What cured my GERD?

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What cured my GERD?

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:01 pm

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by exitium » Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:22 pm

Has H. Pylori been ruled out?

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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:19 pm

Not sure I see any connection? He takes vitamin C.

The disorder with heart burn/GERD is at the bottom the throat. H. Pilori is an infection in the acidic stomach. (Might be coincidence, have both issues, but the pressing need for most people is to address the raw and inflamed throat - typical GERD).
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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by bbtri » Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:45 pm

Eliminating wheat cured my GERD. The very day I eliminated wheat my GERD was gone forever. After 2 months of absolutely no wheat I allowed a little back in my diet, but very little, and I've had no episodes in over a year. There are probably many things that could cause it. I'm glad I found my cure.
On the H Pylori thing I've read that it can make GERD less likely because the bacteria lower stomach acid.

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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by exitium » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:52 am

bbtri wrote:On the H Pylori thing I've read that it can make GERD less likely because the bacteria lower stomach acid.

Yea, there are people on both sides of the issue and I dont know if a clear connection has been made but gerd does seem to be an issue for many people with intestinal issues. methyl prednisolone if im not mistakes is a corticosteroid so it will not only reduce inflammation but also hinder the immune response making for a possible interesting intestinal reaction.

As for wheat and your gerd issues, wheat or more specifically gluten, is often demonized while the other school of thought seems to be that food sensitivities are less about the food and your bodies direct reaction to it than how your intestinal pathogens respond to the food and how your body in turn responds to their response (ie excess toxins from pathogens gourging on your food etc).

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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:26 am

methyl prednisolone if im not mistakes is a corticosteroid so it will not only reduce inflammation but also hinder the immune response making for a possible interesting intestinal reaction

He he he. Sorry, I hear this all the time from M.Ds. Fortunately the truth is out there. For anyone who believes this (that corticosteroids hinder immunity, as most doctors I speak with apparently do) you might consider reading William Mck Jefferies SAFE USES OF CORTISOL, 3rd Edition. Fantastic book (at least 2 me, because it completely explained two week long stays in intensive care - that completely fooled the 10+ specialist assigned to my "case.")

As a sanity check, why would cortisol - the only essential hormone - evidenced by the fact that if it is missing for 24 hours you die - "hinder" immunity? Now, if per chance the concentrated form of cortisol such as prednisone or methyl prednisolone does have this property, then take the bio-identical hydrocortizone.

These medical myths about cortisol/prednisone are based on early research that gave dosages more than 10 times what the adrenals normally output! So it is difficult for doctors to separate all the adverse side effects that will result from these huge doses, from the SAFE use of small dosages, i.e., dosages less than what the adrenals themselves would output.

Jefferies starts off the book with the finding (replicated by others) that the Flu (influenza virus) actually turns off cortisol production - leading to the nasty symptoms of the flu. He recommends an ultra high dosage at the onset, something like 100 mg or more (hyrdocortisone) to counter-act the virus. At the correct dosages, cortisol improves immunity, doesn't hinder it. (We can discuss the economics behind these lies that are propagated to and through medical doctors..)

Back to GERD - heart burn. Interesting about the quick reaction to stopping wheat (gluten?) I will mention this to my brother-in-law.

I posted this because most people don't realize this pain from eating is really an inflammation of the lower throat - not stomach. Most people (including my brother-in-law) attack the problem with antacids - which may be precisely the wrong thing to do, given that the sphincter/valve seems to relax when the acidity of the stomach is reduced, leading to the backup of acid stomach contents into the throat, causing the problem
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by exitium » Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:53 am

ofonorow wrote:He he he. Sorry, I hear this all the time from M.Ds. Fortunately the truth is out there. For anyone who believes this (that corticosteroids hinder immunity, as most doctors I speak with apparently do) you might consider reading William Mck Jefferies SAFE USES OF CORTISOL, 3rd Edition. Fantastic book (at least 2 me, because it completely explained two week long stays in intensive care - that completely fooled the 10+ specialist assigned to my "case.").

My opinion on the subject is not only what I have heard from docs but also personal experience. There was a couple times when I was on high dose prednisone for many months at a time (not while hospitalized). I was getting sick all the time. This wasnt an issue at lower doses but certainly played a part when doses got high. Either way, im open to new ideas and science.

