what is going around here?

Ask questions, seek advice, or share your experience with vitamin C

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what is going around here?

Post by stevewoodz99 » Wed Sep 07, 2022 10:58 am

I am a big AA user
me/family take multigrams vit C and have not been sick in years

I am reading this forum, i dont understand what is going on in this forum

should I get the covid vaccine or boosters?

I got the vaccine(phfizer) and took a few grams vit C before and after
I had 0 side effects
I routinely give blood, nothing amiss.
I also fast(cause ive read much about how people have fasted all through history and via religion and fasting is FKN good for you) a few days a week or just one meal a day, depends on social stuff.
since eating is very social



this incorrect info about fasting


this weird recommendation for calcium
iron(no thanks, men, post-meno femalkes

Eades and dr t levey recommend mg, vit C, k2, vit D
otherwise...get w-3s and protein.low carb, B-vitamins .lift heavy stuff and do cardio and DONT BE FAT

is owen ok?

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Re: what is going around here?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Sep 08, 2022 10:01 am

Post too long, but the short answer is that getting the vaccine is provably dangerous, as we have been highlighting from the beginning. Dr. Tenpenny and others now believe that the immunity suppression (AIDS) is about to kill millions.

You have your own opinions. Fine. That is what the forum is for.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: what is going around here?

Post by stevewoodz99 » Mon Sep 12, 2022 11:23 am

ofonorow wrote:Post too long, but the short answer is that getting the vaccine is provably dangerous, as we have been highlighting from the beginning. Dr. Tenpenny and others now believe that the immunity suppression (AIDS) is about to kill millions.

You have your own opinions. Fine. That is what the forum is for.

I was asking about the vacccine as I have no opinionon that, aside that i dont have covid and take copious amounts of vit C around when I got the fir st 2 shots(required by job)

why is the covid vaccine dangerous but NMR isnt?

I have no opinions here about saftey
Just stand on the facts others present, which include some common knowledge(humans didnt evolve eating all the time/fasting is better better for you since it turns on genes that dont get turned on via eating many times a day or daily)
genes that are there to make life better
Jason fung
mike Mosely(who thinks 2-600cas day is the same as NO CALORIES) :roll:

animal studies show that eating daily vs fasting every other day(no calories every other day) at profoundly different results(fasting is BETTER for you)

that's not an opinion(ex medical student whispers into my ear)

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Re: what is going around here?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:22 pm

Why would experimental covid vaccines BE safe? Companies have zero liability.

Anyway, here are a few posts. VARES is US GOvernment database on vaccine safety. Estimates are that more than 90% of adverse effects go unreported.

Now Over A Million Deaths reported in VAERS

The number of young people dying from the vax is probably higher

Anyone who received four doses of Covid vaccine or more is 100x more likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated:

and according to doctors we follow, the vax has created an immune deficiency complex which is about to cause millions of deaths
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: what is going around here?

Post by stevewoodz99 » Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:09 pm

ofonorow wrote:

and according to doctors we follow, the vax has created an immune deficiency complex which is about to cause millions of deaths

I wonder if people who got the vaccine, arent healthy to begin with.
no vit C,
low/missing other nutrients

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Re: what is going around here?

Post by Blanko » Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:08 pm

If you want to understand this subject, I have two excellent videos from Michael Yeadon. Watch both.

Drs. Mike Yeadon and Paul Alexander: fraud of the COVID pandemic: https://rumble.com/v1kigj1-drs.-mike-yeadon-and-paul-alexander-fraud-of-the-covid-pandemic.html

22 - On Building Back Better, First By Destroying: https://odysee.com/@MaajidNawaz:d/EP22-Radical:1

AFFIDAVIT OF WITNESS Dr. Mark Trozzi: https://ratical.org/PandemicParallaxView/mp3s/Dr-Mark-Trozzi-AFFIDAVIT-OF-WITNESS-041221.pdf
The "first wave" of the "pandemic" was absolutely the quietest time in my career. I have worked very hard and been very busy over the past twenty-five years in ER. However, both in my regular ER and my "COVID-19 designated" ER, there were almost no patients and almost no work. I had multiple long ER shifts without a single patient. Meanwhile, when I would go to the local grocery store, the propagandized public, God bless them, would usher me to the front of the antisocial distance line, thanking me for everything I was going through as a front-line emergency doctor. They believed that the ER's and hospitals were full of patients dying from COVID-19 and that I must be exhausted and at risk of dying myself from exposure. I began contacting doctors and friends all over Canada and the US and found the same pattern: empty hospitals and propaganda saying that they were full of patients dying of COVID-19.

So, the public was lied about there being a viral pandemic. There wasn't. And those who have been following along since March of 2020 conclude the injections are not beneficial in any way.

So why would you want to take them?

More than 60 scientists collaborating between multiple laboratories in several nations reveal what is really in the injections and what is happening to the injection victims' blood:


Impossible to know at this juncture all the effects of these injections 5 and 10 years down the line. Very fishy how aggressively they were pushed on the public for a pandemic that objectively never was.

Meanwhile the "gold standard" PCR test was never meant to be a test and the inventor of it --- who was outspoken in general -- conveniently passed just months before the scamdemic.

By speaking out to warn others about what has happened to my patients from this experimental injection, I have been threatened, punished, and investigated by the medical authorities for the crime of causing vaccine hesitancy.

Dr. Hoffe: https://www.bitchute.com/video/saFxQbvGRncH/

Very fishy.

Further links of interest:
Last edited by Blanko on Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: what is going around here?

Post by Blanko » Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:56 pm

Speaking of psychopathy, as I was walking home I couldn't help but notice the sky has been plastered over with white chemicals from jet engines. NOT contrails. A deliberate plastering of something using jet engines.

Supposedly this is a good website on that topic: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

I haven't spent much time on it, but I'm certain there is a deliberate program behind what I consistently see in the skies.

Once you understand psychopathy and a more accurate picture of the world structure, you'll not be so easily duped by the various tools & tactics they use against the public.

I knew with confidence around March of 2020 the COVID narrative pushed so heavily by the MSM and various minions of the establishment was not true and was meant to deceive, manipulate and control the general public.

So of course I never considered taking the "experimental" injections. Presumably at some level of the hierarchy there is knowledge about what these fishy injections actually are about. Here, we can only speculate.

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Re: what is going around here?

Post by Blanko » Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:03 pm

Ex-WWE wrestler Sara Lee dead at 30: https://nypost.com/2022/10/06/ex-wwe-wrestler-sara-lee-dead-at-30/

The highest rated comment:
Have you noticed that "safe and effective" has been replaced by "suddenly and unexpectedly"?

Her last post on Instagram was just one day ago.

She stated,
Celebrating finally being healthy enough to go to the gym 2 days in a row. First ever sinus infection kicked my butt.

Most fishy they will not reveal the cause of death. Why not?

Another young woman:


Our beautiful 20 year old healthy daughter, Regan Lewis, had a Covid shot yesterday so she could participate in her clinicals. Today, she went into cardiac arrest and has been flown to Kearney. She is on a ventilator and is fighting for her life. PLEASE PRAY FOR HER!

Imagine the kind of cold psychopathy mandating people have this dangerous garbage multiple times injected into their bodies.

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