Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by jimmylesante » Wed Dec 28, 2022 12:50 pm

Hey eDOC.
I know i could make 100 x that amount but i don't have that amount to begin with at the moment.
I suppose i am missing out on IV zinc and an ionosphere such as hesperidin/quercetin. Perhaps.... but don't have your knowledge or experience.
I would like to help other people who can't afford it but are struggling too. Perhaps i will even set up a charity in UK so donations can be tax deductable for clients.
I will email you eDOC...if i work 100hrs a week i can afford it in 4-6months #determined.

P>S my wife also will need it- got double jabbed against my advice but to keep her job. Now had covid 3 times and a cough that won't go away.

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Spike Removal!! Life long immunity!!

Post by eDOC » Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:57 pm

I was assuming that my removal protocol would work for All i.e. infected and 2 mRNAs.
Removing infected is the simplest for me. Developed a different for Pfizer, with which I was vaxxed. A few days back had to go to my Research Centre for removing Spike from a Moderna vaxxed, initially it failed, BUT later after some modifications it worked.

My cure protocol provides long term immunity (Neutralizing Abs) not just against all present and future SARS-CoV-2 variants which would emerge, but also against Hep C, Ebola, Dengue, Zika HIV and a few more. My serum was tested against them in a high safety biolab on live viruses, not pseudo, attenuated or VLP.


PS: Shall post, since a mishap occurred on the way back, was early morning (3 am) being immensely satisfied, on the highway with melted snow my car hit the concrete divider on a sharp curve, and flipped twice before resting on the roof. Suffered multiple blunt injuries and a subdural hematoma. Am lucky to be alive. Though the car got wrecked/totaled...
Being a conv. Neurologist not went for a burr hole but used my modalities and am almost good both clinically and on scans.

I don't work for pennies and cents. (Taught by Owner).
Enjoy the read!!
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Decrease in new Cases? mRNAs!!

Post by eDOC » Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:25 pm

Why a decrease in new cases and mortalities on weekends vs. working days?
Daily mortalities for ANY nation is mostly related/directly proportional to those who used mRNAs for getting pop. vaxxed.
Nation with which I traded my protocols, has none daily mortalities, and a few new cases which get cured in max. 48 hrs. despite that it vaxxed earlier using mRNAs. Cause now they have all 4, CURE, Spike removal, long term immunity even if exposed etc.


PS: e.g. US: on Thurs: 209, Fri: i.e. yesterday 104. Also earlier posted #51.
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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:29 pm

eDOC wrote:PS: Shall post, since a mishap occurred on the way back, was early morning (3 am) being immensely satisfied, on the highway with melted snow my car hit the concrete divider on a sharp curve, and flipped twice before resting on the roof. Suffered multiple blunt injuries and a subdural hematoma. Am lucky to be alive. Though the car got wrecked/totaled...
Being a conv. Neuroogist not went for a burr hole but used my modalities and am almost good both clinically and on scans.l

Whew! Glad we didn't lose you. Get well soon.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Spike removal post vax with supplements study!

Post by eDOC » Mon Feb 06, 2023 1:55 pm


This replica study was conducted at my Research Centre (setup after the trade) and wasn't funded by any pharma supplement and labs reagents supplier!

I am all healed well after the accident and SDH (Subdural hematoma) etc. all resolved, none residual deficits after 3 cocktail infusions. It's simple, glad I opted to avoid burr hole despite being a conv. Neurologist.

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Spike Removal in 2 hrs.!!

Post by eDOC » Mon Feb 06, 2023 2:23 pm

Here is one example of how I removed Spike Post infection in 2 hrs. and repaired the multiple damages it had incurred.

viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15471&start=15 Post #26.

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Repeat Spike Removal!! COVID Serology!!

Post by eDOC » Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:03 pm

Nik2201 Annual check lab results performed on 27th Jan'23: (using no supplements/meds/my modalities any more):


Enjoy and more yet to come.

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:29 pm

eDOC wrote:
ofonorow wrote:Get well soon.

Thanks, I shall be back very soon.
My family house back (lots of bonds attached to it) which I had to sell for the Research Centre.


