Help eliminating my prescription medications

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Help eliminating my prescription medications

Post by ChuckArbogast » Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:19 pm

I had a heart attack in January 2015 and Bypass surgery in late October 2015. Before the heart attack I was never on any prescription medication. After the heart attack they put me on the following:
- Lisinopril at 5 mg per day
- Low dose aspirin at 81 mg per day
- Clopidogrel at 75 mg per day
- Metoprolol at 100 mg per day
- Atorvastatin at 80 mg per day

Due to muscle problems my doctor agreed to lower my Atorvastatin and due to low heart rate I was able to lower the Metoprolol too. Shortly after my bypass surgery they did eliminate the Clopidogrel.

So, my current prescription medications are as follows:
- Lisinopril at 5 mg per day
- Low dose aspirin at 81 mg per day
- Metoprolol at 25 mg per day
- Atorvastatin at 10 mg per day

I want to be able to get my cardiologist blessing to eliminate these medications, but I don't think he will budge unless I have good alternatives for them. Would someone please give me some alternatives to these medications and some rationale that may help me convince my doctor?


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Re: Help eliminating my prescription medications

Post by mickiboi » Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:27 am

Hi Chuck.

I had a heart attack and a double bypass in 2011. Since then I have had a few other things go wrong that the Drs couldn't work out. I ended up working things out for myself so maybe I can help you. First off your Dr will never agree to you going off your medication. My cardiologist didn't and even though all my numbers are down to a perfect human specimen, I get my blood tested every month, he still insists I am going to die of a heart attackif I dont take my meds as in their opinion once you have had a heart attack you are permanently damaged......NOT TRUE. I am off everything completely. You have to eliminate the medications one at a time by correcting what they have prescribed them for, if in fact you really needed them in the first place. You have to work all this out for yourself. The Dr will only give you the health outcome he wants to give you, if you leave your health in the hands of other you will get the health they want to give you. ITS ALL UP TO YOU.

So before we go any further, prior to the heart attack,

a. Was your blood pressure high
b. Was your cholesterol high.
c. Did you smoke.
d. Were you a moderate to heavy alcohol/soda drinker.
e. Did you do any exercise.
e. What was your diet like. Did you eat lots of carbs and sugar.
f. Did you drink plenty of fresh clean water, not from the tap.

In other words what shape were you in to induce this heart attack.
What have you done since the heart attack to fix any of the above.

Your Meds

Lisinopril. ACE inhibitor for blood pressure.
Aspirin. Platelet Anti clotting.
Metoprolol. Beta blocker.
Atorvastatin. Cholesterol.

First off work out which drug is causing you the most grief. My experience was the Metoprolol. It made me exercise less and caused me to gain weight, 10 kgs in 3 months. It also induced atrial flutter which made me feel like I was having another heart attack again and I am only now working out what mineral to take to get control of this 4 years on (potassium chloride). Its a horrible drug to get off. There is probably no good reason for you to be on it except they want you to be. You have to reduce this drug slowly. Reducing your heart rate is not conducive to you making your heart better. If you are not already exercising then start now. Walk as much as possible.If you have a job where you sit, then stand instead, even if its all day. Sitting is one of the worst things you can do for your heart. It raises your blood pressure, puts strain on your heart having to pump blood through squashed arteries and veins and it makes you use less calories. One of the side effects of Metoprolol is HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. This happens because it lowers your heart rate, a lower heart rate may not be able to supply the oxygenated blood you need at any given time the so the end result is your blood pressure goes UP. Another side effect of Metoprolol is INCREASED CHOLESTEROL. Beta blockers actually increase your inflammatory markers, which makes your cholesterol go UP. So start exercising and reduce it by 10% every week.

There is ample evidence now that taking aspirin DOES NOT PREVENT ANOTHER HEART ATTACK NOR DOES IT HELP YOU IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER ONE. The FDA have currently stopped a major drug company from advertising that their aspirin reduces the risk of heart attack. IT DOES NOTHING OF THE SORT. You can probably drop it right now.

With regards to your cholesterol, read the book The Rosedale Diet. It will help you get off of everything including the Statins.

Remember one thing, its your body and you decide what goes into it. Use the Drs to your advantage. Im fortunate my General Practitioner is more than happy to help me get off the prescription medication. She does my bloods for me once a month, if something does not look right then I change my vitamin/mineral accordingly. We discuss everything and then I try the solution we have come up with.....retest in another month.

Get your diet and exercise in order and the rest will follow. Find a Dr sympathetic to your cause of getting of the meds, get blood test every month. If you go off one of the meds, you will not have another heart attack with in a month. But you will see a change in your markers one way or the other. If something goes up or down and it shouldn't work out what you are and aren't doing to cause this response.

For the record this is what I now take.

