Chemist: Vit C better treatment for flu than Tamiflu

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Chemist: Vit C better treatment for flu than Tamiflu

Post by Ken_RN » Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:33 am

My Google News RSS feed for Vitamin C articles found this article by a University of Chicago chemist this morning.

None of us here should be surprised by his commentary but it is so rare to find articles that recommend ascorbate in physiological doses that I found it post-worthy.

Vitamin C treats avian flu better?
by David Liu Ph.D

Public fear of flu is due to propaganda of worldwide outbreaks of avian flu. So far, avian flu has been able to transmit only among birds. There is a concern that once a mutated variant develops and spreads among humans, there will be a disaster. One way to fight the virus is to develop an effective vaccine. Tamiflu can only shorten the duration, but cannot treat flu. The efficacy of Tamiflu on avian flu is subject to suspicion. The only answer lies with vitamin C, which is the only drug that can deal with a variety of viruses.

The majority of mammals make vitamin C in their liver for maintenance of their health. Because of this, the animals seldom get infected with flu viruses. Only guinea pigs, apes, and humans cannot make vitamin C, thus making outsourcing vitamin C a necessity. Because of the inability, colds and influenza mostly inflict humans only.

Amphibian animals such as cold-blooded snakes and frogs live in a cold environment. Their biochemical reactions are slow, and thus they have a lower demand for vitamin C than warm-blooded mammals. In cold blood animals, a small amount of vitamin C in the kidneys is enough for the needs of the whole body. Mammals need high levels of vitamin C, which must be bio-synthesized in the liver to meet the need.

Birds such as swallows and wild ducks can make vitamin C in their liver. Some birds such as chickens synthesize vitamin C in their kidneys. Because the size of the kidneys is small, it cannot make a large amount of vitamin C. This is why chickens get infected with viruses more easily. Outbreaks of avian flu can strike an area with a radius of hundreds of miles because wild ducks carry the virus without any symptoms, due to its capability of making vitamin C in their liver. That is why they can fly with the virus hundreds of miles without any illness. Once the virus spreads to chickens, the low amount of vitamin C cannot help defend against the virus. This is why chickens were killed by hundreds or thousands on one occasion.

Studies of the animals that can synthesize vitamin C in the liver suggest that a person with 70 kg needs 5 grams (a day) of vitamin C. Sick people need even more vitamin C to overcome illnesses. People with a common cold need 30 gms per day. People with flu need 50 gms per day.

For people suffering an epidemic cold, 100 grams are needed. For those who cannot take much orally, they may consider IV administration of sodium ascorbate solution. IV injection of 350 mg/kg body weight subdues fever in one day, and the patient recovers within three days.

Full article is here.

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Post by Dolev » Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:43 am


It's great to see an actual PhD that's a believer. I wonder if the size of the liver relative to body weight has to do with why dogs and cats produce less C than goats. Thanks for the post.


Cows and Vitamin C

Post by johnor » Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:10 am

Does anyone know wheter cows produce vitamin C. They get colds a lot and need antibiotics.


Re: Cows and Vitamin C

Post by Guest » Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:19 am

johnor wrote:Does anyone know wheter cows produce vitamin C. They get colds a lot and need antibiotics.

We know they do, that is why cow's milk doesn't contain vitamin C, calfs make it themselves, however, cows are essentially domesticated and the process of natural selection that operates in the wild is modified. This probably means that they, like dogs and cats, can make less and still have offspring.

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Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:01 am

Post by Dolev » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:10 am

You are talking about cows in pasture or cows in prison? Cows in modern milk production spend most of their time wallowing in their own s##t. Of course they need antibiotics.


Vit C and Flu

Post by J.Lilinoe » Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:57 am

Thanks for positng the interesting article. That explanation on why chickens get the flu was most enlightening. I am also pleased to know that I won't have to take any flu shots so long as I keep a stash of Vit C handy. :)


Re: Vit C and Flu

Post by Ken_RN » Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:40 pm

J.Lilinoe wrote:Ken,
Thanks for positng the interesting article. That explanation on why chickens get the flu was most enlightening. I am also pleased to know that I won't have to take any flu shots so long as I keep a stash of Vit C handy. :)

Hi and your welcome. Another consideration is the way in which most chickens are raised, which is well.. filthy. Placed in small coups (sp?) where they have no room to walk, they stomp around in their own feces and get pecked at by other chickens. It is very stressful I would think and we all now what stress does to Vitamin C status.

See and scroll down to "Chicken Shades" and "Chicken Keesters."

If you have a strong stomach also take a look at but be forwarned that it is graphic and will disturb sensitive individuals.


Post by Seeker » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:56 pm

A few months ago I tried putting some information into Wikipedia regarding use of vitamin C with polio, bird flu and atherosclerosis. The result was quite unexpected. My entries were immediately "reverted" without any comment whatsoever. After some prodding, I learned that the "powers that be" have a strict rule that references must be present and the references need to meet these people's criteria. Of course, it appears that they can simply say they don't like the references and dismiss anything without providing as much as a single comment, even if they don't really know anything about the references themselves. What a double standard! And you should've seen what happened when I put in a link to Pauling's heart disease patent! Actually, what they wanted me to do was to confine my edits to the "vitamin C" page -- of course, this severely limits who will be able to see the article. (Who looks up "vitamin C" when researching polio? Of course, you look up the article on "polio".)

This article reminded me of all that. Interesting that he's a chemist, but of course those credentials (apparently) carry virtually no weight whatsoever with most people. Just like with Linus Pauling. Name dropping doesn't seem to help at all.

Of course, it's actually immediately obvious that vitamin C is quite effective against many illnesses if someone will just try it. But ... of course, it's just difficult to get people to give it a proper try. (Can you say "bowel tolerance"? I guess it's just a scary concept to some people.) It all just comes off like, "I will just ignore your comment because you have to provide irrefutable evidence or else I'm right and you're wrong."

OK, I'm overdue from my nightly magnesium ascorbate (6 grams of C).

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