Cold Cure Failure? 100 g

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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Cold Cure Failure? 100 g

Post by ofonorow » Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:08 am

Hi Owen.
I really like your web site with lots of info!
I did order your ascorbic acid with auto ship and lecture dvd plus book with Linus Pauling ( already have the good book: How to live longer and feel better with Linus ), looking forward to get that stuff!

I`m very much interested in nutrition and my top 4 is: Vitamin D (sunshine), coconut oil, vitamin C & AFA- Blue green algae.

My other half had a throat infection for 8 weeks now and I thought I was not getting it due to my many immune enhancing methods with the sun & supplements but the other day I knew I caught something and straight away I took the vitamin C as recommended on your surefire page, I took 8+ grams every 20 minutes for 4 hours and then I have been taking 5+ grams every 4-6 hours, needless to say that taking around 100 grams in
4 hours was an experience!
Felt better the next day but became worse and now it is day #5 and still not good but can work, maybe without my diligent supplementation it would have been worse?

Not 100% convinced it is a miracle cure though but certainly believe it is a alternative to medication and will continue to take 20 grams a day until it is over then a maintenance dose of 10-15 gram a day.

Thanks again for your excellent web site!
Kind regards,


Wow - that doesn't sound like a 100 g cold if it hung on like that, so yes, I'd say you probably avoided something worse, especially if the better half had that sore throat for 8 weeks. Lypo-C comes in handy for emergencies like that!

Mono has a bowel tolerance of 200 g daily - and if your wife had a sore throat for 8 weeks, that would be my guess. So your 100 g may have been half of the requirement, and it probably wasn't a cold or the flu!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Cold Cure Failure? 100 g

Post by ofonorow » Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:22 am

Thanks Owen for your reply, much appreciated especially since you must get a lot of mail from people.

Just checked Lypo-C and it looks very impressive and if I had it the other day it would had saved me a LOT of discomfort after 100 gram/ 4 hours.

A bit confused though when they say it deliver 800% more vitamin C into your body, do you know how many packs (grams) of Lipo-Spheric C would equal to that 100 gram mega dose I took the other day (yes I still remember the effects....), you would think even one pack would
deliver more C than 100 gram ordinary ascorbic acid?

If this Lypo-C is that good why would you take the ordinary one anymore? Another plus is that it would be better for your teeth as well.

If I`m on 10 gram a day as a maintenance dose then a 300 gram tub would last me a month, a pack Lypo-C a day would be a bit more expensive but probably better?

My Ms watched the video clip about it and is interested so we will order it, did just order Primal Panacea as well.

Many thanks,


I still take both ordinary C and Lypo-C. (But I notice my family is moving to mostly Lypo-C because of the lack of gas/diarrhea)

If 5 packets is really equivalent (functionally) to a 50 g IV - and a 50 g IV is generally equivalent to 100 g oral ascorbic acid (depending on the calculation) then 5 Packets Lypo-C is equivalent to the 100 g you took. Even though Dr. Levy has observed clinically this equivalence, it is still hard for me to swallow that 1 packet Lypo-C equals 20 g of
ordinary oral ascorbic acid. I have conservatively said equal to 5 g, and the company says 10 g.

I guess the test would be this. Lets say someone has a known bowel tolerance of say 50 gram of ordinary oral C. I suppose they could take Lypo-C and determine how much one packet lowered their bowel tolerance for ordinary C? Anyone out there up for this experiment?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Cold Cure Failure? 100 g

Post by Saw » Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:07 pm

100 grams oral @ 20% absorption = 20 grams in blood.
250 g oral @ 20% = 50 g IV
50 g IV = 5 g Lypo.
1 g Lypo = 10 g IV = 50 grams oral.

I agree it is a bit hard to swallow.
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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