Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Sun Mar 17, 2024 9:58 pm

I am also interested in any good scientific references to findings that vitamin B6 "causes neuropathy"[/color][/b]

Quoting from NIH (National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements:

Can vitamin B6 be harmful?

People almost never get too much vitamin B6 from food or beverages. However, taking high amounts of vitamin B6 from supplements for a year or longer can cause
severe nerve damage, leading people to lose control of their bodily movements. The symptoms usually stop when they stop taking the supplements. Other symptoms
of too much vitamin B6 include painful, unsightly skin patches, extreme sensitivity to sunlight, nausea, and heartburn.

That sounds like I very well might have screwed up with B6. So here's hoping they are right that it usually goes away once stopped. I hope the neuropathy is not permanent.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by pamojja » Mon Mar 18, 2024 4:17 am

Be prepared. In my case, it ceased about 1 year after stopping pyridoxine only.

GWS wrote:Yes, I was talked into the Moderna Vaccine and the first booster......but no more. If I had known at the time, I was already protected by the Vitamin C
protocol.....and a product my ER doctor brother soon encouraged me to add called ADK 10, by Biote, which is a Vitamin A, D3, K2 capsule....1,500mcg, 250mcg, 250mcg respectively.

But do also consider into the FLCCC alliance treatment protocol against spike protein.

In my case 200 mcg vitamin D used up all its co-factor magnesium, causing severe Mg-deficiency after some years. Not even 1800 mg/d of elemental Mg could counter. Only additional Mg-sulfate IVs finally ceased very painful muscle-cramps from Mg-deficiency.

Only above 6000 mcg/d of preformed vitamin A would stop infrequent psoriasis and retinal migraine flare-ups, exactly the amount Linus Pauling recommended as preformed vitamin A as deficiency-preventive daily dose.

About 18000 mcg/d in average for many years in my case were necessary for a remission from a walking-disability due to PAD.

To be secure, I would test vitamin D serum 25(OH)D and retinol levels after some months on such doses. And retest after some further month to adjust the doses to your individual needs.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Wed May 22, 2024 10:24 pm

Quoting Pamojja, concerning neuropathy:
Be prepared. In my case, it ceased about 1 year after stopping pyridoxine only.
Thank you for that post! Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine (PN) was indeed the cause and I immediately got off of it. But I am still suffering from it....besides the pins and needles in my feet....the shooting pains.....balance problems and loss of hand coordination skills...(can't hardly even use a pen to sign my name) it appears I get to suffer this for a long time too.....the following, in the NIH, describes my experience exactly:

In that article (under "Clinical presentation of PN-induced neuropathy" section), I quote:
Following withdrawal from PN, symptoms often progressed before gradually improving. Dramatic improvements were usually observed within ∼6 mo; however, distal sensory perception was often diminished. During recovery, loss of vibrational sense persisted longer than with the other modalities. In those who were followed up, patients were almost fully recovered within 2–3 y

Oh goody! I get to live this hell for years, maybe! I'm trying to learn about Edoc's DMSO. I have a P.A. son-in-law, and an E.R. Doc brother here in my New Mexico hometown, but they are not about to IV me with DMSO! They both said, "What's that?" An example of "standard of care" blinders?... that takes 10 years to change even when outdated? Geesh....I only design & build homes, but I've known about DMSO for 20 years. I just bought 2 bottles of 99.9% from Heiltropfen. Now I just need some kind of topical application protocol. Wondering if 3 parts DMSO mixed in 7 parts Distilled H20 mixed in a glass bowel is reasonable. Something to start with....applied with a sterile pad held by forceps...since I hear I shouldn't use vinyl gloves......apply to washed and dried feet? :)

Warning to those taking B vitamins: Once a day B complex 100 (100mg of PN) in the morning and an L-Arginine liquid supplement with a smaller amount of PN at night was all the Pyridoxine I was taking. B....not even B-12, and off L-Arg. Both those products with B-6 was "Now" brand....probably Chinese. Still taking proline, lysine, and 8g of acorbic acid powder. Still feel great heart-wise, not so great feet and balance....withstanding. :roll:

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by eDOC » Fri May 31, 2024 6:57 pm

Reply deleted!!
Once they treat you like an option, show them how many you got!

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:12 pm

I responded today to your personal message.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by eDOC » Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:27 pm

I responded today to your personal message.
If you are referring to me, I never messaged you, neither I receive notifications. Btw- I did read both the message and the deleted post. You can go to Levy or Kalcher, I highly doubt that they can even treat you, forget a cure....neither am I interested in treating you.

Once they treat you like an option, show them how many you got!

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:51 pm

I responded today to your personal message.
If you are referring to me, I never messaged you, neither I receive notifications. Btw- I did read both the message and the deleted post. You can go to Levy or Kalcher, I highly doubt that they can even treat you, forget a cure....neither am I interested in treating you.

So I reply to somebody else's message to me? yet the reply came to you? and you read it, but you didn't send the message I replied to?.......right. You couldn't have read a private message to someone else.....unless you are a secret moderator here. I just replied to it....wherever it came from....and you answered the reply here. I snipped a copy of your message to me, I could post it here for all to see, if you want. Don't worry....I won't, unless you force me to. All in the heck I was asking was to get some transparency from you. I just said Levy and Kalcher use their real names....what's yours? I don't mind paying for treatment....but not to a phantom, or a fake, one deserves to know who he is being treated by. Your reaction is telling.

