Heart Attack, Very Confused About What to Do

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Heart Attack, Very Confused About What to Do

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:43 am

Dear Dr - I need to talk to someone concerning the book "Practising Medicine without a License" They've told me I've had a heart attack. I've had a stress test, Nuclear stress test, heart scan, and Cardiac Cath. They all confirm that two vessels are blocked. or were. I went on the McDougal 12-day plan and have been trying to stick with restrictions on salt, sugar, and fats. I also was told that the older we get, the less C we need. There are so many opinions out there it's downright confusing! Is it possible to speak with a Dr ? THANKS - DD

I doubt I can clear things up. Who told you that the older you get, the less vitamin C you need !?!?

People who restrict their salt diets with high blood pressure were found in one study to increase their risk of heart attack 400% . Reason, body changes its hormonal balance to preserve sodium/salt when scarce. (See drbrownstein.com - Book SALT). Take unrefined/unprocessed Sea Salt, as this is like a health food with over 80 minerals and GOOD for you.

The only fats you should avoid are the unnatural hydrongenated oils and fats (trans fats)

Have you read the book PRACTICING MEDICINE W/OUT A LICENSE? If so, then I would be willing to set up a consultation. I don't want to rehash what is in the book, and you can see the Pauling-therapy protocol - http://www.practicingmedicinewithoutalicense.com/protocol/

The best thing to do today is buy 500 mg vitamin C and 500 mg lysine tablets, and start by taking 1 of each every 4 waking hours. If not diarrhea, then the next day increase to 2 pills of each (1000 mg) every 4 waking hours. My guess is that you shouldn't have to go above 2000 mg (4 pills of each) every 4 waking hours, but if you can without bowel problems, do so.

In the meantime you can catch up with Pauling's theory and the material here, Pauling's video lecture, and various books that I can recommend.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Heart Attack, Very Confused About What to Do

Post by VanCanada » Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:08 pm

ofonorow wrote:The only fats you should avoid are the unnatural hydrongenated oils and fats (trans fats)

The RBD'd oils (refined, bleached and deordorized) - generally most of the polyunsaturated oils - should be avoided. These are most of the oils you find at your supermarket sitting out at room temperature - the corn oil, canola, safflower, sunflower, and so on that's not stored in a refrigerator. If the oil is being stored at room temperature it's most likely rancid. In terms of your health, these are not quite as bad as the transfats, but close.


Re: Heart Attack, Very Confused About What to Do

Post by phughes » Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:22 am

I went on the McDougal 12-day plan and have been trying to stick with restrictions on salt, sugar, and fats.

In addition to sugar, processed carbohydrates should be minimized. The following study shows the impact of carbohydrates in general on lipid profiles.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 May;83(5):1025-31; quiz 1205. Separate effects of reduced carbohydrate intake and weight loss on atherogenic dyslipidemia. Krauss RM, Blanche PJ, Rawlings RS, Fernstrom HS, Williams PT.

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