Why Eating Eggs Make You Sick - Medical Medium - Anthony William

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Why Eating Eggs Make You Sick - Medical Medium - Anthony William

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:57 pm

youtube direct link

Eggs were an amazing food.

Then the explosion of the viral and bacterial age

This explosion is caused by eggs.. Food for pathogens

if you have a chronic illness.. the pathogen causing the illness feeds on eggs

These bacteria/viruses were raised on eggs in laboratories.. Eggs were used so the pathogens could be kept alive and studied, (Minute 13 Second 50) These viruses were released into the environment.. vaulted information.

Blames pathogen release on pharmaceutical industry - $$$ from keeping people sick

If you had eggs 90 days ago, there is still some in the liver feeding viruses.

Other foods that feed bugs too - butter, (high fat, starves blood of oxygen creating anerobic environment.) Cheese also feeds the bugs (for 12 days)

eggs have sugar (and fat), cause insulin resistance. Cooked egg denatures the protein - because nothing but waste, waste that feeds pathogens.. Raw egg protein usable, but still feeds pathogens.

Hormones in eggs which also feeds viruses and bacteria. Just as many hormones as dairy products. Eggs will give you high blood pressure. Hormones in eggs feed cysts and tumors.

You can eat bananas, melons as the only thing you eat for 2 years with no ramification.

You can't eat only eggs and stay well.

Lysine in potatoes kill the Epstein-Barr virus

Eggs aren't the cause of disease/symptoms, they are the #1 food for the pathogens that are the cause

Eggs stay in liver for 90 days.

If you are eating eggs, (90 days) and saying medical medium info isn't helping, then you are not following the protocol and need to reset. Viruses loves egg whites.

Tomatoes are incredibly disease fighting.

90-year-old eating eggs okay because he hasn't contracted the viruses (pathogens) whereas a 40- year-old, 50-year-old has many varieties of pathogens.

eggs... endometriosis, weight gain, (minute 42), reproductive problems, cystic fibrosis, fibroids, fatigue, viral/bacterial, acne, diverticulitis, etc

everyone diagnosed with autoimmune eats eggs... every person diagnosed with breast cancer eats eggs...

Another lecture on same topic.

youtube direct link
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Why Eating Eggs Make You Sick - Medical Medium - Anthony William

Post by johnjackson » Wed Nov 06, 2019 8:57 pm

ofonorow wrote:
eggs... endometriosis, weight gain, (minute 42), reproductive problems, cystic fibrosis, fibroids, fatigue, viral/bacterial, acne, diverticulitis,

Love to see "weight gain" in a controlled setting"
give eggs to starving man,,....booom now he's fat!!

ofonorow wrote:

everyone diagnosed with autoimmune eats eggs... every person diagnosed with breast cancer eats eggs...]

I want to believe in jesus or god or even aliens(that came to cure us and not take over!!) but alas, I question everything
my mom had breast cancer and never ate an egg

Eggs can be great, Ive used eggwhites for 20 yrs
eggs due have problems, filled with Arachidonic Acid (AA) , they can cause increase in CRP
...my dad has even 20 eggs/week for 20 yrs and is in great shape and very low HS+-CRP...so not always

stuff about Arachidonic Acid (AA)
https://www.peaktestosterone.com/Arachi ... ngers.aspx




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Re: Why Eating Eggs Make You Sick - Medical Medium - Anthony William

Post by ofonorow » Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:46 am

So you haven't listened to either the Tent lecture or the William egg lecture? Otherwise you would understand - its not eggs, per se, it is the pathogens that have been introduced (according to Tent by vaccinations) that were bred in laboratories to feed on eggs.

And you claim that your mother never ate eggs (or butter, dairy or cheese?)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Why Eating Eggs Make You Sick - Medical Medium - Anthony William

Post by johnjackson » Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:25 pm

I said eggs
Like you said eggs




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