79yo with R Carotid Stenosis new member

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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79yo with R Carotid Stenosis new member

Post by KerryRobertson » Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:41 pm

Hi, Thank you for adding me.
My dad just found out his right carotid is close to the cut off (between 60- 70%) of needing a vascular surgeon. He knows I (his daughter, Kerry) am into alternative and wanted me to find a way to avoid the surgeon.
I used the Pdf from the book and ordered everything with 2 day delivery. I have some L-ascorbic powder on hand, mag glycine, Taurine powder, but ordered all except the melatonin I think..

.He was hospitalized for critical low sodium, his kidneys may be struggling a bit, and they found the stenosis...the heart arteries looked good. He is usually very active and you would not know his age. He does have some amalgam and symptoms of mercury toxicity but he is not open to that part (yet). I just removed all my root canal teeth (all abcessed) and he is watching how I improve by taking action on health (may be why i cold never reach bowe tolerance) ..he knows he almost died with the low sodium so is willing to do the Linus Pauline therapy. I thought I would use full amount of Lysine, Proline, and C to bowel tolerance? (We recently found a genetic glitch in our B12 cycling...high serum with signs of deficiency. .we are addressing that too..taking cofactors to get absorption of B12 on line) I'm open to any advice. Thank you.

Lunes Payling
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Re: 79yo with R Carotid Stenosis new member

Post by Lunes Payling » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:39 am

You are a good daughter. We just converted the original PRACTICING MEDICINE book to Kindle.
There is a similar story in the book, my uncle had a car accident and ultra sound revealed that his carotids were both blocked, one 90% and the other 70%. The operated on the 90% - showed my aunt and uncle the white plaque the surgeon had scraped out, and my uncle felt better after the surgery.

My aunt, thinking she knew what I was telling people, put my uncle on 5 pills of vitamin C and 5 pills of lysine daily before the next operation. And even though these were 500 mg pills, and the dosage was HALF the Linus Pauling therapeutic recommendation, the surgery on the other side found NO BLOCKAGE. There was nothing to scrape after 30 days on the 1/2 dosaage.

So my feeling is that you should get your dad immediately on the vitamin C and lysine pills, work up until he is ready for a good amount when the products arrive.

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Re: 79yo with R Carotid Stenosis new member

Post by KerryRobertson » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:57 am

Thank you! We have his scans so look forward to seeing good results. He knows this is for the rest of his life but once clean we can lower the amounts to maintenance. Nothing like near death to make us willing to take a few supplements..HE is rethinking the amalgams as well. Thanks again! ?

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