Kidneys and Vitamin C

Any adverse effects of replacement vitamin C will be discuseed here. Topics include kidney stones, gall stones, oxidation, etc.
We plan to move good discussions from the General Topics forum here for posterity.

Moderator: ofonorow


Kidneys and Vitamin C

Post by johnor » Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:22 am

I have been dosing at about 40,000 to 50,000 mg of Vitamin C and 4-5 g of Lysine per day. I have deveoloped a pain in my left kidney that wasn't there a few days ago. Is it possible that it is getting clogged by too much debris? Any experiences on this here? :?:

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Re: Kidneys and Vitamin C

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:27 am

johnor wrote:I have been dosing at about 40,000 to 50,000 mg of Vitamin C and 4-5 g of Lysine per day. I have deveoloped a pain in my left kidney that wasn't there a few days ago. Is it possible that it is getting clogged by too much debris? Any experiences on this here? :?:

A little background? What is going on? Why that much vitamin C? There are Over-the-counter medications that will cause kidney problems.

It is a good idea to drink PLENTY of water to lesson the load on the kidneys. See HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER, Linus Pauling, 1986 page 39 for the following quote.

Linus Pauling wrote:One reason for a high intake of water is that it leads to a high volume of urine; this reduces the burden on the kidneys, which excrete a dilute urine with less work than they do a concentrated urine. That is especially important for persons with impaired kidney function.

Pauling also provides specific details on kidney stones. Page 350 in the paperback contains the discussion of the two types of kidney stones - those which form in acidic urine and those that form in alkaline urine. Vitamin C is suggested as a treatment for stones that form in alkaline urine, and Pauling reported that in 1986 "Not a single case has been reported in the medical literature of a person who formed kidney stones because of a large intake of vitamin C" (pg 351)

Relying on Pauling, stones won't form if the pH is neutral. The protocol whould be to test your urine with a pH strip. If acidic, Pauling recommended adding some baking soda until your urine has "normal" pH. If alkaline (unlikely) more AA would be called for.
Last edited by ofonorow on Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


That much C

Post by johnor » Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:39 am

I have been trying to work on gallstones and some skin conditions. The skin condition and my sinuses are clearing up. But the kidneys now seem to have become involved if that is where the pain really is. It could be referred pain but I'm pretty sure it is the kidneys.

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Re: That much C

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:45 am

johnor wrote:I have been trying to work on gallstones and some skin conditions. The skin condition and my sinuses are clearing up. But the kidneys now seem to have become involved if that is where the pain really is. It could be referred pain but I'm pretty sure it is the kidneys.

Edited previous response to show importance of water!

There are references to gall stones being caused by low vitamin C. (I'll try to find them.)

But is 40,000 to 50,000 your bowel tolerance at this time? If not, you should find your tolerance. Once you know what your tolerance is, you can use Cathcart's chart for an idea of what you are dealing with:
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Bowel tolerance

Post by johnor » Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:58 am

I have some gas at this level but no diarrhea. The more I dose on this, the less reaction I am getting. I was going on what David says about taking 30,000 to 60,000 mg per day for the last several years.

I'm willing to put up with some discomfort as long as there is good support for believing this is just a stage in the healing process.

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Re: Bowel tolerance

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:11 pm

johnor wrote:I have some gas at this level but no diarrhea. The more I dose on this, the less reaction I am getting. I was going on what David says about taking 30,000 to 60,000 mg per day for the last several years.

I'm willing to put up with some discomfort as long as there is good support for believing this is just a stage in the healing process.

There is a type of fiber you can take to reduce the gas. (See the other posts on tolerance, from memory, methyl cellulous) It is interesting that you have not reached your bowel tolerance. David's personal experience, while interesting, has little to do with your personal disease state and your day-to-day tolerance.

Subject to argument from some forum members, Cathcart's theory is that the ascorbate is being used to put out a free radical fire. That fire is still not under control in your case, and if the disease were mono, for example, your need might approach 200,000 mg per day.

