So What I learned is 34 Mg/Kg doesn't really give a whole lot of protection. 50 Mg/Kg would probably be better for prevention. At 60 Mg/Kg healing starts. At 90 Mg/Kg things really start to happen. In Dr. Klenner's writings he seemed to start his dosages at 100 Mg/Kg. Of course he was IV-ing and shooting IM but he also used oral doses as follow ups at pretty good rates.
I miss johnwen!
Below is one of jonwen's testimonials posted on the Tower Laboratories web site..
We recently had a caller who claimed that Pauling's therapy did not work in his case. We were hoping he would contact me, and we could post his case at the forum and try to get to the bottom of it. This testimony from Johnwen illustrates how the same dosage in two people can have opposite effects, based entirely on body weight.
john & Ruby Wenskus (Retired Cardiologist)
History of Triple Bypass for Diagnosed Coronary Artery Disease With New Blockage Developing
October 18, 2002
"My wife has been on Heart Tech for 15 months now (1 jar HT) after 3 bypass. She had an additional artery closing down and the doctor was going to do brachatherapy on her when they went in one month after starting on Tower Heart Technology™ the blockage was gone and they backed out.
Bottom line, "This stuff WORKS!!
Update September 22, 2009
Thanks to heart tech! My wife is still doing just fine.
I'd like to relay an experience and knowledge I encountered with my health over the last year. During my routine exam about a year ago my Dr. noticed a burp in my left carotid artery and sent me for an Echo. It turns out I HAD a 30% blockage there. I was shocked since me and the wife take the same supplements. She cleared out, I'm blocking up. So back to the books, the Internet, the library. When I finally figured it out I really felt stupid.
The whole answer broke down to one equation "Mg/Kg"
In Dr Klenner's writings he describes his dosage for the various diseases he treated with V-C and how he applied it for the individual patients using their weight and this formula. My wife weighs 110 lbs. 49.6 Kg and I weigh 195 lbs. 88 Kg. We take 3000 mg. a day. She figures at 3000/49.6=60.5 Mg/Kg V-C. Me 3000/88=34 Mg/Kg V-C I'm getting a little more than half of what she's getting. She's doing great, I'm going down hill. It was all too obvious I wasn't getting enough V-C.
So I went up to 6000 mg with no problem. At about 8000 mg I started having a little problem but muscled thru it. Held at 8000 for three months then back down to 6000 mg. At the four month Echo Follow up I had a so-called "Fatty Streak" in the artery. Four months later June 09 Echo. Results were "Normal, See you Next year!" So Score another one for Vitamin C.
I'll tell you one thing about the process of healing my carotid artery. It sure lets you know something is happening there. A few times it felt like someone kicked me in the neck, now it's back to normal.
So What I learned is 34 Mg/Kg doesn't really give a whole lot of protection. 50 Mg/Kg would probably be better for prevention. At 60 Mg/Kg healing starts. At 90 Mg/Kg things really start to happen. In Dr. Klenner's writings he seemed to start his dosages at 100 Mg/Kg. Of course he was IV-ing and shooting IM but he also used oral doses as follow ups at pretty good rates.
In the forum I noticed a few instances where people say things were going good at first when they took one of your products and then turned south. You rightfully tell them to titrate up but I can't help but to think how much their weight has changed. Playing with this formula I found even a five pound weight gain can put you in a different dosage range and if they were on the border to begin with now they're heading in the wrong direction.
So there you have it. Einstein Gave us E=Mc 2 and the world was amazed, but did it save a life? Klenner gave us Mg/Kg and no one noticed yet it could save millions of lives.
Before I let you go I came across this article that compares Lipid Theory with the Unified Theory. Very well written in plain language.
John Wenskus
LINK Below ... theory.pdf