Mother in India having trouble with Cardio-C

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Mother in India having trouble with Cardio-C

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:03 am


I recently got 6 boxes of Cardio-C for my mom as she has elevated Lp(a) level (47 mg/dL). However, she has a sensitive stomach and wasn't able to tolerate even a half scoop of the cardio-C. She is taking it 20 mins before meals. Effectively she took 1.25g morning and 1.25g evening for a week or so.

Is there any recommendation you can provide for a better way of taking Cardio-C? Knowing her, I think it will be extremely hard to get her to a therapeutic dosage.

I read about the Liposomal C- that it is better for a sensitive stomach. Then some of the other forms of Vitamin C such as Sodium Ascorbate may be good alternatives. Can you please provide an opinion on how can she still follow the Linus Pauling protocol?
Do you think Sodium Adcorbate or the Liposomal C can be replacements for Ascorbic Acid?

I'll appreciate your response.


Can you explain what she means by "sensitive" stomach? Usually, this means an older person has what is commonly called "GERD." The pain or sensitivity is not the stomach, rather the bottom of the throat (esophagus) which has become raw from the stomach acid backing up out of the stomach, into the throat. What I have learned about this i documented in this forum post, WHAT CURE MY GERD?

Lets assume that is the issue is GERD. (another issue that many people have is that they simply cannot absorb vitamin C well through the GITract - causing gas and "early" diarrhea). She should adopt the things I adopted, eating six or more hours before going to bed (to allow the stomach contents to empty before she lies down), keeping her stomach acid levels normal (which means high), etc. And doing things which allow the raw esophagus to heal.

Here are a few ideas to help your Mom:

#1. Get a DIY capsule making machine from a Health Food Store. Create Cardio-C capsules (use a gram scale) and then slowly work up the dosage in capsules. The advantage of capsules is that the Cardio-C should not irritate the throat going down encapsulated in a gelatine capsule, but the capsule will dissolve in the stomach - leading to the full therapeutic effect. You'll soon experience the disadvantage: The large number of pills require to be equivalent to even one scoop.

#2. You could try adding backing soda (or better, sodium ascorbate) to the Cardio-C drink. This will neutralize the pH, so as not to be as irritating to the GERD. (At first, going this route, it probably would be better to USE Only sodium ascorbate for awhile (taking the lysine as pills) to allow the throat to heal. Later on, simply take the Cardio-C with sodium ascorbate (or baking soda) added.

Corollary: Put the Cardio-C (+sodium ascorbate) in a water bottle and sip. Take small amounts all day long.

#3 I have a nagging concern that any form of True liposomal, and perhaps if the DIY mostly emulsions, may not have the Pauling-therapy effect that we otherwise see. These means of administering vitamin C in nano partices have wonderful positive effects, but not necessarily for heart disease. However, a "liposomal" C may help speed the healing of your Mother's GERD. Lets say that one reason her throat isn't healing is because of a lack of vitamin C. Any liposomal you can add will assist in this healing process.

The book WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU is a must for anyone with GERD.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Mother in India having trouble with Cardio-C

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:10 am

Hi Owen,

Sorry for the confusion, but it's the diarrhea symptoms she is experiencing. After trying different dosages of Cardio C, I think she can tolerate 1.25 g of Ascorbic Acid in a day. Anything more than this amount, she gets a diarrhea.

Sounds like my father (Cathcart's experience was a person could take that much, but at least 4 times a day or 4,000 mg). However, my father couldn't take more than 200 mg per day! (And he never had a cold !?) But, he did die "young" of ischemic heart disease - atherosclerosis.

Then I think we learned from my half-brother, Mike Till, who was more like our father than me (I can take 9,000 every 12 hours without any problem) that liposomal (I think he added one or two per day) can not make up for the inability to take at least 10,000 mg of vitamin C powder (my arbitrary protective cut-off. Never heard of any serious heart disease lasting in a person who takes at least 10,000 mg of vitamin C daily.)

So that leaves her option as liposomal. What I don't know for sure, is even if one takes 10,000 mg of vitamin C daily as liposomal, whether it will have the same anti-atheroclerosis effects we usually see. it sounds like there is really no other choice in your mother's case than to try, and Livon Lab's LypoSpheric C product is excellent (you drop it in a drink and gulp) and everyone who uses it around here love it. This is a "true" liposomal. The other option is the DIY emulsions (incorrectly called liposomal, in most cases, in my opinion). But again, I don't know if these emulsions act like fiber to prevent the vitamin C from working its anti-plaque magic. But she'll benefit from being able to ingest any more vitamin C... And there are always intrevenous.. IV/Cs...

As I mentioned, her Lp(a) is 47 mg/dL. We recently also got her Lipoprotein Fractionation numbers. Her LDL-P, Small, Medium and Large are all elevated, but the LDL Pattern is A. It's slightly confusing. A visit to a cardiologist would mean starting statins, which I absolutely want her to avoid. I'll appreciate your suggestion on this.

I have attached a copy of her Lipoprotein Fractionation report- it doesn't have her Lp(a) of 47mg/dL.

I'll post the numbers so our "Resident" Cardiologist can offer an opinion. I agree with the decision to avoid statins at all cost. (You and (at least USA )cardiologists are not usually aware the statin cholesterol-lowering drugs are known to ELEVATE Lp(a).

PS- The info on GERD is great- my dad has some of these symptoms, so it will be helpful.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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