Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 19, 2022 11:13 am

This from new member Blanko

I am seeking to join the forum to gain more knowledge of using ascorbic acid for infections.

I was swimming invasively in a shallow lake in the evening. During the day it would have been populated by many people, including children. Water was pretty stagnant. I wasn't thinking straight or else I should have chosen another area to dive down and emerge repeatedly as I was, getting water all through my sinuses.

Became very sick soon after that. Felt like I was going to die, but I knew if I stayed in bed I'd probably be better soon. After about a day in bed, I was feeling much better, but then left with an irritating sensation in my chest and throat that makes me feel like I need to constantly cough.

I'm not comfortable, and it's about two weeks of that now.

I have a good amount of ascorbic acid on hand, and am realizing my body can tolerate a great deal without diarrhea. Normally I can't tolerate much without problematically loose stools.

Therefore, I hope if I keep up very high doses of ascorbic acid for a few days, I can get over this, whatever it is.

In the meantime I want to register to the forum so that I can search around it better.

I assume it has a search function for those logged in?

Do you think high doses of ascorbic acid will be enough to cure me?

I've tried oregano oil as well.

- Blanko

Given your high vitamin C bowel tolerance, I would continue taking as much as you can until you get close to Diarrhea. The amount of vitamin C you can take without diarrhea may help determine the infectious agent (bacteria or virus). I the lake is the cause, most likely bacteria.

Keeping the vitamin C levels high can ward of secondary infections (that set in as your vitamin C levels decline)

Vitamin C, by itself, while great for immune function, has not be known for its ability to deal with bacteria.

One option is to try and have the bacteria cultured and take an antibiotic that is known to control it. I don't like that idea, but in my case, afterhaving a MRSA (antibiotic resistance strain of staph) the correct antibiotic was the only thing that controlled the infection.

The MEDICAL MEDIUM books, while devoted to anti-viral protocols, do suggest protocols for various bacteria. For example, this protocol is what the Medical Medium recommendation for a sore throat. (If you try it, please let us know if it wor

Elderberry syrup,
lomatium root,
vitamin C, and
mullein-garlic ear oil.

"(strep) infections can usually be handled easily with natural antibacterials and antivirals such as elderberry syrup, lomatium root, zinc, goldenseal, vitamin C, and mullein-garlic ear oil.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by Blanko » Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:54 pm

What are your thoughts on fasting? I'm thinking I'll need to fast to get over this without using antibiotics. I have lots of pills of Amoxicillin on hand from an old prescription, but will like to get well without it if I can. I'm pretty sure every time I eat something I set myself back, so I'm trying fasting now.

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by Blanko » Wed Sep 21, 2022 7:59 am

I can taste the ascorbic acid in my mouth. I've been taking both powder and capsules. The power I mix with baking soda. I believe the ascorbic acid I take from my mouth simply is from the very high levels I've been having. Are you sure this is not bad for my teeth?

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by Blanko » Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:46 am

Also, being just after summer, I am dark from sunbathing all summer, so I haven't been supplementing with D3. Would you recommend that even so, taken with vitamin K? For many years, vitamin D recommendations were very low, and then suddenly people began believing quite high doses beneficial. I don't want to negative effects from excess D, and I really enjoy the sun, so I assume I'm adequately replete.

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 21, 2022 1:20 pm

Blanko wrote:What are your thoughts on fasting? I'm thinking I'll need to fast to get over this without using antibiotics. I have lots of pills of Amoxicillin on hand from an old prescription, but will like to get well without it if I can. I'm pretty sure every time I eat something I set myself back, so I'm trying fasting now.

Taking antibiotics aren't usually a good idea, but an especially bad idea is taking a form that may not work against whatever your are fighting, is hit or miss.

Fasting has pluses and minuses, but using a fast as an antibiotic is not a use I've ever heard of. FIghting cancer, yes.

A little birdie has told me that the problem teeth have with unproductive bacteria are coming up from the gut (due to a lack of stomach acid). Vitamin C should be helpful, not harmful for the teeth.

