A Cure for the Common Cold

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:55 pm

"In 1972 virologist Thomas Merigan of Stanford University, and a group of British researchers began studying Inteferon's (IF) effect on the common cold. Soviet doctors were claiming success in warding of respiratory infections with weak sprays of IF made in a Moscow laboratory. Merigan and his colleagues gave 16 volunteers a nasal spray of interferon one day before and three days after they were exposed to common cold viruses. Another 16 volunteers were subject to the same viruses without any protection. The results seemed miraculous. None the 16 sprayed subjects developed cold symptoms, but 13 of the unsprayed did. "

ref: Pg. XV, The Case for Interferon, Joseph Cummins

... did you think this post was about vitamin C? :lol:

"Interferon is found in the body in nanogram (billionths of a gram) quantities, particularly in nasal secretions.....

Interferon was not developed for oral administration in human medicine because human interferon given orally could not be detected in the blood of test animals. It was assumed that it had to make it into the blood to be effective. This is false because the kidney quickly and efficiently removes interferon from the blood"
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jan 31, 2022 10:23 am

Its good to be me, at least sometimes.

I ordered and have in my possession a Russian made Interferon-Alpha-... nasal spray. (Judy Mikovitz recommends interferon nasal spray for Covid on various podcasts.)

And I catch an (otherwise) severe cold, probably omicron. What are the chances?

I started documenting the effects and use of Interferon on this cold, here:


And this is the specific post where the discussion begins after catching my cold and treating it with interferon:


IF is really miraculous, and I just ordered many more, one for every employee.. (Heads up, if we have extra, we may offer a paypal invoice way for others to order from our limited supply. Maybe a link at immortalcellsciences.com soon)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by Saw » Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:55 pm

ofonorow wrote:And I catch an (otherwise) severe cold, probably omicron. What are the chances?

Zero! you did ask :lol: .

5G has gone live in most of the US (frequencies unknown) and the symptoms of radiation
poisoning are indistinguishable from the flu (big clue there).

If your interested in an experiment...
Do you have a device to measure your O2?
I would measure your O2 (base line) if possible then take CDS for a day.
The CDS will clear out whatever pollutant your body is trying to rid itself.
Remeasure O2 half hour after first CDS dose
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:41 pm

Did I see you jump off the deep end..

Are you close to a 5G Tower?

I can't believe you are a cold and or flu denier! :roll:
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by Saw » Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:16 pm

ofonorow wrote:I can't believe you are a cold and or flu denier!

I'm a slave to the evidence so I guess I am, I'm also a Leprechaun and Unicorn denier (full disclosure)
However I do reserve the right to change my opinion on all above should some evidence come to light.
You claim to have caught a cold from some guy in South Africa
while I can't catch a cold from any sick people at work or home or any friend or acquaintance for my entire life.
I did experience the beginning of a cold a few weeks ago, not because of a virus but rather
there was extreme cold weather and the heat in my home was set too low, woke up chilled with runny nose, symptoms soon extended to
the throat. I took a shot of cds and symptoms were gone, about 4 hours later symptoms returned. Another dose of cds
and it was over.

The debris known as the virus is the end of the disease process, not the beginning as proven by Lanka (2021) and Enders (1954)
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 01, 2022 10:05 am

First of all, Saw I may owe you my life. Wasn't it you who first brought CDS and Andrew Kalcher to my attention? This MMS/CDS knowledge, then new to me, specifically the protocol at the end of FORBIDDEN HEALTH, i.e., the IV/MMS (chlorite) immediately followed by the IV/C, stopped an infection that had caused a big toe amputation, and four subsequent bone scraping operations. Nothing else had worked.

Only one IV/MMS, IV/C treatment did the trick! The same thing when a MRSA infection developed on the same (left) foot, up from the ankle, maybe the same infection, 2 years later. . One IV/MMS followed by IV/C resolved the infection, perhaps in conjunction with the correct antibiotic. (I had a DNA test on the puss, and there was one antibiotic resistance organism, and a suggested list of antibiotics, one of which I was given.)

In any case, the knowledge you shared, saved me a lot of pain and suffering, so thank you Saw!

Not getting back to...

I'm a slave to the evidence

The problem is that either you Saw are ignoring the mountain of real scientific evidence, or you are accepting pseudo-scientific evidence from people you trust. (Reminds me of my theory that their are bad guy actors (think Fauci and Big Pharma psychopaths), good guy actors (think Linus Pauling, Steve Hickey, Judy Mikovitz, Thomas Levy), and then use-full idiots (semi-good actors, with the best of intentions, but who are unable to discern good from bad science) (think Cowan and Sally Fallon, - Natural C Complex). Saw, if you are not pulling my leg, I have to add you to the last category.

