Going to see the Cardiologist next month and.........

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: Going to see the Cardiologist next month and.........

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:15 am

Johnwen, correct me if I am wrong...

Grafts: Saphenous vein grafts t the right coronary artery and the left anterior descending artery are 100% occluded.

Johnwen, he has experienced restenosis in his by-pass veins. (I haven' looked over your entire case, but if you haven't had bypass surgery, than I am confused!) This is the problem with bypasses and stents - the damn arteries keep trying to heal!

So your doctors aren't "too concerned" (because you are still alive and breathing and the only thing that seems to have failed, is their treatment - your bypasses.)

The cholesterol level tells me that your body is still fighting the fires (and producing cholesterol to deal with it). The way I would deal with that would be to increase vitamin C (and lysine and proline. Proline because if your bypasses are already occluded, there is no theoretical reason not to add back the proline)

I hope johnwen chimes in, but I think you are on the right track sticking with the Pauling therapy, although in our experience, there needs to be blood flow for an occluded artery to reverse and become normal.

Another thought from all the readings on cancer lately, is that the commonality among alt. cancer treatments is to get oxygen to the tumor/cancer. I know that a doctor having a heart attack saved his own life by going immediately into a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. So how do we increase oxygen to the heart? An idea out of the blue (or universe) for you, with occluded arteries, is to look for ways to "oxygenate" your heart.

For example, gemmanium

Organic germanium helps enrich the body with oxygen and is a superb anti-oxidant.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Going to see the Cardiologist next month and.........

Post by Johnwen » Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:36 pm

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Re: Going to see the Cardiologist next month and.........

Post by gizmo1955 » Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:23 pm

Owen and Johnwen, thanks so much for your input. I do have a couple of questions / comments.

Should I assume that PT should be maintained to BT?

I have been using a ER Nitro 120mg but it doesn't seem to completely relieve the angina on exertion. I have been walking 30 minutes each morning and I have had to vary the pace from 2.8 to 3.2mph (on the treadmill) I also have to mention that I have had suspicion that what I was feeling wasn't necessarily angina but more gas pains that are centered in the chest and on occasion radiate to the shoulders. It seems when the gas is relieved, up or down, the pain is relieved for a while. I think I know my body enough that when I am having true angina that it radiates from the upper LEFT chest to the left shoulder not from the CENTER chest. I have mentioned this to my GP and he has not had any suggestions, thinking that it was truly angina. Any suggestion? I experience no real pain other than when under exertion.

I have to say that I have had to back way off the PT because of gas. It has helped to eliminate some chest pain with exertion but not all.

I also wanted to get your thoughts on statins in my situation. I know in general the thought has been to get off of them. Which I did several months ago. Given the information above, is that still a wise idea for me?

Any additional thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated.

As I mentioned before, I don't know - what I don't know, as I am sure goes for many people that view this forum.

Thanks again!

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Re: Going to see the Cardiologist next month and.........

Post by ofonorow » Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:14 am

First of all, I never implied the YOU johnwen had a bypass?? (Happy to hear about your test results though...) I was saying that I didn't go back through this post by gizmo1955, but gleaned his restenosis after a bypass operation from the report he provided. As you gleaned his prior heart attack.

gizmo1955 wrote:I have to say that I have had to back way off the PT because of gas. It has helped to eliminate some chest pain with exertion but not all.

Not a good idea or strategy gizmo1955 :(

Rather then you becoming a case of what happens when the Pauling Therapy is reduced or stopped, you need to find a way to ingest the vitamin C you require (since you cannot make it) .

One idea is smaller dosages more frequently. Perhaps put the PT in a water bottle and sip throughout the day.

Sherry Lewin recommended an activated charcoal supplement which absorbs gas in the gut.

The advantage of liposomal vitamin C is increased absorption - so more vitamin C reaches the gut, rather than the colon/rectum where it can form gas.

Or you can live longer - with gas.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Going to see the Cardiologist next month and.........

Post by exitium » Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:35 am

Montmorency wrote:
gizmo1955 wrote:exitium

plant based diets require B supplementation, especially B12, id recommend source naturals methylcobalamin.

As for plantar fasciitis potassium bicarbonate resolved mine. Most people dont get anywhere near the 4700mg a day the FDA recommends.

Thanks for the info, I will be looking into both.

I guess that RDA relates to the potassium, rather than potassium bicarbonate specifically.
I've seen some people recommend pure potassium chloride (but not low-salt, because of additives),e,g, to replace some, or add to normal salt (or sea salt). It's supposed to be as bioavailable as NaCl.

Many forms of potassium, especially if supplementing a lot, can upset the stomach quite a bit. Feel free to experiment with the source but everyone has followed my advice for potassium from plantar has benefited.

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Re: Going to see the Cardiologist next month and.........

Post by gizmo1955 » Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:45 am

Exitium thanks for the info...I have to say that thankfully, planter is no longer an issue. Possibly due to reduced exercise (not because I wanted to) or possibly due to the stretching exercise suggested my a local physical therapist.

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