Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:30 am

The lady keeps saying the "second flush" still had her knocked out, but I think she may mean the ultrafine ascorbic acid flush - otherwise, I don't know why she would have done the ultra.

I'm pretty sure if my methylation was correct and I followed jaffe's exact protocol- I might actually have some luck getting these toxins out.

Right now I just feel like I poisoned myself. I think everything has to be taken at once like he says.

But DOES he say to take all tat stuff during calibration? I would imagine so- so that you don't hurt yourself. and wow did my kidneys hurt..

I just notice she said "did hurt" - not "do hurt".

Here are Jaffe's supplement recommendations:

D Penacillamine- Bi weekly if needed.

Brassica Sprouts
Quercitin dihydrate
Ionized magnesium
Ionized Zinc
Methylated B12
Methylated B6
Methylated Folate
Selenomethionine 400-2000mcg day
Prebiotics- fermented foods like yogurt, suarkraut 40-100mcg day
Probiotics 10-40Billion CFU must be live

Taurine and Alpha Lipoic Acid
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:58 am

I think we are missing the point of his protocol- he says to take all those very specific supplements.. he is very specific about it.

The C mobilized and his other stuff binds and removes.. and protects the cells in a person that has methylation issues.

I've tried to mop up this herx with all sorts of things to no avail.

Another thing is I can't handle that much sodium in the protocols.. my ankles swell and I don't think that is a very good sign.. Another reason for people to stick with the Ultra and all of his supplements.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by Johnwen » Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:35 am

I read this topic a couple of times and would just like to comment about what I read.
First all the protocols will Mobilize mercury and ala has the capabilites to cross the Blood Brain Barrier which will mobilize merc. out of the brain this is good.
High doses of V-C will mobilize merc. from the cells and take it to the liver.
But it became appearant to me that after mobilizing the merc. it is not removed from the body.
Why because in it's base form the body keeps it in it's system which is the problem it's called redistribution and not removal. To remove Merc. from the body it must be attached to another compound that the body is capable of removing.
This is the reason normal cheleation therapy uses EDTA or DMSA to remove the merc. from the body. These two compounds bind to the mercury and are able to process it out of the body. Just mobilizing it will just result in REDISTRIBUTION!
Both EDTA and DMSA are avaiable in pill form and might be a good addition to this protocol after load and mobilizing the addition of these compounds will then bind to the free Merc. and out it goes.
These are my thoughts on what I've read here.
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:08 am

Thanks johnwen. I basically agree.

The first thing - when she did the protocol as Jaffee advised - with sodium ascorbate - no reaction. 48 grams in 2 hours.

So was the ultra-fine ascorbic acid that much better, or is Jaffe correct that we need sodium ascorbate (alkaline enviornment?)

His lectures point to the idea of "complexing, mobilizing and safely expelling" heavy metals with ascorbate in the order of affinity he calculated himself (but apparently never published).

He also pointed out that the reason for the high-dosage cleanse - because the inevitable water discharge expells the metals before they can reabsorb in the digestive tract . (While bowel tolerance was "too slow" for this purpose, according to Jaffe).

Back to this woman - quite a reaction with ultrafine ascorbic acid powder.

Now we want to protect her - and we are going to try and get a baseline mercury blood level from Quicksilver.

All future protocols will be with the ultra-fine - but with all the other elements jaffe claims are important. I recognize glutathione promoting nutrients, sulphur foods and nutrients, for complexing, and the others (zinc/magnesium) for what the high dose vitamin C might be removing, etc. She has DMSA and I will get her the IMD (large silica) product from Quicksilver.

If her "calibration" number goes down (as Jaffe predicts it will) then we will run another quicksilver blood test to verify/quantify. And we hope to minimize her "herx reactions in the the future.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by Johnwen » Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:02 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is


Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by VanCanada » Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:20 pm

The diagram on page 200 of Cutler's book illustrates Johnwen's point perfectly. To view this diagram visit the Amazon page for the book and click the link that says "Search inside this book". Then find your way to page 200 by pressing the right arrow several times.

The Amazon page is here:

In my view, God help this lady. Why anyone would trust Mr. Fonorow with their more serious health problems based on his proven lack of understanding biochemistry escapes me.


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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:36 am

VC grow up please. You have to assert that you are a certain age to be on this forum, I hope you didn't lie.

Your lack of perspective is disturbing. She has been poisoned at least since a flu shot decades ago (that was probably a bio weapon experiment or mistake - but that is another story). She has been chelating since then with an MD who specializes in this, with little or no benefit. She is a low metal excretor.

She can take 48 grams of sodium ascorbate before her "water discharge"

For the first time, with the ultrafine ascorbic acid, she has had a major reaction from oral vitamin C intake.

oh you are right.. I did mess up that first SA.

So I've done one Cathcarts correctly (2) and one Ultra Correctly.

The Ultra was hard on me. I did react from the Cathcarts SA but not as bad.

Since vitamin C is not a chelator - your words - nothing to worry about since it can't be doing anything. All she is taking is 48 g of ascorbic acid. Or maybe the vitamin C did pull something out of her cells? Which is it VC?
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by majkinetor » Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:38 am

Page 62 in my offline copy of book preview: ... 9FWk0/edit

I'll have to agree with VanCanada on this one. This is emberrasing, but not unexpected.


Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by VanCanada » Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:42 pm

I made a posting regarding Dr. Shade's "IMD" product at the following link:

The link will take you to a quote from Andy Cutler that I posted on this same Vitamin C Foundation forum Feb. 23, 2013.

ofonorow wrote:You have to assert that you are a certain age to be on this forum, I hope you didn't lie.

Owen, you can be such a joker. But I'm glad you brought up the topic of lying. It gives me the chance to ask you directly whether or not you misled the editors of the Townsend Letter when you wrote in your Co-Q10 article that you hold both a Ph.D. degree and an N.D. degree?

If you did mislead then I think this would be a good time to own up to that dirty deed of yours.

If you did not mislead the Townsend Letter editors then please tell us from which institutions you hold those two degrees? It's a simple question and your previous answer was a very evasive non-answer. Please try again. It shouldn't take more than one sentence to answer.



Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by VanCanada » Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:59 pm

ofonorow wrote:I think you may have discovered something important. So, if you don't write a book, I can at least help you get an article about this published in the Townsend Letter. Send me a PM if interested.

Dear 'scurvyencounters',

Be careful what you wish for. I'm willing to be proven wrong, but it seems that our friend Owen Fonorow has scammed the Townsend Letter into printing that Owen holds a degree of N.D. when he in fact did not. I've put up money to anyone who can prove this assumption false.

There are only a handful of institutions granting N.D.'s so it shouldn't take too long for someone to collect the bounty, should it?

If anyone wants anything published in the Townsend Letter, contact them yourself. Having Owen contact them on your behalf would be a highly questionable thing to do in my humble opinion.

P.S.: We're still waiting for an answer Owen. Which institutions granted your two degrees Owen?

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by Searching4Truth » Mon Mar 06, 2023 3:10 pm

Forgive me if this post is out of place or out of bounds. My interest in this thread was peaked when I saw it could
possibly detox the brain.

I was in the flood that destroyed the city of New Orleans in 2005 so was exposed to who knows what. I was also sleep deprived for weeks. Then one morning I woke up to all of these so-called Fibromyalgia symptoms which I've suffered with ever since. I recently had $3,000 dollars of lab tests performed to try and identify the source of my Fibromyalgia symptoms

Out of the myriad of tests that were performed, the only anomaly were antigens originating from the Cerebellum.

My question is, is it plausible that this protocol might be effective in treating a toxicity in the Cerebellum?

Thank you,

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