Blood test: lpa 145, tot chol 285, was Cardio-C right to buy

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Re: Blood test: lpa 145, tot chol 285, was Cardio-C right to

Post by Saw » Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:22 pm

ofonorow wrote:Believe it or not, she has stopped for the 3rd time, but as I understand has adjusted to a paleo-like diet and as far as I know, she is doing fine.

You have to get to the root of the problem, that being the food you eat!
To steal a line from Huggins/Levy...
Anything less is like trying to dry off in the shower.
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: Blood test: lpa 145, tot chol 285, was Cardio-C right to

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:01 pm

Back to Arlene, the original emailer and reason for this post.

Ok, I wanted to let you know that I just received my results from carotid artery test. It was green and normal on the right side and red on left side. Dr said it was red due to inflammation. Zero plaque found! Test said my veins are like a 54 year old. I'm 52.75. Said I have a 1% chance of having heart attack or stroke within 10 years. Dr said it is amazing that I don't have plaque with my numbers. She said that my glucose levels were great and in her opinion that would be why no plaque??? Might not be describing exactly right.

Can you tell me what causes inflammation on right side. I forgot to ask her. Also, do you still recommend I take 2 doses of cardo-c or can I take just one? Please advise. Thank you for all you do

Thank you for the great report Arlene. Congratulations. Remind me, how long have you been taking Cardio-C? I would continue for at least a month or two, and perhaps slowly reduce over time to the preventive dosage. This was only one medical test.

Regarding inflammation. You have heard of NSAIDS - Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs? e.g. Aspirin or Tylenol. It turns out that a well kept secret is that the Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug is a natural hormone called Cortisol. It has been patented long ago as predinisone or methyl prednisolone (and several others) but taking these "evil" steroids is really natural hormone replacement therapy - when done at safe low doses - especially when taken in the bioidentical form called hydrocortizone. (All explained in a great book by William Mck Jefferies SAFE USES OF CORTISOL 3rd Edition)

What I learned from my own experience (when my body stopped making cortisol) is that inflammation is always the bodies response to insufficient cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone emitted almost constantly by the adrenal glands - per the brains instructions (as a reaction to stress and pain.) So in my opinion, and I may be the sole person alive with this opinion, the body is preset to explode into inflammation. Cortisol is constantly being requested by the brain and sent out by the adrenals to keep the inflammation in check. However, unlike aspirin, cortisol apparently exerts its magic in a slower fashion.. Anyway, if you don't make cortisol for 24 hours - you die, so everyone is making some (or taking prednisone/hydrocortisone) but as we age, people develop a deficiency, they now call mine "Adrenal Insufficiency" .

Recap: If there is not enough cortisol to go around, you are not making enough, not all cells will receive their supply and the result is that tissues that cannot get their cortisol fix and inflame. (Also if there is some kind of injury or stress - the injured tissues will ask, via the brain, for more, but if it aint available - they are out of luck.

You can try an over-the-counter NSAID for the inflammation in your carotids, but ever better, is to ask your doc for a short-term Cortisol e.g. prednizone "fix" at the proper low dosage. How do you know if you are chronically short of cortisol in your blood stream (and stress of heart disease may be a factor) pain and inflammation that doesn't subside. It is hard to get doctors to prescribe steroids long term, as testing for it is problematic.
Enough - either take some NSAID or talk to your doctor about prednisone after reading Jefferies' wonderful book.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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