
Any adverse effects of replacement vitamin C will be discuseed here. Topics include kidney stones, gall stones, oxidation, etc.
We plan to move good discussions from the General Topics forum here for posterity.

Moderator: ofonorow



Post by tpg82 » Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:03 am

I haven't started on megadosing VC yet, but I am considering it due to the problems I have been having with gallstones and digestive problems in general. Is there any evidence that gallstone pain and gas can be cured by VC therapy? Will oral VC cause more problems? I want to do whatever I can to avoid removal of my gallbladder, but sometimes the attacks are more painful than I care to endure. What can I expect from VC and what doses must I use it in order to feel better? Please help!

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Re: Gallstones

Post by ofonorow » Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:59 am

tpg82 wrote:I haven't started on megadosing VC yet, but I am considering it due to the problems I have been having with gallstones and digestive problems in general. Is there any evidence that gallstone pain and gas can be cured by VC therapy? Will oral VC cause more problems? I want to do whatever I can to avoid removal of my gallbladder, but sometimes the attacks are more painful than I care to endure. What can I expect from VC and what doses must I use it in order to feel better? Please help!

We have seen recent articles indicating that vitamin C deficiency may in part or in whole be responsible for gall stone formation.

Here is from our clinical studies section (Cholesterol)

Gineter wrote:The activity of the cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylating system containing cyto-chrome P-450 is depressed in the liver of guinea-pigs with chronic marginal vitamin C deficiency. Slowing-down of this rate-limiting reaction of cholesterol transformation to bile acids causes cholesterol accumulation in the liver, blood plasma and arteries, increase in the index total: HDL cholesterol, prolongation of plasma cholesterol half-life, increase in the index cholesterol: bile acids in the gall-bladder bile, cholesterol gallstone formation and atheromatous changes on coronary arteries in guinea-pigs with long-lasting marginal vitamin C deficiency.

The most effective means for preventing these changes are vitamin C doses ensuring maximal steady-state levels of ascorbate in the tissues. In most of hypercholesterolemic persons with a low vitamin C status, the administration of ascorbic acid in doses 500-1000 mg per day lowers total cholesterol concentration in blood plasma.

This effect may be reinforced through a simultaneous administration of bile acids sequestrants, such as cholestyramine or pectin. In every form of hypercholesterolemia therapy (dietary and/or pharmacological), an adequate vitamin C supply should be ensured in doses capable of creating maximal steady-state levels of ascorbate in human tissues.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year



Post by Ken_RN » Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:58 am

First I need to be clear about something: You assume full responsibility for the outcome of following any of the suggestions that follow and/or disregarding your physician's advice to have your gallbladder removed.

There is good evidence that Vitamin C prevents gallstones by reducing cholesterol. (1) Since this a problem for you I would suggest Vitamin C to bowel tolerance using Cathcart's titration protocol. (2) It seems doubtful that Vitamin C will remove your gallstones that already exist in any reasonable amount of time (although if anyone has information to the contrary then I'm sure they'll share it). (3) There are other ways for you to treat this condition aside from surgery.

The Rapid Gallbladder/Liver Flush
The Lancet reported on this technique in the Dec 18/25 1999 issue (4) and I have seen it recommended on many alternative health websites. The full protocol can be read here: If you do a google search for "gallbladder liver flush" you will find it posted in many other places as well. Basically you drink natural apple juice for a week prior to the procedure then on the day of the flush you consume a combination of epsom salts, olive oil and grapefruit juice several times. Then you go to sleep on your right side with your right knee to your abdomen. In the morning your gallstones will be passed with your stool. I'm simplifying a lot here so read the protocol carefully. What happens is the concoction allows your bile duct to relax enough that the stones are passed into your digestive tract. There is a risk that they can get caught, however, which is why the disclaimer at the beginning of this post was necessary. From what I've read though, complications are rare and very elderly women have performed this procedure successfully.

Gradual Gallbladder Cleanse
This option is offered as a gentler approach but it also may be much less effective. It takes 21 days to complete. During the cleanse, avoid all foods high in fat, meats, dairy, eggs. Eat unrefined grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes to help clear the gallbladder. Pears, parsnips, seaweed, lemons, limes and tumeric hasten gallstone removal. Radishes are integral to the program and you must 2 radishes between each meal and either three cups of cleavers tea or five cups of chamomile tea per day. Also Flax Oil. For every 160 pounds of body weight use five teaspoons of cold-pressed flax seed oil. Pour the flax oil over your food during one meal of the day or divide into half and use on two meals. Take the flax oil six days a week for two months. (5)

If neither of the above work for you then you still have the option of Extraporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) to try and break up the stones with sound waves so that they can passed more easily, rather than having your gallbladder removed. If your physician is unwilling to consider this non-surgical option then I suggest you get 2nd and 3rd opinions.

A South American herbal remedy that I just read about may also be worth looking into. It's called Chanca Piedra (Break Stone) and allegedly is very effective at breaking the stones up so they just come out. High-dose Taurine is also recommended as a bile thinner as is Tri-Methyl Glycine (TMG) (3)

It's important to realize that even if you evacuate the stones successfully you will form new ones and be right back where you are now unless you retool your diet and get more exercise. (6)

I've only touched upon the main possibilities for treatment. Read both the references and the 'suggested reading' links that follow. You will need that information to understand your condition better and weigh the pros and cons of treatment options. Do not give up your gallbladder without first exploring all available options.

Good luck to you,

1. "Vitamin C and Alcohol Fight Gallstones",
2. Cathcart, Robert "Vitamin C, Titrating to Tolerance"
3. Diagnose-me: Condition-Gallbladder Disease
4. Gallbladder Surgery Alternative,
5. Gallbladder Flushes and Cleanses,
6. Exercise Prevents Gallstone Surgery,

Further Recommended Reading:
Low Levels of Vitamin C Linked to Gallbladder Disease
The effect of vitamin C in high doses on plasma and biliary lipid composition in patients with cholesterol gallstones: prolongation of the nucleation time.


Re: Gallstones

Post by davids » Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:18 am

tpg82 wrote:I haven't started on megadosing VC yet, but I am considering it due to the problems I have been having with gallstones and digestive problems in general. Is there any evidence that gallstone pain and gas can be cured by VC therapy? Will oral VC cause more problems? I want to do whatever I can to avoid removal of my gallbladder, but sometimes the attacks are more painful than I care to endure. What can I expect from VC and what doses must I use it in order to feel better? Please help!


Two articles dealing with your questions of "how much to take" and "pain alleviation" are these: and

If I were in your situation, I would do the following [after reading and understanding the above articles]: I would start ingesting a small amount of ascorbic acid each day, divided into as many doses as was practical. I would then gradually increase the amount I was taking each day, until I hit my "bowel tolerance" limit. I would then stick with a "bowel tolerance" dose for the rest of my life. I hope this helps.

Just my view,


Ralph Lotz
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Gall Bladder Remedies

Post by Ralph Lotz » Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:30 am

The Health at Home Gall Bladder formula from Lifespan Nutrition works.

A complete, scientifically researched book, Gall Bladder Remedies is available at: ... ladder.asp
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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