100mg CoQ10 morning(Any more than this gives me heart palpitations)
4000IU Vitamin D morning and night
Dr Mercola Vitamin E morning
Dr Mercola Vitamin K morning
Dr Mercola Multi 4 morning and 4 night
Potassium Chloride 600mg morning and night (Stops my atrial flutter and fibrilation)
Blackmores PMPP (Australian) morning lunch night
Acetyl L Carnetine morning
Vitamin B3 1000mg morning and 1000mg night.
Oxylife Orachell 3 in the morning and 3 at night
Zinc Supplement morning
Magnesium 1000mg morning
Megazyme Forte morning and night
Curcumin 400mg morning and night
Vitamin C (LAA) in enteric coated capsules 7000mg morning and 7000mg nightime. (I make my own caps). Not at BT using this method.
Flaxseed Ground 30 grams morning and 30 grams night.

And I walk about 10 to 12 kms a day. I eat very little carbs, no sugar at all. Basically I eat a ketogenic diet.

I have completely unblocked the 2 arteries that caused the heart attack in my last angiogram, reversed my heart disease, lowered blood pressure from 170/100 to 115/70. Dropped my resting heart beat from 110 to 65/70. I never had high cholesterol or high blood pressure until they put me on Statins, Metoprolol and Micardis post bypass. NEVER AGAIN.

Good luck my friend

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Re: Help eliminating my prescription medications

Post by vision5 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:04 pm

Posts: 134
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:57 am

Re: Help eliminating my prescription medications

Post by ChuckArbogast » Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:11 pm

Thanks mickiboi for responding.
To answer your questions:
mickiboi wrote:Hi Chuck.
So before we go any further, prior to the heart attack,
a. Was your blood pressure high
b. Was your cholesterol high.
c. Did you smoke.
d. Were you a moderate to heavy alcohol/soda drinker.
e. Did you do any exercise.
e. What was your diet like. Did you eat lots of carbs and sugar.
f. Did you drink plenty of fresh clean water, not from the tap.

In other words what shape were you in to induce this heart attack.
What have you done since the heart attack to fix any of the above.

Before my heart attack, I didn't monitor my blood pressure or cholesterol as I didn't go to the doctor.
I never smoked, but my Mom and Dad did when I was living with them. I was a moderate soda drinker, but had gotten off of the soda about 3 years prior to the heart attack. Never drank alcohol. I started exercising consistently about 3 years prior to the heart attack and at that same time I cleaned up my diet. Some carbs and sugar but not a lot. In stopping soda, I started drinking filtered water then. I was actually in good shape at the time of the heart attack, but I think all my years prior to the change caused the blockage. Since the heart attack I even cleaned my diet up more and still exercising.
mickiboi wrote:First off work out which drug is causing you the most grief. My experience was the Metoprolol. It made me exercise less and caused me to gain weight, 10 kgs in 3 months. It also induced atrial flutter which made me feel like I was having another heart attack again and I am only now working out what mineral to take to get control of this 4 years on (potassium chloride). Its a horrible drug to get off. There is probably no good reason for you to be on it except they want you to be. You have to reduce this drug slowly.

I have already stopped taking the statin and cut the others in half, including the Metoprolol. I had been taking 25mg of Metoprolol once a day for about 8 months before I cut it in half about a month ago. I'm most concerned about this drug and not sure if I should take the 12.5mg dose longer before cutting in half again or if I even have to cut in half again down to 6.25mg. Any thoughts on my weaning process?
I'm not sure what atrial flutter is, but did you get that while on Metoprolol or when you weaned yourself off of it? I'm still having chest/muscle discomfort after I stopped taking the statin about a month ago, so I am not sure if it is Metoprolol or the bypass surgery causing this. It has been about 8 months ago, so I thought it would be better by now.
mickiboi wrote:Remember one thing, its your body and you decide what goes into it. Use the Drs to your advantage. Im fortunate my General Practitioner is more than happy to help me get off the prescription medication. She does my bloods for me once a month, if something does not look right then I change my vitamin/mineral accordingly. We discuss everything and then I try the solution we have come up with.....retest in another month.

Get your diet and exercise in order and the rest will follow. Find a Dr sympathetic to your cause of getting of the meds, get blood test every month. If you go off one of the meds, you will not have another heart attack with in a month. But you will see a change in your markers one way or the other. If something goes up or down and it shouldn't work out what you are and aren't doing to cause this response.

What tests do you have done monthly? I have an appointment with my General Practitioner in a little over a week, so I would like to ask for them.

I'm taking a lot of supplements now that I never really took before. Here they are:
Omega 3's
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Vitamin D3
Vitamin K2
Vitamin C, about 6 grams, 3 times a day
Most all of these are what I have learned from this forum, so I hope this will help me in the long run.

Again, thanks for the reply and if you could help me out more, that would be great.

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Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:57 am

Re: Help eliminating my prescription medications

Post by ChuckArbogast » Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:12 pm

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