Vitamin D's main affect seems to be antiviral.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by Blanko » Wed Sep 21, 2022 1:41 pm

Thank you for the helpful replies.

RE: Amoxicillin: "Amoxicillin covers a wide variety of gram-positive bacteria, with some added gram-negative coverage compared to penicillin. Like penicillin, it covers most Streptococcus species and has improved coverage of Listeria monocytogenes and Enterococcus spp. It also has coverage over Haemophilus influenzae, some Escherichia coli, Actinomyces spp., Clostridium species, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., and Corynebacteria species."

You think testing bacteria deep in my throat should and sending it to a lab should allow the doc to give a more specific product. Most doctors don't want to wait on lab results, so they give out broad spectrum ones like Amoxicillin.

Also, I read on an Amazon review someone was treated with antibiotics and nothing was working, so the doctors were going to amputate his hip. As a last resort, he tried oregano oil, and that fixed the infection problem. Therefore, it seems oregano oil properly dosed can be just as or even more potent than antibiotics.

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:21 am

The problem is that if you only partially kill some bug, the stronger bugs that survive have children, creating strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria. So if you don't have a full 10 day supply, be careful. Also, why not go to an urgent care and get a prescription?

Oregano oil is a good idea.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by Blanko » Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:16 pm

Owen, see this: Why You May Not Have to Finish All Your Antibiotics: https://www.livescience.com/59951-should-you-finish-antibiotics.html

The original theory was this: Treating bacterial infections with an antibiotic kills those bacteria, but this may take a week or more to accomplish. If you stop treatment early, you have only killed the weaker of the bacteria, those bugs most readily wiped out by the antibiotic. The ones leftover are the tougher bacteria, which would have been killed if the treatment continued but now, in the absence of antibiotics, have room to multiply and pass their genetic-based resilience to their progeny. Next time around, the infection is that much tougher.

On one level, the theory made sense. Bacteria that do survive an onslaught of antibiotics do indeed reproduce quickly and pass along those traits that made them resistant to the antibiotics.

Yet infectious disease experts have known for at least two decades that this theory is flawed. The British microbial specialist Harold Lambert wrote in a 1999 Lancet journal article that antibacterial resistance rarely arises in one patient from one treatment.

Also, I do have a full supply. I didn't use the prescription when I was given it before, so I have a full container of Amoxicillin pills.

Antibiotics wipe out all bacteria, which are a vital part of our bodies, and do create problems, so should be avoided if possible.

I have no trouble breathing and am not in any urgent situation. I just have a persistently annoying cough and itch.

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by ofonorow » Sun Oct 02, 2022 10:56 am

Antibiotics wipe out all bacteria

Not true, but certain antibiotics may wipe out some so-called good gut flora.

From the book Dr. Mary's Monkey by Ed Haslam we learn this "fun fact;" that one year (1943) after the introduction of antibiotics (1942) during world-war II, the viral polio epidemic exploded.

This isn't discussed, but people who know this have theorized that the polio virus resides in people somewhat harmless, but that the new antibiotics affected the lining of the gut, allowing the virus into the blood stream.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by Saw » Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:19 pm

ofonorow wrote:
Antibiotics wipe out all bacteria

Not true, but certain antibiotics may wipe out some so-called good gut flora.

From the book Dr. Mary's Monkey by Ed Haslam we learn this "fun fact;" that one year (1943) after the introduction of antibiotics (1942) during world-war II, the viral polio epidemic exploded.

This isn't discussed, but people who know this have theorized that the polio virus resides in people somewhat harmless, but that the new antibiotics affected the lining of the gut, allowing the virus into the blood stream.

There is no polio virus or any other, snap out of it. Read something useful, learn how viruses are isolated, how sequencing is done, how alignment is performed.

Blanko wrote:Also, I do have a full supply. I didn't use the prescription when I was given it before, so I have a full container of Amoxicillin pills.

Antibiotics wipe out all bacteria, which are a vital part of our bodies, and do create problems, so should be avoided if possible.

I have no trouble breathing and am not in any urgent situation. I just have a persistently annoying cough and itch.