Atrial- Fib CURE, Spike Removal protocols trade off should help get back my house!!

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Pros of Spike and it's removal!!

Post by eDOC » Tue Feb 14, 2023 10:39 am

Spike is the culprit for most of the complications post infection or post vaxxed, in healthy young, elderly and in susceptible.

Like I got mine removed approx. 2 hrs. post vax almost 9 months back. Than I didn't have an exact idea of the levels of NAbs developed, and which besides SARS-CoV-2 they were effective against.

But now with my Research Centre functional, (mentioned in post #55) , If some one has the knowledge, expertise to remove it and confer long term immunity (like in my case) produces high titers of Neutralizing Abs against all SARS-CoV-2 variants and other lethal viruses. None needs for any protection gear (masks etc.) or getting vaxxed, boosters etc.

I daily witness labs of people post infection or mRNA vax with low titers (300 BAU) of IgG against Spike, with none NAbs. But when I remove Spike and start the long term immunity protocol they too develop high titers like mine, which neutralize all SARS-CoV-2 and some others.


BTW this is being hypothesized by virologists globally NOW, a link from a so called reputed med. journal (published last week) sent to me by a patient. BUT they don't have the authentic protocol to remove Spike, ways to enhance the production of Immune response elements and have have no clue that it could not only be beneficial for SARS-CoV-2 but for other lethal viruses too.
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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by jimmylesante » Tue Feb 14, 2023 6:04 pm

I understand the protocol gives a good boost to the immune system but to ALWAYS have immunity.....would this mean a daily or weekly protocol to keep this immunity up?

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:57 pm

jimmylesante wrote:I understand the protocol gives a good boost to the immune system but to ALWAYS have immunity.....would this mean a daily or weekly protocol to keep this immunity up?

It depends on 2 factors, profession (e.g. medical, exposures etc.) and health/immune status.
I had mine 9 months back and still the NAbs against all tested are sky high, despite my unhealthy life style with none consumption of supplements etc. And all my patients haven't required yet.
NOT daily or weekly, max once/twice yearly or after having checked for them, if the titers have fallen too low. OR if am treating a HIV, Hep C patient, would get them rechecked.

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Major breakthrough!!

Post by eDOC » Fri Feb 17, 2023 12:10 am

My long term immunity protocol developed approx. 3 yrs ago, having treated/cured +250K COVID patients with none protection and not been infected was lurking in my mind, since a few weeks.

I decided to employ it on a nonvaxxed, noninfected person (since my Research Centre is functional now). The person developed high titers of IRE especially CD4, CD8 T cells and NK cells. Was exposed to live SARS-CoV-2 for 6 hrs. and remained noninfected (RT-PCR neg). Serum was again tested against live SARS-CoV-2 variants, lethal viruses which it effectively neutralized. Most importantly it even neutralized some tumor cells, both solid and hematological.

It eludes the need for getting vaxxed, removing Spike and than using it. That still is a option for both Spike removal in susceptible, symptomatic and producing Neutralizing Abs, using this one would never get infected not just with covid but others too, like in my case, plus would help treating malignancies.

Am hoping the trade off of this along with Atrial- Fib cure, would help in getting back my house.

Enjoy the post.

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:46 pm

Cured 4 infected, (who previously were vaxxed with mRNAs) with JN.1 variant in 48 hrs. (RT-PCR neg). Posted earlier in this thread, an effective vaccine can never be developed for this unstable virus and new variants would keep emerging. Both vaccines and oral meds provide none protection against the newer variants.

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Re: Mpox: Lis. Monocytogenes Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:41 pm

I developed the cure for Mpox Clade II a/b, back in 'June 22 and cured a few during covid pandemic.
A few weeks back 5 cases, infected with clade I came to my knowledge. I refined the protocol and was lucky to get the opportunity to treat and cure one of them. I think, a member who follows me on X knows about that (could be wrong about his X handle)......

I heard about the hype about Lis. Mon outbreak in some regions, from my partners in Orl., it's simple to cure, not the way that they are trying to treat.

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