I think my heart problem has been caused by hypothyroidism

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Elisa Maza
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I think my heart problem has been caused by hypothyroidism

Post by Elisa Maza » Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:06 pm

Thank you. I think my heart problem has been caused by hypothyroidism that doctors have not detected or treated for years. In any case, the vitamins will not harm. I am already taking vitamin C, I just have to increase the dose and add the lysine.

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Re: I think my heart problem has been caused by hypothyroidism

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:18 am

When the above was first posted, I was unaware of the "infallible" ancient science that has been made available to humankind in the form of the Medical Medium books. According to the knowledge in these books, (e.g. THYROID HEALING), the thyroid gland, although a "wonder," is not functioning as our science believes it does. It has no control over "metabolism" and its primary role is maintaining homeostasis (balance) throughout the body.

The liver, on the other hand, especially a worn-out, damaged liver, can be and often is responsible for many conditions related to heart disease, including high blood pressure, heart palpitations, etc.

Rather than worry about a thyroid problem, taking care of out livers would rectify many seemingly chronic conditions and alleviate much unnecessary suffering. Turns out that the stomach/liver requires pH balanced water, a lot of glucose, and careful detox and cleansing.

The "infallible" alien source explains that excess fat in the diet is perhaps the biggest burden the liver has to deal with (but there are many other obstacles to a clean liver and good health.) The book LIVER RESCUE is, in my opinion, the best and most important book of the Medical Medium series. Read this book, and you will know everything you need to know about how to keep your liver healthy, or restore it to good health.

I have had "cognitive dissonance" regarding sugar. Glucose. An early follower of Dr. Atkins, I bought into the idea that sugar/carbs were not only "unnecessary" but likely bad for you. This seemed to be buttressed by the work of Dr. Ely, and his theory that sugar in the blood competed with vitamin C for entry into cells. We long recommended low sugar, and we even put an alternative sweetener (stevia) in our products

These cardio drink mix products have worked miraculously, as Linus might say. And Stevia is a medicinal herb; this property might explain a lot of the benefits. Wouldn't science be nice!? Given our experience, without benefit of a scientific study, we wouldn't replace stevia: See: https://vitaminccures.com/blog/index.php/heart-disease-testimonials/

But I am sure tempted to add glucose to the formula! This would be a marketing disaster, given the prevailing attitudes, but as the ancient science tells us, glucose is required for healing and by the heart!.

Anthony William wrote:
The fundamental fuel for your body is glucose, a simple sugar that provides all your cells with the energy they need to function, heal, grow, and thrive.

Glucose keeps us going -- and keeps us alive. The central nervous system runs on it, as does every organ in the body, including the heart. Glucose is what we use to build and sustain muscle, and it performs vital functions such as repairing damaged tissue and cells

When you eat food, your body breaks it down into glucose and places it in your bloodstream so it can travel to all your cells. However, your cells can't access the glucose directly. They need some help from your pancreas, which is a large endocrine gland located behind your stomach.

Your pancreas is constantly monitoring your bloodstream. When it detects a rise in glucose levels, it responds by producing a hormone called insulin. Insulin attaches to your cells and signals them to open up and absorb the glucose from your blood. Insulin therefore both allows your cells to get the energy they need and ensures your blood glucose levels remain stable.

In another major post, we have discussed the difference between table sugar (sucrose) -- not what you want in high amounts -- versus dextrose/D-glucose, that which is naturally available in the correct amounts in fruits. Glucose (and fructose) in fruits are usually a fraction of the amounts in processed foods and the standard American diet. And these simple sugars are usually bound together with nutrients, so when insulin drives the glucose into a cell, nutrients come along with hit.

See Keto's Fatal Flaw forum post for info on table sugar and the "Fat Switch": https://vitamincfoundation.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=14678
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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