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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:59 am

What was the "high dose" exitium - and why were you on a high dosage? Any more than 8-10 mg of prednisone is unsafe for more than a short time - sort of like producing your own elevated cortisol under chronic stress.

The recommended safe dosage - extrapolating from the hydrocortisone discussed in the Jefferies' book - is about half normal adrenal output, or 4 mg.

8-10 mg (prednisone) equals "normal" unstressed daily cortisol output. (Apparently they used to remove adrenal glands from cancer/breast cancer patients, and this is how they determined the "replacement" dosages in the 1950s.)

The message in Jefferies's book is that if a doctor prescribes in the safe range, the adrenal output is reduced, resting the adrenals. (The output of cortisol is tightly controlled by the brain, and is not additive.)

You don't want to stay on full replacement (8-10 mg) for too long as the adrenals would then switch off for lack of work.

Any more than 8-10 mg is unsafe at any speed .. err any real length of time.

But 1, 2 3 or 4 is supposed to be safe in that the adrenals only have to output 1/2 their usual, leaving spare capacity when you do have a stress to combat.

I am curious how much you were taking and why
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by exitium » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:03 am

ofonorow wrote:What was the "high dose" exitium - and why were you on a high dosage? Any more than 8-10 mg of prednisone is unsafe for more than a short time - sort of like producing your own elevated cortisol under chronic stress.

The recommended safe dosage - extrapolating from the hydrocortisone discussed in the Jefferies' book - is about half normal adrenal output, or 4 mg.

8-10 mg (prednisone) equals "normal" unstressed daily cortisol output. (Apparently they used to remove adrenal glands from cancer/breast cancer patients, and this is how they determined the "replacement" dosages in the 1950s.)

The message in Jefferies's book is that if a doctor prescribes in the safe range, the adrenal output is reduced, resting the adrenals. (The output of cortisol is tightly controlled by the brain, and is not additive.)

You don't want to stay on full replacement (8-10 mg) for too long as the adrenals would then switch off for lack of work.

Any more than 8-10 mg is unsafe at any speed .. err any real length of time.

But 1, 2 3 or 4 is supposed to be safe in that the adrenals only have to output 1/2 their usual, leaving spare capacity when you do have a stress to combat.

I am curious how much you were taking and why

On 2 different occasions I was on 50mg or more daily for 6 months or more due to a swelling retina. I also got a cortisone injection in the eye socket at diagnosis to get the ball rolling. Dosage was high to avoid permanent loss of vision and after things appeared to be stable the dosages was slowly decreased over time only to have a flair up and the retina swell again and dosage was bumped back up. This process went on for months as we tried to get off the prednisone.

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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:50 am

Thank you. Wow. No wonder. Did your face become round or "moon" like?

So 50 mg is something like a 200 mg dosage of hydrocortisone, and yes you would have many things go wrong over six months! Definitely not in the safe range.

I also know (unfortunately from personal experience) that if your natural cortisol output is low (so-called adrenal fatigue), then inflammation begins in various tissues. And, unfortunately, it is not easy to stop the inflammation after it begins. And, unlike aspirin, increasing the cortisol/prednisone dosage does not turn off the inflammation for quite a while !?! e.g. your retinas.

Back to GERD, I am wondering if most people, as they age, become slightly deficient in cortisol, leading to various inflammations, such as the lower esophagus. The saliva test my doctor ordered was spot on correct! (5 samples were taken throughout the day. Only drawback is that I had to stop my prednisone supplementation for a few days), but such a test can be used to suggest proper dosages for people whose adrenals are under achieving.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:08 am

Exitium, I was thinking about the dosage you took (50 mg) for an extended length of time (6 months) , and if you care to relate what happened, that would be interesting. I suspect your blood sugar went through the roof, and if not, how did they control it?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by exitium » Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:26 pm

ofonorow wrote:Exitium, I was thinking about the dosage you took (50 mg) for an extended length of time (6 months) , and if you care to relate what happened, that would be interesting. I suspect your blood sugar went through the roof, and if not, how did they control it?

It was approx 14 years ago now, so things are a bit fuzzy but there was no tests or bloodwork done at the time. Prednisone was dished out by eye doc in an effort to make sure I didnt lose my vision. I never saw a regular doc during that time and had no lab work done. Needless to say I felt pretty good for the first week or so, then bloated up nicely, thirsty all the time and was in the bathroom all the time, seemed to get a cold every other week etc.