Antibiotics are bug specific, hit and miss. Oil of oregano is good, you could also try CDS/MMS. I had an eye infection
from the beach, wind blew something in the eye. Was progressively getting worse over a week, went from redness to swelling below the eye.
Started MMS protocol (12 drops each) in 500ml water (2 per day) after about 3 days swelling is diminishing and looks 90% normal now.
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by Blanko » Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:12 pm

Is MMS better than colloidal silver? If I feel eye irritation I usually put some drops of Sovereign Silver (a commercial colloidal silver solution) in the eye.

The oregano oil I am finding is much more effective when I don't dilute it too heavily with olive oil and let it stay in the mouth and throat region for a while versus diluting it too much and just swallowing it straight down.

RE: antibiotics, they work against different types of bacteria, but they will all wipe out lots of healthy, beneficial bacteria. There's well known links between antibiotics use and cancer.

For instance: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18704945/
Our data strongly support the hypothesis that the intake of antibiotics is positively associated with the risk of cancer development.

I am happy with the approach I've taken. I'm getting better gradually without shocking the system with damaging drugs.

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by ofonorow » Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:13 am

There is no polio virus or any other, snap out of it. Read something useful, learn how viruses are isolated, how sequencing is done, how alignment is performed.

Says you, Mr." Flat Earth society" member, who ignores the mountain of evidence to the contrary. Take your head out of the sand. Why not comment on this post, from the first people who proved (by culturing and transferring viruses), that certain viruses cause cancers.


I submit that unlike real scientists, you are only interested in data that supports your theory.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by Saw » Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:39 pm

ofonorow wrote:
There is no polio virus or any other, snap out of it. Read something useful, learn how viruses are isolated, how sequencing is done, how alignment is performed.

Says you, Mr." Flat Earth society" member, who ignores the mountain of evidence to the contrary. Take your head out of the sand. Why not comment on this post, from the first people who proved (by culturing and transferring viruses), that certain viruses cause cancers.


I submit that unlike real scientists, you are only interested in data that supports your theory.

How does the flat earth society fit in here exactly? you've brought it up half a dozen times now.
Lets see, 2000 years ago they thought the world was flat and 2000 years ago they thought there were invisible agents making people sick.
Today they say the world is a ball and there are still invisible things making people sick. Your statement is self debunking just like virology.
Very cryptic stuff, I don't get it, but I will read your "evidence of a virus" paper anyway just on the chance there is some science in it.
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: Looking for Advice on Vitamin C for Bad Infection.

Post by Blanko » Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:29 am

Currently have the same upper respiratory symptoms I had from that 'bad infection'. This time it is from toxic fumes. Seems oregano oil is what I found most helpful at that time.

Symptoms feel quite identical even though the source of the problem is totally different. I know I have very sensitive lungs because anything that irritates them in a strong way seems to cause this persistent irritation in the chest and the feeling of needing to cough constantly without being able to cough up the source of the irritation. In addition feel unsatisfied with my respiration. Uncomfortable. Not going to die but unable to enjoy the breathing quality I need to be comfortable.

Nothing I've taken has helped. In fact, during that infection I had a very high tolerance for ascorbic acid. Not currently. Seems I quickly reach bowel tolerance, which may make sense since the source of the problem this time is not an infection.

Maybe just need time... but I am very uncomfortable like this. The relief I had when I was finally over the irritation was incredibly gratifying, but I looked back at my notes and it lasted over 2 weeks despite trying everything.

Not sure what to do this time. Totally different cause.

I think green tea has been the most beneficial treatment I've tried so far. Very temporary benefits though.

Just read this, so I guess it makes sense:

The effect of caffeine in people with asthma: https://www.cochrane.org/CD001112/AIRWA ... ith-asthma

"Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, cola drinks and cocoa. Caffeine is a drug that is very similar to theophylline. Theophylline is a bronchodilator drug that is taken to open up the airways in the lungs and therefore relieve the symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing, coughing and breathlessness."

Therefore I'll look into asthma treatments.

The green tea does make me feel better while I am drinking it.

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