by Telefunk » Mon May 15, 2023 12:37 pm
I decided to conduct an experiment by doing vitamin c flushes daily, upon waking. I started about two weeks ago, and was easily able to flush at 10g. After a few days, 10g no longer induced a flush, so I slowly increased to 15g. Long story short, over two weeks of daily c flushes, the required dose has gone up over 40g, at one time. I feel great, but this contradicts Dr. Levy's and Dr. Jaffe's concept that your body will tolerate more if it is more toxic. If anything, the BT should be going down. I have a strong feeling, at this rate I will be able to tolerate 50-100g in a single dose without flushing. This is getting into IV levels though simple oral consumption. I would be very interested in measuring my blood levels, does anyone know a cheap way to do at home?