I had to stop working out after a while because I felt horrible and it took everything I could muster to get out of bed and make it to work and thru the day.

Thats really around the time I just started not feeling myself. Digestion issues, lack of mental focus etc.

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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:54 pm

Thank you and if doctors had been trained on the safe uses of Cortisol you would never have been given such a dosage.
Needless to say I felt pretty good for the first week or so, then bloated up nicely, thirsty all the time and was in the bathroom all the time, seemed to get a cold every other week etc.

Bloating is common. Thirsty all the time indicates an elevation in blood sugar - lucky you didn't go into a coma. I have also been told that by turning off your adrenals (as this must have) you become dependent.

In my opinion, what you went through was medical malpractice, but it would be hard to win the suit. It is simply another case docs use to justify their "fear" of the evil steroid.

I am glad you brought it up so that readers understand that we inflame if our adrenals are not working right, and as we approach age 50 and beyond, the adrenal output predictably declines and this can be measured, and, if cortisol is in decline, that a simple hormone replacement therapy is all this is required to keep people with all sorts of pain caused by inflammation - pain free.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by exitium » Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:09 pm

ofonorow wrote:[color=#000080][b]Bloating is common. Thirsty all the time indicates an elevation in blood sugar - lucky you didn't go into a coma. I have also been told that by turning off your adrenals (as this must have) you become dependent.

Im sure I suffered some damage because of it, just didnt feel right for the longest time, tossed and turned all night, never slept deep enough to dream.

Ive been dabbling with various supplements for the last couple years and doing my best to stay in the gym but had quite frequently seemed to hit walls where I would just crash and burn. Tried all sorts of diet changes from eating super strict no processed foods to a little more lax but still decent, less calories than maintenance and more calories than maintenance. I just could never really get bodyfat down, especially on my abs and chest. Real lean everywhere else.

Then I got afib and started the search for a cure. I started pauling therapy, added in potassium, more magnesium, vit K,E and A as well as iodine/selenium and an "earthing sheet". With the earthing sheet I sleep like a baby, havent slept this good in a decade. With the iodine/selenium (aside from some initial halid detox) the bodyfat is melting off. With the additional magnesium and potassium I notice a nice boost in the gym and now that I have finally kicked that flu bug (or what ever I got) my HRV is back on track and increasing while resting heart rate is seems to be dropping without having as many missed beats. Im hoping with a bit more time my afib will go away and I can stop hitting the walls with my training.

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Re: What cured my GERD?

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:50 am


Curing GERD is not a simple subject, and the above were my ideas and experience before reading Anthony William/Medical Medium circa 2017

The first thing to remember is that vitamin C isn't necessarily acidic. The mineral ascorbates, e.g. sodium ascorbate, are alkaline. Linus Pauling himself added sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to his 9 gram ascorbic acid drinks. (2 per day). This turns some of the ascorbic acid into the alkaline sodium ascorbate.

This may help many as a temporary measure, since everyone shoudld follow Pauling's advice in his 1986 book; i.e.,, "Don't Stop Taking Vitamin C, Even for A Single Day."

And there is of course liposomal vitamin C to use while you cure your GERD.

What I learned from the "other worldly" knowledge shared in the Medical Medium books is that the LACK of stomach acid (per Jonathan Wright's WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU") is the usual cause of GERD (i.e., the back up of stomach contents into the throat/esophagus.) So the throat gets raw because of uundigested food, usually caused because there is too much fat in the diet. Fat in the food signals the liver to create more bile, which is acidic, and backs up the throat.)

So the new knowledge is to reduce fat (per all Medical Medium books), and thus reduce bile acids.

AND probably most importantly, try the Celery Juice protocol. Among its many medicinal properties is the ability to create all the various types of stomach acids we need to properly digest foods.


I did a many month intense fresh celery juice regimen because of the promise of repairing my seemingly failed adrenal glands. That eventually worked, and, I noticed a secondary benefit, it also cured my GERD.

Another important aspect is eating at least 6 hours BEFORE bedtime, which allows all the stomach contents to reach the intestines.

Finally, and person having trouble taking vitamin C should be checked for a "hiatial hernia" which would have to be repaired if present.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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