This started private....surprised you answered publicly.....Ofonorow will probably want to delete this whole thread now....ok by me.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by eDOC » Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:07 pm

1. Forums have had problems since a few moths, replies being deleted.
2. Yes message wasn't from me, but landed in my inbox, my sent folder is empty.
3. I am no secret mod.
4. Members message or email me, once they get frustrated like Nik2201, I never approach them. 5 different disease all cured, lives 10K miles away, sent his labs, Angio to the so called top Cardios and they had a unanimous decision, pacemaker and life long beta blockers. Was on Pauling's for yrs.
5. You need not try to threaten me by saying that you might post the cropped/snippet. You are more than welcome. It's the same for all which I shall post myself.

"My consult charges are 20K (according to the disease), am a prof. doc and the funds go my Research Center." Either they say treat or wait till we get hold of the funds. A couple months back a member for yrs., never ever posted sent a direct email that wants to be my paid patient.

6. I only step in when all fail. In the above deleted post I wrote "Peripheral neuropathy is just one of the symptoms of your main disease, which most likely is progressive. I'll let the med pros and/ or the well read members help." Deep inside I know that none can cure you.
7. If you hadn't posted the indecent remarks (in your deleted reply which I happened to read), I would not only have treated this but your cardiac issues, without life long dependence on supplements.
8. +37 yrs practicing medicine, and 14 yrs. using DMSO on humans alone or in combination to treat/cure all kinds of ailments, I have never went wrong.
9. Those who approach me are not interested, in my credentials, skin color, race. What they are is in results which they get. Am so confident (not arrogant) at times I say if you don't get cured, would refund.
10. I can realize the agony which you are going through.
11. You have enough med related people in your family and still wasting time here, amazing. DMSO brand is substandard. No labs/images etc. I don't believe in links but on ground reality.


PS: Forum software still has issues, I don't get notified am not a regular member and don't expect anything more from my end.
Once they treat you like an option, show them how many you got!

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:31 pm

I posted the private message to eDoc in private, in respect to him. It was written only to explain my reservations about sending him 15K he asked for. (dollars I assume, and now increased to 20K) without knowing anything about him. I only mentioned his ethnicity because it's one of the very few things HE posted about himself. I'm definitely not racist, we are all God's offspring. The cardiologist I chose to do my double heart bypass 17 years ago was black, and he was an awesome surgeon! He did tell me though, that that operation was not repeatable...."so don't get any more blockages", he said. And I did, and they couldn't operate, and Dr. Pauling came to my rescue....for which my wife and I are very thankful.

As for Edoc, I just wanted to know more about him before I sent him, 15K!! (dollars I assume). That's a lot of money. With Pauling, I was able to self-treat and do it successfully. I feel great now.....then the new thing, sudden peripheral neuropathy. Heck I can hike in my beloved Colorado mountainsagain....but not so safe to do with neuropathy. Maybe my choice of words were poor but I meant no disrespect. I was floored by a complete stranger wanting me to send that kind of money completely on faith alone.

If he was God...maybe. (I noticed someone named God is a member here too?) Anyone else, I expect more transparency, reverse respect. IOW's patients deserve some respect too.

At this point, if there's such a thing as respect for posters/patients, I'd prefer it if the moderator would just delete this whole thread.....and I'll disappear. I no longer want to be a member here.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by pamojja » Tue Jun 04, 2024 5:27 am

At this point, if there's such a thing as respect for posters/patients, I'd prefer it if the moderator would just delete this whole thread.....and I'll disappear. I no longer want to be a member here.
Better reconsider. For keeping it as a warning post for others. This forum is all about self-treatment with vitamin C and other alternatives. In the tradition of Linux Pauling, all shared freely without expecting anything in return.

So many very much contributing members have already left. Unwanted responses are disposed under Rants and Misc. Health, opening to empty white pages. The forum software is simply unfit for its purpose too, deleting old post after some time, and in another glitch, randomly deleting the content of numerous posts.

eDoc is here for the money only. He abuses this forum as a free advertisement platform for his spam. It can't get worse, only a shadow of this forum in the past. With all knowledgeable routinely posting and very knowledgeable members driven away.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by GWS » Wed Jun 05, 2024 12:35 am

Better reconsider. For keeping it as a warning post for others. This forum is all about self-treatment with vitamin C and other alternatives. In the tradition of Linux Pauling, all shared freely without expecting anything in return.

So many very much contributing members have already left. Unwanted responses are disposed under Rants and Misc. Health, opening to empty white pages. The forum software is simply unfit for its purpose too, deleting old post after some time, and in another glitch, randomly deleting the content of numerous posts.

eDoc is here for the money only. He abuses this forum as a free advertisement platform for his spam. It can't get worse, only a shadow of this forum in the past. With all knowledgeable routinely posting and very knowledgeable members driven away.
Well I thought the forum was for all that, but reality is a little different. He and the mods appear to be tight. Not going to get in the way, not going to worry about it. Not going to be a phantom's patient either. Maybe he's getting rich doing this, but it's pretty quiet around maybe not. If he's part of the reason for the quiet forum it's not apparent to the mods. Keep in touch. I appreciate all your input and help.

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Re: Pauling saved my life too. Now neuropathy

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:13 pm

Sorry about your problems interacting with eDOC who many years ago joined our forum after he was forced out of a Florida practice because he had discovered vitamin C was helping acute infection. He posted a few reports. Since then he seems to have discarded using vitamin C in favor of DMSO, and his knowledge of what DMSO, and other modalities, e.g. cesium chloride, can do has been very interesting.

Back to neuropathy, do some research on Lion's Main mushrooms. I've watched quite a few youtube videos recently on Lion's Main, and the mushroom species contains at least 2 peptides that rejuvenate/respawn brain/nerve stem cells. Normally, nerves are the slowest regenerating cells in the human body. Logically, one of the causes of neuropathy might be nerve degeneration. (In the Coleman book I'm reading, RETHINKING PARKINSON'S, Parkinson's results from the death of a large number of brain cells. He says that it requires at least 3 years to recover from Parkinsons.)
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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