"Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

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"Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by Blanko » Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:32 am

New book.


https://www.drdayproducts.com/germs-don ... sea39.html

Interested in your thoughts on this as well.

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Re: "Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by Blanko » Sat Sep 24, 2022 4:32 pm

Interesting comment I read:

You don't get sick by catching something from somebody else you get sick because a poison has entered your body and your body is trying to fight it with viruses and germs that work to do it. They already have proven you can't catch things with the 1917 Spanish flu they tried giving it to people and they couldn't do it. So the conclusion is people get sick by poisons that enter from outside the body.

Personally, I haven't been sick in years. COVID-19 illnesses were a non-reality for me. The sickness I got I know was from how I was swimming in less than ideal waters, with plenty of water going into my sinuses every time I would dive down and come up for air. Very likely I got some irritant in my system from that.

Sure I could test positive for a bacteria, but that wouldn't mean that bacteria is the source of the problem. Quite conceivably the bacteria could be helping.

My lungs for whatever reason are sensitive to irritants. I came down with the same irritating cough the times I tried smoking pot, and when I was a child I had an irritating cough for years that none of the doctors could figure out, that eventually went away on its own.

The oregano oil and everything else I've been taking hasn't really been helping. What is most effective is walking outdoors in the fresh air, sun, sleeping plenty, and slowly letting the body overcome the irritation. When I wake up in the morning I feel fine until I start going about my day - eating, drinking, coughing, and then the irritation is back.

I think it will just take time.

Also, normally I eat several raw eggs daily (free range from a local farm). I've never once gotten sick from that.

Also, see this: Germ Theory Debunked: https://www.bitchute.com/video/x4G5NEHWtHOI/

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Re: "Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by Saw » Sat Sep 24, 2022 7:33 pm

Blanko wrote:Personally, I haven't been sick in years. COVID-19 illnesses were a non-reality for me. The sickness I got I know was from how I was swimming in less than ideal waters, with plenty of water going into my sinuses every time I would dive down and come up for air. Very likely I got some irritant in my system from that.

Interesting about the water, recently a pocaster was explaining how he had come down with something really bad (flu like) after
spending the day at the beach. None of the other people in his group got sick and he was the only one who spent most of the day
in the water.

Personally, almost every spring I develop a bad cough that last a good 4 to 6 weeks. I spent around 10 years
breathing cancerous fumes (job related) and now realize been lucky to avoid any lung cancers. The body does maintenance
where and when required and for as long as it takes.
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Re: "Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by Blanko » Sat Sep 24, 2022 8:34 pm

Foolishly I was literally using the lake as a kind of neti pot with which to flush my sinuses. It was in the evening when no one else was there, and it is a mountain lake, so it was deceptively pristine looking. However, it was a shallow and stagnant bay area where lots of people go during the day. I don't know what exactly I got in my system that caused the sickness, but soon after I was confined to my bed with major congestion to the point of barely being able to breathe as well as ear pain. Terribly fatigued, and I felt absolutely awful. That lasted about 1 day, and then I felt much better, but to my surprise I had new symptoms start, namely the cough and throat and chest irritation.

I believe using the lake same as I was in a different and deeper area would have been fine. However, going forward, knowing I am vulnerable in this part of my body, I will make more use of my mask and snorkel. I really was thinking getting the water in my system was clearing out my sinuses and having health benefits. I was foolish.

Also, most people seem to apply lots of sunscreen before they go into the water. I can't imagine it's good getting that in the internal parts of the body. Not sure what was in that water, but it sure was toxic to my system.

Interestingly, the major congestion in my head and sinuses, as well as the ear pain, cleared up really quickly. Not sure if that was from staying in bed and giving the body time, or also from the 3% food grade peroxide and colloidal silver I put into my ears. I had tinnitus as well that I didn't imagine going away, yet it quickly did.

In sum, the body healed really quickly from the worst of the illness, but then new symptoms emerged, which have been chronic. I have faith they will go away, but to this point it has been slow, frustrating, and bothersome.

I should also add I used high doses of NAC thinking that would solve the problem and it didn't. However, I wonder if that had an effect on the initial and by far most acute portion of the illness. It's very possible that helped clear up the congestion so quickly. Perhaps also contributed to this more protracted period of irritation since without all that mucus it takes longer to flush out the system. Sometimes you can treat yourself in the short term to address symptoms yet negatively impact the body's ability to fully heal as quickly as it otherwise would.

