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Does Lysine Increase Cholesterol and Trygliycerides?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:08 am
by ofonorow

In reading up on L-lysine it says large doses can cause severe increase in cholesterol and tryglycerides.

In lab rats... Yes, this is such a "caution" from Loma-Linda University that Pauling referenced.

In my book, anything that increases cholesterol is good for one's health :) ...

But I'd like to see your reference for a "severe" increase??? High dose lysine has had no such effect on me, quite the opposite.

I have myself been on a double dose of the Tower high vitamin C/lysine product for over 10 years, and my TOTAL cholesterol is 160 mg/dl.

My previous normal (with only a high vitamin C intake) was 180 mg/dl. (I have been a little worried that my cholesterol is too low.)

Most of the reports we get also show DROPS in total cholesterol/Lp(a).