eating vs fasting

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eating vs fasting

Post by stevewoodz99 » Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:57 am

I am about 19% bodyfat
maybe 22%

so is prolonged fasting better
eating some protien(pSMF) once a day?
goal is to not lose LBM

I walk abou 6 miles/day and lift heavy stuff up and down at my job
Ive currently been fasting(taking NA/k/Mg/AA) for8 days issues

but my personal trainer says I need to do PSMF
but eating would negate the fasting benefits of higher HGH and autophagy, right?
since eating activates Mtor and negates the benefits of fasting
he says I'lll lose muscle masss
I say, sure, if i was lean(<15% ) but I'm not,

so who is right?

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Re: eating vs fasting

Post by ofonorow » Fri Aug 19, 2022 11:11 am

This is the vitamin C foundation :)

Our friend with the advanced science whispering in his ear generally recommends against fasting, as it places a load on the pancreas and adrenals. To keep blood sugar up and stable during fasting, the adrenals produce hormones to extract glucose from the liver.

This implies that you need a good supply of glucose in the liver (and brain).

Instead of fasting, our "friends" recommend grazing - having a fruit (for the glucose/fructose) and a vegetable (for the special salts) every two to two and a half hours. This protocol keeps blood glucose stable and thus rests the adrenals.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: eating vs fasting

Post by stevewoodz99 » Fri Aug 19, 2022 1:29 pm

you posted a link to the video "science of fasting" while back, I cannot find it
I know this is AA forum, but I also take vit C 5g, salt 10g, k 2grams
--10 grams of salt? yea, thats only about 5-6 grams of sodium, which I need

Id love to see anything about fasting being bad for my pancreas and adrenals
keeping blood sugar up?
which also keeps insulin up?

nah, that"s not science my friend. besides my liver ran of glycogen about 11 days ago, I am now reversing any fatty liver I have(NAFLD) because fat from liver or within liver, gets used first as fuel to make glucose(from glycerol)

high blood sugar is bad for everything
as is high insulin(dementia aka insulin resistance in brain_)

no food does wonderful things
increase HGH(which is likely healing my tendon)
increase autophagy
decrease insulin
by days 3, NEW immune cells are made
decrease inflammation
increase insulin sensitivity/decrease insulin resistance(this includes in the brain, so decrease risk of demenita)
increase ketones(since I'm not diabetic, this is wonderful, ketones are fuel source AND a signal to the body) and protein sparing
increase hormone sensitive lipase(this will get fat out of cells and ONLY works when insulin is low, so "grazing" or keeping insulin high means tat you will use muscle/lbm as a energy source, not fat)

the major problem with "grazying" is by continually spikeing insulin, you wont use fat as a fuel source, to get fat out of cells, you need hormone sensitive lipase(HSL)
which is inhibited by insulin
so the body will need fuel once insulin clears the blood of energy, so it will access lbm,

blood sugar is stable, Gluconeogenesis, and my organs, (kidneys also) are being repaired and arent stressed since they really arent doing much

oh, yeah and my stem cells are high
Now I am currently on day 8 of a fast
and I feel super good

but I also chew DA=agonist and take caffeine /ephedrine(200/20) (EC stack)
and I take my vitamin C case that does EVERYTHING

oh, I seemed to answer my own question

but eating might be better IF I was lower in bodyfat]

I can provide sources for anything above , if it is wanted

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Re: eating vs fasting

Post by ofonorow » Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:52 am

ignorance is bliss
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: eating vs fasting

Post by stevewoodz99 » Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:26 pm

glad to help ya out!

humans didnt evolve eating/grazing, lotta fasting going on.
that's why the body is how it is
it is designed for feast/famine; not grazing

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