Please record in this topic if you will, what you read that is claimed to be new, so unverifiable.
This post will record these "factoids" for two reasons, (and may turn into a forum with topics devoted to each factoid).
a) if there is prior knowledge, then that fact is a potential "black swan" (Since spirit thru Anthony says this knowledge is unknown to our science) and
b) because if someday this factoid is researched and shown to be accurate, it would be another nail in the coffins of the doubters.
For example, I am on kindle, but in the section of MEDICAL MEDIUM (book 1) section on PTSD. Anthony and his spirit write
"Put plainly, it's a chemical imbalance in the brain that occurs when someone experiences trauma. When there isn't enough glucose stored in the brain tissue to feed the Central nervous system, emotional upheaval can create lasting effects. Contrary to popular science belief, though electrolytes do play a critical role in brain health, PTSD does no occur from a lost of electrolytes. A lack of glucose is the real cause.
As you read and run into things modern science supposedly doesn't yet know, please help by posting the quote.