Evidently there is something in my system that's still irritating the body, that ultimately needs to be cleared.

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Re: "Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by Blanko » Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:56 pm


The germ theory is wrong. It is not correct. The microbiome, you have a trillion bacteria in your intestine. They are 33% of your immune system. They are there as your friends.

This is a good discussion by Dr. Day.

I do believe I was wise avoiding antibiotics.

I am getting better gradually day by day.

As well, I believe I was overdoing the ascorbic acid, thinking bowel tolerance is the way to figure out how much the body needs. Almost certainly the body urinates out excess far before bowel tolerance is reached, and this dehydrates you as the ascorbic acid in excessive doses is a significant diuretic.

So I am taking ascorbic acid generously, but not at extreme levels.

I realize animals produce ascorbic acid at extreme levels, but clearly the human body is crippled in this respect, and oral ascorbic acid is not a perfect solution.

The body is not designed to receive extreme doses of ascorbic acid orally.

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Re: "Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by Blanko » Mon Sep 26, 2022 1:19 am

Just went to bed, and as I was falling asleep noticed I am scratching all over my arms - swimmer's itch. It's conceivable that's the internal problem as well.

"Swimmer's itch, cercarial dermatitis or schistosome dermatitis is a short-term allergic immune reaction occurring in the skin of humans that have been infected by water-borne schistosomes, a type of flatworms. It is common in freshwater, brackish and marine habitats worldwide."

Guessing most people aren't familiar with internal issues caused by this as they don't intentionally get the water into their systems as I foolishly did.

Possibly could benefit from something like wormwood:

"today i received wormwood and i started with daily 2 doses. first dose very effective and am free from itching...am very happy and having a good sleep. i really recommend for this if you have any worm problem."

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Re: "Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by jimmylesante » Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:41 am

Schistosomisis or bilharzia is very common in Africa but not present in the USA.
The first you know about it normally is peeing blood as the flatworms congregate in your bladder.
Itchy arms -probably from the beach sand/flies.

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Re: "Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by Blanko » Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:41 am

jimmylesante wrote:Schistosomisis or bilharzia is very common in Africa but not present in the USA.
The first you know about it normally is peeing blood as the flatworms congregate in your bladder.
Itchy arms -probably from the beach sand/flies.

Well, the beach does have a swimmer's itch warning, and it's normal for me if I don't shower/bathe after use to have some swimmer's itch during the the fall and winter. Not sure what exactly causes it, but it's real. I just cited that there from Wikipedia as it was the first thing that came up when I searched swimmer's itch. The itch tends to happen only from late season, more stagnant waters, which is where I swam.

Definitely isn't from anything besides the water itself.

However, I won't be using wormwood. See here if interested: https://www.curezone.org/forums/am.asp?i=470860

Just going to take care of myself and live a healthy lifestyle and let things run their course. As Dr. Day says, the body is designed to heal itself.

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Re: "Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by Saw » Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:46 pm

Algae is a problem here late season, was at the lake today and the water was pretty green. I don't know the ramifications
of swimming or internal contact though.
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Re: "Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by Blanko » Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:01 pm

Saw wrote:Algae is a problem here late season, was at the lake today and the water was pretty green. I don't know the ramifications
of swimming or internal contact though.

Could be something like that.

"Even if the water looks clear, toxins are still present," the post said.

When searching, I found this as an example of one of the problems natural freshwater can have: https://saskatoon.ctvnews.ca/sask-health-authority-warns-of-toxic-algae-in-manitou-lake-1.5990001

I know it seems most foolish to get all that questionable water in my system, but sometimes mistakes do happen in the moment.

Sometimes I feel almost better, and then other times like now the irritation still is especially annoying.

I don't know what I could take that might help.

Toxicity of 13 different antibiotics towards freshwater green algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and their modes of action: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27783962/

"Comparison of the toxicities shows that the inhibitors of protein synthesis to bacteria, such as azithromycin, doxycycline, florfenicol and oxytetracycline, exhibit significantly toxic effects to algae."

Interestingly: "On the other hand, the cell wall synthesis inhibitors, such as cefotaxime and amoxicillin, show relatively low toxic effects to the algae."

I can see a medical doctor later this week at least to see what he thinks is the problem and what he suggests. He knows I don't like taking pharmaceuticals, but if he's convinced he has one that will at last solve the problem, then I'm interested.

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Re: "Germs Don't CAUSE Disease any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!"

Post by Blanko » Tue Sep 27, 2022 5:49 pm

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