Can you recommend a natural source of vitamin C?

What is vitamin C? Is there such a thing as a vitamin C complex? Why do so many people now believe in the complex?

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Can you recommend a natural source of vitamin C?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:11 am

Synthetic vitamins are very stimulating for me.
I am looking for Vitamins C , B and other in natural form. I am very sensitive and can`t tolerate corn, yeast and soy, additives and preservants. I have candida infection, adrenal fatigue and Gerd.
Can you recommend me source of natural vitamins please?

While natural vitamin E is preferable to synthetic vitamin E, probably because the exact structure of vitamin E is not known, there really is no such thing as "natural" vitamin C that you can buy. It breaks down too quickly. The molecules - either natural or synthetic - are identical.

We cover this in this article and at our forum.

However, you can get about 70 mg (the RDA) by eating an orange.

However, to reach the levels recommended by Linus Pauling, and judging by your illnesses, that you probably require, you will have to take a "synthetic" vitamin C - and ours is the finest (purest) you can buy.

Adrenal fatigue implies a vitamin C deficiency.

For GERD read Joanathan Wright's WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU, as not keeping your stomach acid at "natural" levels interferes with normal digestion causing all sorts of problems.

Incidentally, I (and others at our forum) have found that NO GERD (a herbal product from LETSTALKHEALTH.COM) works! It took away my GERD.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Can you recommend a natural source of vitamin C?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:16 am

Thank you for response, Owen!

I will try your products.
I have more questions if you don't mind.

I had UV vitamins and minerals in doctor's office. During the procedure I had hypoglycemia attack. Doc said it is from V. C Probably because it is sugar-like as you wrote?

Now I am taking Nano and Encasulated V. C because it does not bother my stomach and esophagus.
But it is Sodium Ascorbate not Abscorbic Acid. Is it works the same way?

I can't eat orange or other fruits except lemon because of Candida but I can make juices from vegetables sometimes to add to food. Can I drink beverage from Green Pepper powder in addition to that?

I can't take bioflavonoid too as they over stimulate me and cause pounding head, heart and chest pain.
Or probably they increase circulations and blood pressure too. Do you know why it could happen?

I have severe constipation for many years and even 10.000 mg of v. C did not cause change.
I am afraid to take more but how to improve bowel movement?

Can I take V. C and glutathione together?

I have red about danger of synthetic vitamins in the book: Eric Berg, Seven Principles of Fat Burning.
He wrote that they cause adrenal fatigue because they over stimulate adrenals in bid doses.
I started C and B vitamins from one drop so it didn't bother at the beginning.
But with high dose it may happen because my adrenals are too weak.

What do you think about that?

Synthetic vitamins cause "adrenal fatigue"? That is a new one! Very creative. By what

You mean IV (not UV) - which threw me!

I hope Lypo-GSH (glutatione) otherwise you are wasting your money. But yes, no reason you can't take together.

Speaking of Lypo (liposomal) I would suggest you try LivonLabs Lypo-C and our (VCF) pure vitamin C powder. Find your bowel tolerance, and that will definitely loosen your stools. Work from there. Go back to the beginning (C and B vitamins) and start over.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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