But at least we now know that interferon cures 5G induced illness, so that is news.

BTW, if the choice is between interferon and oral CDS - there is no choice! (I panicked last night when my interferon disappeared out of my refrigerator, still haven't found it, but I guess they turned down the 5G around me. The infection is basically over. I guess I didn't need any more interferon to block the 5G attack.

Interferon is not only very well studied, it is quick and easy and you can feel the effect in minutes. Against viruses. In fact, all viruses carefully tested by the Russians.

CDS doesn't taste great, the dosage is guesswork, and it seems to work well for bacterial and parasite infections, but there is very little evidence that it is good for 5G induced symptoms, or those "non-existent" viral infections.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by Saw » Sat Feb 12, 2022 5:58 pm

ofornorow wrote:First of all, Saw I may owe you my life. Wasn't it you who first brought CDS and Andrew Kalcher

Yes, and your alive because you had an open mind to look at it, and credit to you for diving in the deep end(IV). Now you choose to poo poo CDS :(

ofonorow wrote:But at least we now know that interferon cures 5G induced illness, so that is news.

No one said you had 5G illness, was only giving you the heads up it was active.
If you had a cold, an alternate theory to the Bogeyman is - your body was simply performing regular maintenance i.e. cleaning those tissues
which are in constant contact with the outer bodily elements (toxins,dust etc), think menstruation. Do you think these tissues could take
an infinite amount of abuse?

Also, stop using colds and flu's interchangeably. They are not the same

CDS doesn't taste great, the dosage is guesswork, and it seems to work well for bacterial and parasite infections, but there is very little evidence that it is good for 5G induced symptoms, or those "non-existent" viral infections.

Interesting, Kalcker and others claim it's 100% effective against the suspect (CV19). That's some 4000 doctors in 22 countries.
Also CDS is pretty much taste less.

BTW, if the choice is between interferon and oral CDS - there is no choice! (I panicked last night when my interferon disappeared out of my refrigerator, still haven't found it, but I guess they turned down the 5G around me. The infection is basically over. I guess I didn't need any more interferon to block the 5G attack.

Fascinating how you frequently reference Dr.Tennant, who's all about the voltage of cells but you don't think EMF pounding these electrically charged cells at billions of times per second could have any effect.

How can you deny correlation here? seems pretty clear

Are you going to tell me emf is some how activating dormant viruses? The rate is clearly double with the addition of 5G!!


The problem is that either you Saw are ignoring the mountain of real scientific evidence

You might be confusing a mountain with a pile of manure - similar shapes!
Like how virologist confuse virus with decomposing cells.

I wouldn't climb that mountain, the foundation is bad, could come down at any minute!
I assume your not grasping the importance of Lanka's control experiments???
The THEORY of Virology claims to be on third base, but in reality hasn't made it to first base.

If you want to save virology you need to grow some virus and not just kill cells and point at the mess and scream virus.

I can go into a packed church and start yawning and will guarantee to infect at least a few people.
Is yawing caused by a virus?
What about laughter, even more contagious!!!

So unlike AIDS and the Spanish Flu we can prove contagion for yawning and laughter

Under the rules of virology we can take a sample of snot from one of these yawners and using
the gold standard (Enders 1954) we can prove a virus. As Lanka showed no infected material
is required to get the same result as an infected sample.
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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by Blargus » Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:50 pm

My understanding is that generally EMF is understood to do damage by increasing oxidative stress. Dr. Levy's book on magnesium says that magnesium is effective for oxidative stress and synergizes with Vitamin C to make them even better at reducing oxidative stress. From his book. Magnesium and also C are both studied as treating radiation toxicity. So maybe combining them might be another good thing to explore for EMF/5G?

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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 13, 2022 11:47 am

Thanks Blargus.... Speaking of manure... Its hard to keep up with Saw and his flat earth society.. And I love the Flat Earth Society... Doesn't make them right or wrong, just free thinkers.

Interesting, Kalcker and others claim it's 100% effective against the suspect (CV19). That's some 4000 doctors in 22 countries.
Also CDS is pretty much taste l

Which is evidence that so-called COVID-19, that agent that was released, is not a virus, but a bacteria, perhaps that magnetic bacteria? You get hospitals to treat a viral infection, when they should have been treating with antibiotics, and you would see a lot of deaths.

By the way, Kalcker is also a free thinker, but not infallible. He recommends that his readers not take vitamin C. (Except for that part in Forbidden Health when he cites the study that I used to save my foot.)

