Monohepatitis and Vit C

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

Moderator: ofonorow


Monohepatitis and Vit C

Post by chrisperry » Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:45 pm

My nephew was recently diagnosed with monohepatitis and was in pretty bad shape. His liver was swollen, urine was a rust color and had severe fatigue and body pain. He started with 12 grams of Vit C powder and reached bowel tolerance at about 40 grams. The next morning he felt better and his urine was clear. He continued with about 36 grams/day and is now out with his friend after working for a few hours this morning. All of this occurred within the last week. I am amazed at the complete change in his health even though I am a supporter of Vit C therapy. I can't wait for his follow up appointment so he can tell me about the expression on his doctor's face when he tells him of his Vit C intake. LOL.

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Very Interesting

Post by ofonorow » Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:47 am

Very interesting. Thank you for this report. This is the first case that I know of that responded so well to oral vitamin C (usually requires IVC) and perhaps the reason is a naturally high bowel tolerance. Keep us informed, but don't expect the doctor to believe it.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year



Post by chrisperry » Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:41 am

I made a mistake calculating the amount of Vit C. The actual doses were in the area of 18 grams and he reached tolerance at about 75 grams. He is taking about 50 grams now and will adjust it with bowel tolerance.

I made a mistake in counting a tablespoon as three teaspoons instead of four. The powder is one gram Vit C per teaspoon.

A funny side note is that his friend was over a few days ago and wanted to take as much Vit C as my nephew and we couldn't deter him. My nephew gave him a glass of water with about 15 grams in it and we all laughed because we knew of the surprise that was awaiting him. Later on at a party my nephew said that he spent a lot of time in the bathroom. LOL. There is no mistaking bowel tolerance of Vitamin C.

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