their own bypass. I did just that and created actually two of them. My Cardiologist told me that most people my age and older will have blockages of 50% or more and will need bypass surgery in the future. My response to him was that "That's Fracked Up" .. (edited for explictives). Why not search for the way to help your body do it's job if we're interfering with it in someway.

Only interesting thing i felt during the two months was feeling it clearing a bit here and there at times in the heart.. May sound scarey but was actually very interesting if you know what's going on and work with it.. Felt for me like a tiny part of a glacier moving off the shelve.. not aways but maybe twice during the 60 days.. Also felt even better the next day..

Point is the protocol works.. just help the body do it's healing and stay on track. put better fuel into it as you would for your car or whatever you prize in your life.. then sit back (not really) and feel the difference... Oh loved the idea of the side effect = will be no colds or flu and if so very little.. So welcome to this site which I am grateful for and go forth and join me and heal ... tell your family members who may be challenged this way or heading this way..

Enjoy and Be Safe.. with Infinite Love & Gratitude

Rich S.

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Re: Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:43 am

Thank you for the report and we wish you well. This is the first report of a "100% blockage" that may be clearing, and perhaps only in 60 days! We have previously believed, from reports in the past, that there needed to be some blood flow in order for the "Lp(a) binding inhibitors" to do their magic. Please keep us informed.

Added after rereading the last post.

Here is my take on "growing new arteries" (johnwen?). Medical doctors and cardiologists are taught that atherosclerotic plaques are irreversible. They only grow, narrowing the arteries. So if greater blood flow is detected, they need something to explain it and have borrowed "angiogenesis" from cancer research to explain the increased blood flow. I just think this is hogwash and the increased blood flow is simply the reversal of CVD (narrowing/plaques) in the existing arteries.

I try to imagine how an artery would grow? It would be quite a trick, as there would either be a lot of internal bleeding, or something would "puncture" it after it somehow attached to its end point. ( I think we know (thank you John Beard) that cancers obtain blood using an enzyme (like trypsin) that eats through tissue, like the early placenta (trophoblast) "eats" through the uterus (womb) to obtain blood for the fetus.)

Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
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Re: Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin

Post by Johnwen » Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:50 pm

The process is called Angiogenesis!


IT produces what is known as Collateral Circulation!


It is enhanced with the use of a therapy called Enhanced External Couterpulsation Therapy!

WIKI: ... rpulsation

The problem is it starts only after the original vessel is completely blocked. However a good EEC tech can get results prior to the BIG One! It's a matter of timing and applying pressure at the right places. Lately these techs have been pressured into learning and doing a lot more then they use to and the results are starting to pay off!.
A note: Some of these colateral's are so small they can only pass a single blood cell at one time but if you got 30 or forty of them they can start showing some good results.
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Re: Reversing Heart Disease with a Vitamin

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:23 am

That there is "Collateral circulation" (or a backup means to get blood to tissues) is no surprise. Growing this circulation is what seems "miraculous" to say the least!

I admit, re: Angiogenesis, I hadn't thought about the fetus "growing" it's blood vessels, and note that wiki page gave this process a different name than Angiogenesis. The wiki description of how these blood vessels "sprout", while interesting, seems exceedingly far fetched, even if the growth is millimeters per day! It also seemed to imply the process happens mostly in veins (rather than arteries)

It is not the regrowth, per se, as our livers supposedly regenerate, but the issue of blood flow during the growing period.

What if.. the EEC is merely using mechanical forces to move plaque (rather than grow new blood vessels?) We (I) learned from Dr. Levy's STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER that only the coronary arteries outside the heart show blockage and plaque - not those arteries within the heart. It would seem to me that stressing these arteries outside the heart using the EEC as described on the wiki page would be likely to do more harm than good. So if it does work, that says something.

Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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