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Tumeric - After a workout or any heavy labor

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:47 am
by ofonorow
Medical Medium excerpt from Life Changing Foods, pg 218

Turmeric is great for just about every aspect of our well-being. ,,, this makes turmeric great for anything in the body that's inflamed and causing pain.. ,,, plus, the manganese activates curcumins's ability to extract toxic heavy metals from your system.


o After a workout or any heavy labor, try to consume turmeric. It doesn't matter in what form - whether as a spice on food, juiced, as teas or as a supplement - just as long as you get some into your body. Tumeric can shorten recovery time for muscles, ligaments and joints after exercise, and it also acts as an anti-inflammatory for any minor injuries you might not have noticed that have the potential to turn into trouble otherwise