Tennant is a genius. If you don't believe that cells require a certain voltage to remain healthy, and double that voltage to heal, that is your right as a member of the flat earth society. The way CDS works, as explained by Kalcker, is that the bullets are held in reserve (oxygen) until an acidic part of the body is encountered (infection) when the bullets are released. pH and chemistry. Taking every day when there are no infections, has no intrinsic value, and would not be beneficial, especially in people who listen to Kalcker and avoid vitamin C.

What else, here is my challenge to Saw, read Judy MikoVitz's PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION and then tell me with a straight face there are no such things as viruses or retroviruses.
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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:18 pm

Further information from the Russian contact regarding various forms of interferon.

Also i would recommend to order lyophilized forms of interferon, it is much better stored during transport because of it. Better resistable both to the temperatures and shock. We have several, i can suggest you some if you are interested. There are lyophilized versions of both interferon gamma and alfa-2b

lyophilizate, it is freeze-dried powder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeze-drying. Some forms of interferon made freeze-dried, so it is a powder which you dilute with solvent (0.9% nacl solution or water for injection, in some brands it is included in the box in some it is bought separately) before use. When it is made that way it preserve much better during transport. Lyophilized interferons are usually made for injections but some are made specifiaclly to be used as nasal drops, they have a dripper bottle. But you can use injectable one as drops, too.

There is also interferon suppositories.

here is an example - nosedrops interferon-gamma, 100k iu per bottle, it is freeze-dried with solvent included.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by Saw » Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:34 pm

oforonow wrote:Speaking of manure... Its hard to keep up with Saw and his flat earth society.. And I love the Flat Earth Society... Doesn't make them right or wrong, just free thinkers.

Flat earth? Again??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok so you have no arguments in support of virus theory other than Judy Mikovitze wrote a book :oops:

The irony is, should they succeed with their "Great Reset" there will be no vitamin C foundation
or even vitamin use of any sort. All because of the believe in an unprovable villain.

Truth Passes Through Three Stages:
First, It Is Ridiculed.
Second, It Is Violently Opposed.
Third, It Is Accepted As Self-Evident

Your clearly on stage 2 - this is good!!!
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:48 pm

oforonow wrote:
Speaking of manure... Its hard to keep up with Saw and his flat earth society.. And I love the Flat Earth Society... Doesn't make them right or wrong, just free thinkers.

Flat earth? Again??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok so you have no arguments in support of virus theory other than Judy Mikovitze wrote a book :oops:

It is thee who has the tiniest spec if evidence that viruses don't cause disease. The mountain of evidence to the contrary is much like the mountain of evidence in support of ascorbic acid being vitamin C. A few people write a book that doubts that mountain, and we are off to the useful idiot lodge.

I sense you are reluctant to read? I picked this book because Mitkovitz's entire life work has been devoted to studying and "culturing" viruses, and especially retroviruses. This is where I learned the difference between the two. She discusses the science, but not in a way that would be too confusing to flat-earthers. What she discovered (or was part of a team that discovered) was a new retrovirus that she believe has contaminated the blood supply and is likely responsible for Chronic Fatigue and a host of other illnesses, including cancers.

Nothing in science is ever absolute, but the idea that viruses do not cause disease falls of a steep cliff, ironic for flat-earthers. There is no scientific support for your proposition. None. Zero. nada. (Now the powers that be, would LOVE for this idea to be spread through the public, that viruses don't really cause disease, as it relieves Governments of the huge liability from knowing the blood supply was contaminated. They are not shielded from liability, like they are w/r to vaccines. And Judy speculates that this massive blood-supply liability is at least one explanation for the plandemic. To obscure this liability.)

And oh I guess it is unfair to argue with you. I do cheat. In the beginning, I used to parrot Linus Pauling. Knowing that if I appeared to be wrong (e.g. fat/cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease, low vitamin C does), I was in good company. If I were wrong, Linus Pauling was wrong.

Today, there is an extraordinary source of knowledge (that few in this forum believe, but even fewer have read) that I have READ, and so far I have found to be without error. This knowledge from the Medical Medium has one primary theme. That all chronic disease that our own science has been unable to deal with are caused by viruses. Viruses, not in the blood, but in the tissues. At various stages of infection. And although MM doesn't say it "out loud," one can infer that these viruses have been introduced to the population at large, as Dr. Tent and others have surmised, via vaccines.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: A Cure for the Common Cold

Post by Saw » Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:51 pm

Enjoy your pandemic, your gonna love the coming Aids epidemic and then Spars in 2025.
It's going to be an exciting time for those in the cult of virology, enjoy!
Btw, even your flat earth analogy makes no sense?
At least your consistent.
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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