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The MM book will put Foundation out of business, e.g. Cats Claw

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:52 pm
by ofonorow
This anecdote caused me to purchase a supply of Cats Claw. MM credits it powers as unsurpassed by modern antibiotics, and tells us that pathogens cannot become resistant to cats claw. This herb is positioned as a primary anti-pathogen, including anti-viral.

For his next trick...

My son's fiancee has been ill with bronchitis for over a week. She was given antibiotics, to no avail, and she was taking livon's Lypo-C, but probably only a packet or two per day. My son was able to hold it off for a week, but succumbed and could not go to work - yesterday, Monday.

I had him read the section on Cats Claw in MM's LIFE-CHANGING FOODS, and he went to a health food store and bought some yesterday. Today his fiancee felt well enough to go back to work, and my son feels better (fine) on only 2 pills !? (The dosage was 2 pills, 3 times daily).