What is the Best Product for Clean Arteries?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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What is the Best Product for Clean Arteries?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:03 am

Hi Owen,

Which do you consider the strongest of Linus Pauling therapy products?

Tower Ascorsine -9 (2 Jars monthly - high dosage is very important). If you can't afford it, then one jar of A9 and one jar of HT per month.

I have high blood pressure, my cholestorol is going up and so is my LDL.

Have you been on, or just starting the Pauling therapy, and how much and how long? Sounds like a dosage problem. You require more vitamin C for sure.

There is an interesting discussion here about potassium - that we need around 5000 mg daily(According to Linus Pauling Institute) , and when one increases to that much, hard to lower blood pressure drops.

I want my arteries to be completely cleaned so all these things will revert back to normal. I'm mainly interested in my arteries to be completely scrubbed clean so are like new.

What is your vitamin C bowel tolerance? See http://vitamincfoundation.org/www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm

Also have you ever come across anything that can possibly get someone off of insulin - type 1 diabetes? Just thought I would ask.

No, but high blood sugar can affect your requirement for vitamin C and you may even need more.

Also the vitamin C in the Pauling Therapy is all you need correct? I don't need to buy lypo-spheric vitamin C or should I buy this as well?

All the early success stories were with high amounts of ordinary ascorbic acid, however, especially for people that cannot tolerate more than a few grams of vitamin C, Lypo-C is interesting option. If I really wanted to clean my arteries, I would probably add a packet of Lypo-C at night before bed - for added insurance, as this is probably close to taking about 5000 mg of ordinary vitamin C.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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