A Prediction of Linus Pauling's Theory?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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A Prediction of Linus Pauling's Theory?

Post by chimp » Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:13 pm

http://abcnews.go.com/Health/HeartDisea ... d=10140233

A group of elite long-distance runners had less body fat, better cholesterol and blood lipid profiles, and better heart rates than people being tested for cardiac disease. Paradoxically, however, the runners had more calcified plaque in their heart arteries, according to a study reported this week.

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Re: A Prediction of Linus Pauling's Theory?

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:24 am

Excellent find, and you are right, the Unified Theory would predict that elevated mechanical stress would increase the activity of the arterial repair mechanism. Lp(a) would be an interesting data point..
The reasons for the high-calcified plaque readings among hard-core athletes are elusive, "but the [runners'] favorable factors may be counterbalanced by metabolic and mechanical factors that enhance coronary plaque growth," suggested Dr. Jonathan Schwartz of the University of Colorado Health Science Center in Denver, lead author of the study and son of Robert Schwartz.

I may try to contact Dr. Schwartz and suggest he try giving the athletes Pauling's recommended vitamin C and lysine (and vitamin K for the plaque) for one or two months, and then rerunning the CT-angiography scans. (Although I have done this often enough in the past to know it is probably a waste of time.)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ralph Lotz
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Re: A Prediction of Linus Pauling's Theory?

Post by Ralph Lotz » Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:35 pm

Dr. Joe Prendergast completely reversed his calcified arteries with 5 grams of L-Arginine daily.

Listen to Dr. Joe's interview here with my friend and former colleague at Source Naturals, David Stouder:

"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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Re: A Prediction of Linus Pauling's Theory?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:19 am

Ralph, the only question I have is if arginine was the only supplement he was taking? The video did not make that clear. Do we know he didn't try vitamin C and lysine, for example?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: A Prediction of Linus Pauling's Theory?

Post by VanCanada » Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:57 am

This is based on the nitric oxide pathway which has been well researched and has won two scientists the Nobel Prize.

I first heard about M.D. endocrinologist Dr. Joseph Prendergast on a radio show from the San Francisco area called The Vitamin Shelf with host David Stouder. I find them fascinating and have listened to all episodes featuring Dr. Prendergast at least twice. He has prescribed daily doses of fifty thousand IU's of Vitamin D since 1964 (it was prescribed for osteomalacia back then)!

The radio shows describe some of the common protocols that Dr. Prendergast uses with the patients who see him. He often has new patients take fifty thousand IU's daily for thirty to sixty days and then he tests their blood levels. Then they will reduce daily intake to between five and twenty thousand IU's after that to maintain a target blood level of between "100 and 200". I'm pretty sure he's talking about ng/mL although he never does specify. In the March 17, 2009 show he says that if patients remain on a high intake for more than 200 days that their blood levels will peak at that time and then actually begin to decline until about day 365.
David Stouder's radio shows are archived on the internet as freely downloadable mp3 files if you're interested. The first seven listed below feature Dr. Prendergast as a guest and the eighth features perhaps the world's foremost authority on Vitamin D toxicity:

(a) posted to website on May 2, 2007

(b) June 6, 2007

(c) March 9, 2008

(d) July 20, 2008

(e) Nov. 9, 2008

(f) Feb. 23, 2009

(g) March 17, 2009

(h) This Jan. 17, 2009 interview with University of Toronto researcher Rheinhold Vieth is also very good.

Dr. Prendergast's contact info is as follows:

Endocrine Metabolic Medical Center
350 Cambridge Avenue, Suite 250
Palo Alto, CA 94306-1575
Telephone: (650) 566-9810
Fax: (650) 566-9825

email: office@endocrinemetabolic.com
website: http://www.endocrinemetabolic.com/
Last edited by VanCanada on Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Lone Dog
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Re: A Prediction of Linus Pauling's Theory?

Post by Lone Dog » Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:55 pm

Looking around on the internet, it seems there are quite a few advocates of L-Arginine, and L-Citrulline (as a precursor of L-Arginine) as creators of NO, which they feel may work to clear arteries. Here's a link which points to a few books which might be useful.


Dr Prendergast advocates D3 in large amounts, 50,000iu, so I wonder if he was using this during the years he apparently reversed his atherosclerosis, and it helped with calcified plaque reversal.

In my opinion, if 5G of L-Arginine per day is going to increase blood flow, it could be a useful adjuct to the pauling therapy to help get the C and Lysine into places where they couldn't get before.

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