How to convince cardiologist to take me off of statin and beta blocker

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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How to convince cardiologist to take me off of statin and beta blocker

Post by ChuckArbogast » Sat May 14, 2016 10:51 am

I recently had my cholesterol checked since my cardiologist wanted to know and my numbers were:
Total: 155
HDL: 40
LDL (Calculated): 101
Triglycerides: 70

I am 41, had a heart attack a little over a year ago and had bypass surgery about 6 month ago. I personally think these numbers are ok and that I can get off of my 10mg of Atorvastatin, but of course my cardiologist disagrees. He told me that he thinks everyone, even people that doesn't have heart disease, should have an LDL of 70 or below. I told him that was unrealistic without medications and he didn't like that very well. He doesn't care about any other number or test.

I also want to get off of my beta blocker, 25mg of Metoprolol, since my heart rate is running in the mid 60's and I have heard that long term use can cause congestive heart failure in people like me.

Is there any way to convince him to be ok with me getting off of them. Since he wants me to increase them, he didn't give me a safe/good way to taper off of them without causing more issues.

Any help is appreciated.


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