Following the analogy, once your fire is extinguished, the need for ascorbate drops dramatically.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


So use both sodium bicarb and C?

Post by johnor » Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:22 pm

So if my urine is acidic I would dose with sodium bicarbonate until I get a neutral PH and still continue the high dose of C?


Ph test

Post by johnor » Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:35 pm

I did a PH test and it looks like it is a dull orange which compares to a neutral PH on the color chart accompanying my strips.


Post by Guest » Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:36 pm

Are you taking vit c powder or in pill/ tablet form ?
If you are taking in tablet / pill form sometimes you do not absord the vit c as well i find . I can take so much higher doses in pill/ tablet than powder . I reach bowel tolerence at a much lower dose with powder .


Pill form

Post by johnor » Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:43 pm

I am taking pill form Vitamin C. I was taking the powder form but the taste is so sour that it is hard to take.

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Re: Ph test

Post by ofonorow » Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:53 am

johnor wrote:I did a PH test and it looks like it is a dull orange which compares to a neutral PH on the color chart accompanying my strips.

That is interesting, considering the high amount of vitamin C. Also good as far as kidney stones are concerned. How is the pain? What is your tolerance?

Is the pill form "ascorbic acid"? There is a difference between the powder and pill because some pills don't dissolve until they reach the intestines, (according to the Cathcart video lecture we posted.) It is a later release with pills. Some of the powder can be absorbed into the blood stream in the stomach, before the Ascorbate has a chance to break down - and sooner than if it is released in the gut.

Not to mention the constituents of pills - cornstarch or whatever that is required to hold the pill into shape. Capsules are probably better. Adding bicarbonate of soda until you can tolerate the powder also works.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Previous Thread on Kidney Stones

Post by Ken_RN » Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:19 am

The previous thread on kidney stones is here.


Vitamin C

Post by johnor » Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:41 pm

I am taking plain ascorbic acid tablets. It must be hydrogen ascorbate. I am not in what you would call pain. There is a sensitivity in my back region where the left kidney is but I don't have any color in my urine so I'm not sure if there is a stone. I can feel a trickling sensation back there though, like liquid is gurgling in a tube.

Since this happened I backed off on the C to about 10,000 mg and there is less sensation. I am just not sure what is going on there. I don't want to stop the C because it has had a very substantial effect on my sinuses - clear after a lifetime of stuffy sinuses. Also the rosacea and oily skin I had has almost completely cleared up.

This is good therapy and I will keep you updated as to what is happening. I very much appreciate your conscientious help.

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Post by Dolev » Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:03 pm


I believe it was Dr William McCormick who wrote about curing gallstones through vitamin C, but at the moment I can't find the article. I'll keep my eyes open.


I think you may have gallstones

Post by blueskymyne » Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:55 pm

Could be gallstones.

Most of the population has these cholestorol balls in the gall bladder.

The problem is they dont show up on x-ray because they are not calcified.

Mainstream Doctors never check this anyway when you have an unrelated body problem, they never connect the dots so to speak.

They never check the colon either which is always impacted due to our processed diets. They make things worse with antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals. This is the wrong approach as this disrupts the bodies largest producer of immune cells, the colon.

The first thing you might consider is holding off on the ascorbic till you complete the following:

A colon flush
A colon parasite flush
A probiotic follow up

(see view images also.
(see Center for disease control DPDx parasites) As 80-90% of the population has these in the small intestine and colon.
(pdr health probiotics)

This could be the reason behind the skin probs, toxins in the bloodstream due to leaky gut caused by impacted colon.

Then flush your gall bladder.

Check for instructions and images of what comes out of the average persons gall bladder.
One man had 1000 of these cholestorol balls come out in three months. So obviously when the gall bladder is filled it cant do its job which puts more stress on other internal processes particularly the liver.

When the colon is impacted the skin, kidneys and liver have to make up for the lack of the toxin excretion by the colon so it is best to start here, first with the colon.

Then start back up with a good nutritional diet and supplements and cleanse yourself twice year and follow up with a probiotic.

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